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"Today's the big day." Miranda said standing by the counter as everyone made their plates.

"Seems like a long time coming." Joey smiled.

"After this life moves very fast." Ben said.

"It does. I'm so proud of you." Miranda said.

"Thank you. It means a lot." He smiled.

"What's his graduation gift?" Tuck asked curiously.

"Don't worry about it." Ben laughed. "You will see tonight at the party.

"What time is Herrera getting here to get Pru?"

"She said 12."


"Aunt Rosalind is meeting us there." Joey said reading the text.

"When do you get your prom pictures back?" She asked curiously.

"They are supposed to be mailing them to the house."

"It's been 2 weeks already." Miranda stated eating her waffles.

"More." Pru said holding up her plate.

"Say can I have some more." Miranda smiled and waited for her to repeat it.

"Can I have more?" She repeated holding up her spoon this time.

Ben got up and put a little bit of everything on her plate, so Miranda could finish eating.

An hour or so later after they all finished eating, laughing and joking with each other Andy came and got Pru.

They boys cleaned up the kitchen. While Ben made sure the backyard was straight. The only thing left was to put the pillows on the chairs. They took them off last week because of the rain.

"Alright baby. We are going to go get haircuts."

"I told you to do that yesterday."

"I know that, but the boys wanted to go today and there was an opening."

"Mmm kay, don't be late then." She responded poking out her lips.

Ben leaned down and kissed her lips, before pulling her close to him.

"You guys are almost sickening." Tuck commented staring at them.

"Don't hate." Ben joked and Miranda laughed.

"At the rate you two go at it. I'm sure there will be another sibling right after Maddy." Joey stated.

"Disagree. There will be nothing else coming out of here. I'm closing up shop."

"Yeah there will only be something going-

"Don't you finish that." She gasped.

"Eww let's go." Tuck grimaced and Joey was right behind him.

Ben laughed and kissed her lips again.

"You are so nasty."

"You like me like that."

"You're right I wouldn't have it no other way. Now go on. I'm going to get myself ready."

Miranda wrapped her hair up and then proceeded to take a shower. She wanted to let the hot water cascade on her aching back. She was having Braxton hicks contractions for two days now.

When Ben and the boys came back Miranda was standing in the mirror. She had already did her hair and had on a full face of makeup up. She would occasionally walk back and forth and pace the room at the discomfort she felt.

"Mommy needs you to stay in there. I gave you the opportunity to come two weeks ago and you didn't. Your brother is graduating today and I am not missing it." Miranda said sternly.

"Are you threatening the baby?" Ben asked stepping out of the shower and seeing her pointing to her stomach with a determined look.

"Yes, I asked her to calm down and stop kicking me." Miranda lied. She knew if she told him how she was feeling, that he would take her straight to the hospital.

Ben laughed and grabbed his towel wrapping it around his waist.

"I don't know if I mentioned this earlier,  but your wife is loving the haircut and trimmed beard."

"Oh really?" He smirked walking to her. He pulled her by her waist and she kissed his lips, ruining her lipstick.

Ben reached up to massage her breast and Miranda smacked his hand away. "They hurt." She informed biting her lip.

"I'm sorry baby." Ben sympathized kissing her neck.

"It's okay, but look how swollen they are." She said opening her robe.

Ben examined her breast. "Wow it's like they got bigger over night." He commented.

"They are so heavy and full." Miranda explained.

"You really could have the baby at any moment. Your due date is in two days."

"Can you believe it. By next week we will have a newborn. A mini you and me." She smiled.

"A mini Miranda. She’s going to be a handful."

"She has your genes as well, so I know she is going to be very dramatic."

"Whatever." He joked. "Now I got to get ready."

Ben left out the room and got dressed, putting on a navy blue dress shirt and black slacks. Miranda could smell his cologne in the bathroom.

She walked into the room and looked him over. He looked really good and truthfully if her breast and back wasn't hurting, she would take him right now.

"Stop looking at me like that, knowing I can't have you." Ben stressed.

"I'm sorry." She pouted.

"This is going to a long 2 months."

"You'll be fine and so tired that you will forget."

"I doubt it." He dragged out. "I'm finished. I'm going to go make sure the boys put the pillows back on the pool and patio chairs outside, then we can go."

"Okay. I'll be down in a minute, I just have to put my dress on." Miranda responded putting on her earrings and necklace. She groaned when she felt her daughter kick and the strong urge to urinate.

She walked back to the bathroom and stood at the sink, holding on to it for support. While stretching her back, Miranda heard a splatter and felt wetness by her feet.

"Shit." Miranda cursed. "I knew this was going to happen." She whined looking at the puddle of clear liquid on the bathroom floor.

She really, really, really didn't want to miss his graduation.

"Think ,think, think." She chanted walking back and forth.

"Miranda come on we don't want to be late." Ben yelled.

"Don't rush me." she yelled back.

Miranda washed her hands and got into a squatting position. She reached down to check her cervix. 2cm dilated. That wasn't bad hopefully she doesn't progress fast. She washed her hands again and walked to her room and pulled her sundress over her body. She put a pair of regular bikini panties on, lined with a pad and didn't worry about a bra since the dress had a built-in one.

