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"You knew this was going to happen.  I mean if not now in two years when she starts pre-k."

"But she's so little, Ben," Miranda said with a pout.

They were up early and Miranda was packing Pru's lunch for her first day of Preschool.

"First Joey, now Pru this is too much." She huffed pushing the cookie cutter into the sandwich hard. She made a Mikey mouse, panda, and heart shaped PBJ's. She then threw in baby carrots, grapes, pretzels, apple sauce, cheese sticks and juice boxes.

"Does she need that much?" Ben asked looking at everything.

"What if she wants a snack or gets hungry." She stressed.

"I guess you are right. Let's be on the safe side."

Miranda nodded and zipped it up.

"Okay let's go get her up."

"How much you want to bet that she's already up?"

"I'm not giving you easy money." She laughed opening Pru's room door.

"Good morning." Ben smiled at her sitting on her bed with her bunny and two of her doll baby's.

"Aww are you playing school?" Miranda asked and Pru nodded.

"Are you excited?" Ben asked tickling her.

"Yes." She giggled loudly pushing his hands away.

"You don't have to go if you don't want too. You could stay with mommy." Miranda assured her.

"Uh. Miranda she is 3 and doesn't even know what you're talking about. It's only preschool a modified version of daycare."

"It's also a new environment that she is unfamiliar with, she could be scared."

"You went to the open house and walked around."

"So." She huffed brushing him. "Come on honey, let's get you ready."

Ben helped Pru wash her face and brush her teeth while Miranda found her an outfit.

She grabbed her jeans, a pink cheetah print shirt with glitter on it, her pink Nikes, and white socks.

Pru got dressed before sitting on the bed and waited for Miranda to do her hair.

Ben sat on the bed with Madelyn and he watched intently as Miranda got started. He wanted to pay attention to all the details and products, so he would know how to do more styles.

Miranda grabbed a brush, comb, gel, and pink and white ponytail holders. She parted her hair down the middle and put clips in it to hold the two parts before she took out a section in the front and made two small pony tails, gelling them neatly.

Ben watched as she crisscrossed those two ponytails and pulled them into the two big ones, before making curly buns. He thought the hair style was so cute to be that simple.

Next she wrapped a ribbon around the buns and tied it into two bows.

Miranda brushed her edges before standing back to look at her work. She didn't do a lot, but connected 4 ponytails.

"You look perfect." Miranda complimented kissing her cheeks.

"So pretty." Ben added and Pru cheesed.

"Let's eat breakfast and then we can go." Miranda smiled.

"You want to ride together and I drop you off at work?" Ben questioned.

"Well what time do you get off. Maddy and I don't want to be stranded at the hospital." She responded rolling her eyes.

"I get off at a reasonable time. I won't leave my girls stranded."

"Mm-kay, but if you do. We will have your head." She joked pushing his chest.

"I'll keep that in mind." He laughed grabbing her butt.

Miranda yelped and looked back at him. "Don’t wrinkle this skirt."

"I do as I please." Ben whispered walking passed her.

After breakfast Miranda checked to make sure they had everything. Ben held his work bag, her purse, Maddy's diaper bag, as well as Madelyn in her car seat.

Miranda stood outside on the grass taking pictures of Pru with a sign that read first day of Preschool.

"These are so cute." Miranda gushed. "You ready to go honeybun?"

"Yes. Can we play princess poppy?"

"We sure can. I'll play it in the car.

Miranda opened the door and got in. Clicking her seatbelt in she saw something shining in between the seat and middle console. She reached for it pulling up a earring. Examining it she knew it wasn't hers. Her work hoops were much smaller, and her everyday earrings didn't have this design. It was bigger, diamond studded, and in the shape of the diamond.

"Who's earring is this?" Miranda asked when he got into the car, after getting Pru situated in the back.

Ben looked over at his wife and the earring she was holding. He knew exactly who it belonged too.

"Um that's Deja's and she has been looking for that." He chuckled lightly to feel her out.

"Deja?" Miranda asked squinting.

"Yeah remember I told you about her. When we met at the store. She works at 23."

"I remember." Miranda nodded. "Why was she in your car?"

"She needed a ride from our station to 23 the other day, so I took her because I was headed that way to speak with Herrera."

"Does she not have a car?" She asked confused.

"She does remember I saw her at the store. She just didn't drive that day." Ben answered nonchalantly.

"Oh okay. She should be careful where she drops things." She said simply.

"I don't think she meant to drop it." He chuckled. "It probably just fell out."

"Whatever." Miranda mumbled rolling her eyes.

