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"Did we really need this much stuff." Ben groaned bringing in all the bags from the various stores they went too.

"We are having a baby Benjamin. This is no where near enough." She laughed. "And your the one that bought all those onesies."

"Those onesies were cute we couldn't just leave them." He said sheepishly.

"You picked up every onesie that said something with daddy on it."

"I didn't see you complaining with all the mommy's this or that and you happened to like the one that said "Don't check out my daddy because mommy's crazy."

"That was the truth."

"You shouldn't be doing this!" Ben insisted as Miranda walked in to the nursery, paintbrushes in both hands, and her oldest clothes on, ready to paint away.

"I'm sure a little bit of painting isn't going to do much harm! Only half an hour or so, I'll be fine, besides, I'm the artist of the family." She teased grinning up at him, lightly tapping him with her spare paintbrush, "so come on Mister, the sooner we get going the sooner it's done! And the sooner we can start on the crib, and the decorations, and...everything else. Which you can do, if you want, seeing as though you keep complaining about me doing stuff.

"Course I'll do it! How hard can it be?" Ben mused as they began to paint, Ben sticking to the large areas, Miranda keeping with the small parts, mainly the edges. "I mean they come with instructions and everything, so they can't be too difficult to put up, a few screws here, a few screws there."

"This coming from the man who couldn't put up the shelf I wanted."

"you chose the most difficult shelf!" He defended, "You insisted on the zig-zag shelf, the impossible shelf. With impossible screws and hinges and what have you! That took me days to put up! The instructions weren't clear enough for me!"

"You can fix a fence, build a tree house, but a zig zag shelf was complicated?" Miranda questioned and stopped painting for a moment, rubbing her hand against her stomach, their daughter was currently having a field day. Ben continued to ramble on about his skills for a few more minutes, until he noticed Miranda had stopped.

"Babe?" He looked down at her as she rubbed her stomach, concern was filling his voice, "Miranda? What is it?"

"Give me your hand." She said with a small grin forming on her delicate face, taking his hand in hers, placing it on her belly. Ben held his hand there feeling the hard kicks. Every time she kicked he normally missed it but today he could finally feel.

"Damn that's strong" he whispered, Miranda nodded. Ben bent down on to his knees, beaming as he felt their little one kick for the first time, and kissed her stomach, "That's-that's...wow! " Ben grinned.

"I know!" Miranda grinned; Ben's grin was always so infectious. His eyes were filled with happiness and excitement.

Most of the room was painted and while Miranda had managed to keep paint off of her clothes, Ben was covered in it. Each time a splotch of paint got on him he would curse, causing Miranda to laugh. Halfway through, Miranda had to sit down. Her swollen ankles weren't exactly allowing her to stand the whole time. But when Tuck and Joey got home from practice, they were glad to help; making a game out of covering Ben in paint.

"You three are ridiculous," Miranda said as she watched Tuck run his paint brush down Joey's back and Ben flick paint at Tuck's face. "I’m telling you right now that you three are doing your own laundry."

"Oh mom, we're just having fun." Tuck laughed.

"I know. And I'm just saying you're washing these clothes yourselves."

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