Checking herself in the mirror for satisfaction she grabbed her purse and phone off the bed.

Ben stood at the end of the stairs as she came down and Miranda looked at all of her guys in their suits.

"You guys looks so handsome. Let's take pictures."

"Mom." Tuck whined "we're already late."

"So, he will get there on time. Now smile."

Everyone smiled for the pictures before Miranda got in and they rotated people out.

On the drive there Miranda winced at the contractions she felt. She prayed she would make it through the whole thing. They were having a graduation party after and she knew for sure she was missing that.

Ben dropped Joey and Miranda off at the building before him and Tucked parked in the parking garage across the street.

Miranda waited for them to come up since she had the tickets.

"Text your sister where we are sitting and we will save her a seat."

Ben did as told as the walked in the big arena.

"Are you okay?" Ben asked Miranda as they walked up the steps.

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just a lot of stairs."

He nodded and they sat in the second row that had 4 seats available.

Rosalind made it on time and sat on the other side of Tuck.

The graduation started and they watched as the long line of teenagers walked in. Sitting in rows across the middle of the floor.

Miranda had her camera out and was zooming in snapping pictures of Joey. Ben shook his head at her. She probably had over 30 pictures by now, all that she would be posting to her Facebook later.

They listened to the valedictorian give her speech and the SCA president give his before they started calling names. Ben looked over at Miranda and saw her sweating. It was pretty cold in the stadium to him.

Just then Miranda gripped the edge of her seat and blew out a staggered breath.

"Miranda are you okay?" Ben asked looking her over.

Miranda didn't meet his eyes and breathed out a forced yes.

Ben pursed his lips and looked at the time, he started timing her to see what he hoped wasn't the case. At exactly 5 minutes later she gripped the seat again and bit her lip.

Ben shook his head in disbelief this woman was in labor.

"Miranda you're in labor." Ben whispered. She looked at him with a guilty expression.

"How long? Did your water break?"

"It broke right before we left." She huffed.

"Miranda are you insane?"

"No, I'm not missing this. I checked myself before we left, I was only 2cm."

"That was before we left. We have been sitting here for an hour and your contractions are 5 minutes apart."

"Exactly, that means I'm probably only 3 or 4 centimeters now."

"That's when active labor starts." He stressed.

"Okay well they are almost to the P's."

"We didn't grab the car seat, your bag or anything."

"We can get it when we dropped the boys off." She said seriously then gripped his hand tightly.

"Shit." Ben cursed as she held on tightly, this time letting out a whimper.

"Now what are we going to do about this party? It's too late to cancel." She whispered.

"I guess we can still have it. Just let Rosalind stay and monitor, because I don't want people in and out of our house while we are not there."

"I'm glad we got it catered and Schmitt and Helm are there decorating the backyard now, maybe I can ask them to stay as well. Someone has to let the DJ in to get set up."

Miranda and Ben watched the ceremony, and did a commendable job of keeping their emotions in check, that was until Joey's name was called to receive his diploma. At that point, Miranda cried and Ben eyes filled with tears.

He was thankful for Miranda and this life that she gave him. Being a dad was everything and he loved his kids. Joey just graduated and in a few hours they would have a new bundle of joy. Someone else to take care of, to protect, and to love.

After the ceremony, pictures were taken, group shots and individual shots, plus shots of each of them with Joey. 

"Okay guys we are going to drop you off back home and then your mom and I are going to the hospital."

"Are you okay?" Tuck and Joey asked confused.

"I'm fine." Miranda said cutting up the AC. "The baby is coming." She smiled reclining the seat back.

"What?!" Tuck questioned.

"When did?" Joey asked.

"Her water broke before we left and she has been in labor the whole time apparently." Ben said shaking his head.

"I didn't want to miss the graduation." She breathed gripping the seat.

"It would have been ok." Joey said seriously.

"No it wouldn't have been. I wanted to be there for that."

"What about the party?" Tuck asked.

"It's still going to happen because it's too late to cancel. Your Aunt Rosalind and the 19 crew will be there to help."

Ben called Ros and let her know what was going on and asked if she would help. She was more than happy to and kept Congratulations him.

When he pulled up to the house. The boys got out and came around hugging Miranda tightly.

"I will call you all later and text you throughout."

"We will come up there when she is here."

"I want you guys to stay and enjoy the party." She expressed. "This is your big day."

"It's also her big day and debut." Joey laughed.

"She could come tomorrow." Miranda groaned putting her legs up.

"Can one of you go in the house and get me a big cup of Ice."

"I got it." Tuck said jogging off.

"You did so good. I know I keep saying this, but I’m so proud of you."

"Thank you and It wouldn't be possible without you."

Miranda smiled softly and told him congratulations again, before Tuck came back with the ice.


"Okay we got to go." Ben said seriously seeing her dig her hands into the center console.

"Ben baby grab my bag out of the closet, my bedroom shoes, and my robe. Also grab the bags for the baby and her car seat." Miranda said listing out everything. "Get changing close for yourself too."