Ben and Miranda parked in the front and walked inside holding hands. He held Maddy in his arms and Miranda held Pru's hand tightly. Finding the classroom, they stopped in front of the door.

"Good morning." The teacher Ms. Kennedy smiled at them and then smiled down at Pru."Good morning Pruitt."

"Good morning." She said shyly in her tiny voice clasping onto Miranda's leg.

"Okay. Bye bye sweetie." Miranda said softly.

Ben had a pack of kleenex tissue in his pocket for his wife. He was just waiting to pull them out.

Pru shook her head no and backed up from the door, grabbing Miranda's leg tighter.

Miranda crouched down to her level. "It's going to be ok. You're going to have a good day and so much fun learning and playing. When its time to go home, I will be right here to pick you up."

Pru nodded listening to her. "Alright now give me a hug." Miranda smiled stretching her arms out.

Pru ran into her chest and hugged her tightly. Miranda kissed her forehead repeatedly.

"Have a good day munchkin." Ben smiled at her.

Miranda watched Pru wave before walking inside and she quickly tilted her head up towards the ceiling. To keep her tears at bay.

"Baby?" Ben questioned watching her put her tongue to the roof of her mouth.

Miranda held her hand up to stop him, but it was no use. She looked back at him and her tears started falling down her face. "This is so stupid." Miranda mumbled shielding her eyes with her hands.

Ms. Kennedy watched the scene and smiled softly she thought it was sweet and touching.

Ben pulled her into his chest and Miranda cried softly. Turning her head so Maddy wouldn't be squished.

"You go back in there and get her. Lets try again next year."

"Miranda no."

"She didn't even want to go and we forced her. What kind of parents are we. It's inhumane."

"She had apprehensions about it, but as her mother you just helped her. She is going to have a good day and you will be back to get her."

"I hate this."

"I know you do."

"Where's the tissue." She sniffled.

"I got some right here." He said pulling it out his pocket.

Miranda wiped her eyes and her face. Looking back at the room.

"Mrs. Warren. If you give me your phone number. I can text you pictures and her progress throughout the day. If that will make you feel any better."

"That would. Thank you." Miranda smiled wearily writing it down for her.

3 days passed, Pru and Miranda were both adjusted to Preschool. Miranda on the first day picked her up at 3, but she didn't have to be picked up until 6. Ben was right it was just like daycare. They could drop her off at 6 in the morning and come back at anytime after.

She would come home, play for an hour, eat dinner, and then her bed time routine.

"Alright Pru and I are gone." Ben called to Miranda. He would take Pru to school and then go to work. "I just finished one load of clothes, they are in the dryer now."

"Okay go on. I'll do the rest before I go to work." She grumbled. "Have a good day baby girl." Miranda smiled kissing the child in his arm.

Miranda walked into the laundry room and began separating the clothes. She pulled a dress shirt out the basket and examined it. When did her husband wear a dress shirt. He's been going to work all week and working longer hours.

Holding it up she was greeted with a scent of lavender or vanilla and musk. Her eyebrows raised, did he get a new cologne? The scent was a bit too feminine to be for him. Why the hell does his shirt smell like perfume?

Miranda smelled the shirt again to make sure she wasn't tripping. His shirt did in fact smell like perfume. What reason did he have to wear a dress shirt and to the fire station. She looked at the inside and it wasn't his uniform shirt it was a regular expensive dress shirt.

She tossed it to the side and went through the rest of the basket. She then pulled out another dress shirt.

"What the hell?" Miranda groaned throwing it behind the washing machine and walked out.

She fell back onto the bed and blew out a breath. Miranda said a silent prayer, praying that her husband wasn't up to no good.

That evening Ben sat on the bed with Madelyn and Pru, while they were watching tv.

"Is this a formal dinner party or casual?" Miranda asked.

"Formal, but not too dressed up if that makes sense."

"So a dress or a pencil skirt and blouse will suffice."

"Yes that will be perfect."

"Did you call the boys are they coming?"

"They are and will meet us there. Joey staying home this weekend."

"Okay great. Let me find the girls something to put on." She stated walking across to their rooms.

She grabbed Maddy a long sleeve black and brown dress, with black baby flats that she knew she wasn't going to keep on. Pru had a similar outfit, but instead of a dress she had on a black shirt and brown skirt with a bow.

After doing both of their hair she got herself ready.

Miranda curled her hair and did her make up. She put on a tan top, and a all black leather skirt that had black snake print on it. She slid into her heels and grabbed her clutch.

"Damn." Ben groaned looking at her and Miranda blushed.

"You're crazy." She waved blowing him off.

"Crazy about you."

"Is that so?" She said in a joking tone, but ultimately was serious.

"It's always going to be that way."

"You look handsome." Miranda said softly looking at his dress shirt and khakis.

"Thanks. I haven’t dressed up in a while."

Miranda stared at him and the lie that just came out his mouth. Shaking her head she left out the room.

"We will be in the car." She announced from the hallway.

Ben drove to the party and he tried to make conversation with his wife on the way there. He noticed she was silent and just nodding her head at what he was saying.

"What's on your mind?" He asked her.

"Nothing specific." Miranda responded nonchalantly.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. You?"

"Fine." He answered tapping the steering wheel.

When they got there. Miranda walked around to get her baby out and the diaper bag. Ben picked up Pru and they walked inside.

The inside was decorated beautifully and she noticed the lights they put up. The last time they had the lights out there was a spaghetti dinner and Sullivan had announced that he an Herrera got married.

"Bailey and Warren." The team called out as they walked into the room.

"Say hello Everyone." Miranda smiled talking to Maddy, using her small hand to wave.

Pru ran over to Vic who hugged her and then Jack tossed her in the air.

"Look at her she's so big." Andy awed playing with Madelyn's hand.

"I know. I wish she would stop growing, she just got here." She laughed. "When she's on her stomach she pushes up like she wants to start crawling.

"sei così carino, bambina." Carina said taking her out of Miranda's arm.

"You're so cute, baby." Miranda repeated and Carina nodded. She was getting use to her Italian sayings.

Miranda talked with Andy, Maya, Carina, and Vic for a little bit, until Ben introduced her to two new guys. Williams, and McNeil.

After the introduction Miranda stood and looked around the room. She turned and was getting ready to go speak to Natasha Ross until someone bumped into her.

"Sorry." Deja said fixing her dress. "I'm Deja Duval." She introduced herself.

Miranda silently looked her over and then she paused, that smell.

Breaking out of her trance, she greeted her with a small wave,  but Deja hugged her lightly. She wanted to jump at the hug, but she refrained. Everyone else at his job knew not to touch her because she wasn't that friendly.

Miranda paused a little longer to make sure what she was smelling matched. When she pulled away Deja looked a little taken back and had a questioning look on her face.

"I am so sorry, I'm Dr. Miranda Bailey. It was your perfume, it's smells amazing." Miranda said with a fake smile.

Duval relaxed and smiled back "Thank you. It's YSL Libre. It's the only one I use."

Miranda pursed her lips and nodded. She looked her up and down and stopped on the gold earrings that was in her husband's car , not too long ago.

"So you're Ben's Ex-wife?" She asked and Miranda's eyes widened.

"Excuse me?" Miranda snapped.

"I'm sorry did I say something wrong?"

"Why would you assume I'm his ex-wife? I am his one and only wife and we're in fact very married." Miranda asked waiting for an answer.

Deja stumbled a bit before saying something. "Because he said-

"He said what?!"

"When we...Never mind. How's Maddy? She really likes applesauce." She laughed lightly changing the subject.

"You've met my baby?" She asked quickly.  Miranda knew she was going to snap, if she stayed in this spot any longer.

"Yes, more than once. Pru doesn't like me though."

"Good girl." Miranda mumbled fuming. "Well if you would excuse me I'm going to go talk to the rest of my husband's coworkers." Miranda gritted walking in the other direction.

Miranda walked away clutching her hands into fist. She was angry. The angriest she had ever been in her entire life. She wanted to break something, hit something. Preferably that woman.  She tried to reason out everything, but was coming to a bad conclusion. The earring, the dress shirt, the perfume, ex-wife comment, meeting her children, no sex in months, no kiss, no affection, longer work hours.

Was he seeing this woman? Miranda felt her heart beating fast and she clutched her chest. Damn she was going to have another heart attack. Why was it so hot in this room?

She knew she needed to get out of here. She looked into the direction she last saw her husband and he was standing with Deja. She watched as she rubbed his arm up and down before touching his back.

Miranda quickly walked to the bathroom and blew out calming breaths. She reached into her purse and pulled out her phone. Scrolling through her contacts she tried to think of someone she could call.

Stopping she called Meredith to see if she was still at work.

"Hey Bailey."

"Hey are you still at work by any chance?"

"Yes, I was actually leaving now. What do you need?"

"Perfect. I'm at the fire station and I was wondering if you could give me a ride home since we live in the same direction. I rode with my husband, but I don't feel good. I don't want him to have to leave the party." Miranda explained thinking of something quickly.