Ben was glad she mentioned that because he didn't even think about himself at all.

He jogged in the house and grabbed everything she asked for and then packed a bag for himself.

"You ready?" Miranda asked smiling when he got in the car.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He stated leaning over and pecking her lips.

Ben held her hand the whole drive to the hospital, while she occasionally squeezed it.

He pulled up in the front of the hospital and let her out, promising to be right behind her as he got the bags and car seat.  He jogged to the hospital entrance and heard Miranda arguing with Jo.

"No I'm not getting in that." She stressed to her. "I'm your chief and I won't stand for it."

"Chief it's protocol."

"No Wilson. I'm not sitting in that wheelchair I can walk."

"Miranda sit down." Ben said sternly.

Miranda jumped at the sound of his voice and rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'm only sitting because my legs feel like jello." She snapped.

"Thank you." Jo said wheeling her up to maternity.

Ben sat his and Miranda's bag on the bed and the put the baby's bag in the chair on the top of the car seat.

When Miranda had finished changing, stopping once for another contraction that had her bent over, the nurse put an IV into the back of her hand, and hooked her up to all kinds of monitors.

"Hey chief Bailey." Carina smiled walking in.

"Hey sorry I ruined your day off." Miranda smiled.

"Perks of the job. I was just on my way to your house for the party. How do you feel?"

" I feel good, I have really bad back pain though."

"Okay your blood pressure is great and heart rate. Just let me check the fetal heart beat and then Dr. Wilson will check your dilation."

Miranda pulled her gown up so they could hook her to the fetal monitor.

"She is doing great and your contractions are now 3 minutes apart and lasting for 45 seconds."

Ben reached over and put a pillow under her back while Miranda put her legs in the holster so Jo could examine her.

"You are 6 cm chief." Jo informed. "Do you want an epidural because your window is closing in a little bit."

"No I'm fine. I don't want that." Miranda said seriously.

"Okay." Carina said typing something into her tablet.

"Are you sure?" Ben asked her. She was already in intense pain.

"Yes, I didn't with Tuck."

"You were also young when you had Tuck."

"And what am I now?"

"Miranda you know what I mean."

"I don't want it and that's final." She snapped.


"We will be back to check on you." Carina informed stepping out with Jo behind her.

Miranda fixed her self on the bed and tried to lay back, but was met with the worst pain she ever felt maybe in her entire life. It was shooting from her back down to her pelvis.

"Ooh off my back, off my back. Damn." Miranda cursed at the pain.

Ben quickly helped her up into a sitting position and he looked at the tears flowing down her face profusely. Miranda slid off the bed and gripped the sheets tightly.

"Miranda are you okay?"

"Yes, that was just excruciating. She's in my back." Miranda said shakily. "Just get me the ball, a chair or something else."

"Okay let me get Wilson to bring those in." He said before stepping out into the hall.

Jo brought in the birthing ball, the cub, and the chair.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" He asked quietly, rubbing her back as she calmed down from her last spasm.

Miranda rested her head on the bed, leaning heavily over her belly. "Water," she croaked.

Ben nodded and grabbed her cup from the small table in the room and poured her some.

"Thank you," Miranda whispered before straddling the chair facing the back of it.

Rub my back?" She requested softly.

Ben quickly began the ministrations on her tailbone and hips. He could feel the tightness of her pelvis beneath his fingers.

"Scale of 1-10," he said, "how uncomfortable are you?"

"Mmmf," Miranda grunted as Ben dug into her back, "it's getting more intense."

He leaned over and kissed her neck, pushing one last fist into her lower back, before just rubbing soothingly.

"God this hurts." Miranda whispered breathlessly gripping the chair harder.

"I know, but you're doing so well, baby," Ben said encouragingly. "Do you need anything else?"

"My legs are starting to hurt," Miranda responded, shifting her weight. "Can you help me up?"

"Yeah, come here," Ben said quickly, helping her to her feet from off the chair. "Where do you want to go?"

"Hmm," Miranda sighed, "maybe we can just walk around for a minute."

"Sure." Ben kissed her temple and they walked around the room.

They paced around the huge hospital room for several minutes before Miranda felt the familiar tightening begin.

"Benjamin" she breathed, stopping in her tracks and leaning into him.

"I've got you," he said, hooking his hands around her elbows and bracing himself for her full weight.

"MMMmmm..." she moaned, falling into Ben's chest. "Ohhhh gahhhd..." Her noises were deep and guttural. She felt her legs giving way, but Ben kept a firm grasp on her. "AAAHHhhh, AH-Mmmm..." She felt it intensify, moving from her lower back deep into her pelvis. She squeezed Ben's biceps, trying to ride out the pain.

"Good work, honey," Ben whispered.

The contraction began subsiding. Miranda soon regained control of her breathing, though her hands remained firmly grasped onto her husband's muscular arms. She tiredly buried her head into Ben's chest and let the rest of the contraction wash over her.

"Do you want to try the ball now?" He asked stroking her hair.

"Yeah." She nodded and he brought it over sitting it beside the bed.

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