"That's no problem. Do you need to be checked out. What are you feeling?"

"Nothing like that. I just have a headache and I want to go home."

"Okay I'm on my way now."

"Thank you. See you when you get here."

Miranda hung up the phone and looked into mirror at herself. Her face was red with anger.

Calming herself she used hand sanitizer and walked back out. She made small strides towards her husband until she reached him.

"Hey baby?" Ben stated, but looked her over inquisitively. Something was bothering her.

"Do you have the girls because I'm leaving." Miranda gritted out forcefully.

"What, are you okay?" He asked quickly reaching touch her arm, but she backed up.
"I feel like I’m going to be sick." Miranda told him seriously.

"Okay let me just get my stuff and then we can go home-

"No stay, have fun with your coworkers. It was nice to meet them."

"Miranda you’re sick I’m coming home with you." Ben said confused.

"No I can take care of myself."

"We rode together."

"I know. Meredith is picking me up to take me home. I will be fine."

"Well can I at least walk you out." He said putting his glass down. He wanted to really talk to her to see what was going on.

"That's not necessary." Miranda mumbled and walked away from him.

Ben watched as she kissed the boys on the head and then the girls before she walked out.

"Did your mom say anything to you guys?" Ben asked walking over to them

"No. She just said she had to go."

"We figured she was going to work."

Ben nodded and clicked his teeth. He quickly walked out in the direction she went and didn't see her.

Miranda laid in the tub and she couldn't help the tears that were falling down her face. All she wanted to do was scream. How could the man that she loved, who was so perfect and wonderful break her heart in this way. He said that he loved her too much too. He said he was in this for real and that everything would be wonderful. He lied to her. He said 60 dam years when I said I do I meant I do. If he meant it then why was he doing this to her.

She couldn't figure it out. With Tucker she was working so much that he cheated, but with Ben she didn't work nearly as much, they communicated. Granted they didn't spend time together, but that was his doing now. They have a family, a growing one at that. Did she miss the signs.

After the baby she was focused on losing the weight. Was it the weight? He never had a problem with it before, but each woman that she's seen him with was skinnier than her. First the Ingrid woman now Deja Duval. She was skinny and younger.

"Ugh." Miranda groaned clutching her head. She gave her all into this marriage. She didn't want to be without him or learn to do it. He was the love of her life, she didn't even know if she would survive with out him, but she didn't condone cheating.

Miranda was so tired she tried to shut her brain off and just sank down into the tub. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Miranda.... baby." Ben yelled walking into the bathroom. He saw her head back but she didn't move.

He quickly rushed over and tapped her face.

"Miranda...Miranda, wake-up." Ben instructed.

Miranda opened her eyes slightly and looked at him as he held her face.

"I fell asleep." She mumbled.

Ben looked down at her red eyes and she had dried tear streaks on her face.

"Are you in pain?" He asked her.

Miranda just nodded softly. She was in immense pain because her heart was broken and honestly she was tired. She was tired of all of this.

Ben reached for the stopper by her toes and released it. He walked over and grabbed her large purple towel and he picked her up bridal style lifting her out of the tub.

"Damn how long were you in that tub? The water is freezing cold and you're freezing cold."

"I don't know. I got in when I got here."

Ben nodded and just carried her into their room. He sat down on the bed with her and rubbed her with the towel drying her wet cold body.

He held her against him tightly, to bring her body heat. He stroked her head back and forth looking down at her. His wife looked extremely tired and sad.

He laid her against the bed like she was a baby and grabbed the lotion bottle off the dresser. He lotion her down before grabbing a nightgown to put on her body.

Miranda watched him the whole time just staring as he took care of her. It was moments like this that reminded her why she married him. He couldn't be doing what she thought he was. He never even had wandering eyes their entire marriage. She hated feeling like this and that she doubted him.

Ben turned her body around and put her under the covers.

"Here's a heating pad. I don’t know if you need it or not." Ben said laying it beside her. " I got you Ibuprofen for your pain and I'm going to go make you some hot tea. Lemon ginger your favorite."

"Where are the kids?" Miranda asked softly.

"Joey went with Tuck to his dad's house. I didn't know how sick you were. The girls are still at the party with Andy. She will bring them home later or in the morning."

"Why didn't you stay at the party? I told you to stay."

"Are you crazy. You must be really under the weather." He responded feeling her head for her temperature.

"What?!" Miranda asked confused.

"I'm not staying at a party while my wife is sick."

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