Game Set 15

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Hoshi: I'm baaaaack!

Satsuki: And with Hoshi-sama's exams finally over, there will be more updates. Probably...

Hoshi: Hey! Don't go letting down the hopes of my precious readers!

Satsuki: I can't help it. Even your brother told you to quit this hobby of yours since even if you got yourself millions of readers, it doesn't earn you a single cent of money?

Hoshi: Oh just shut up. He doesn't understand about a pure maiden's fantasies made into a fiction after all.

Satsuki: But he's right you know? There's no benefit for you even if you continue this story.

Hoshi: Oh hush. Its enough for me just seeing people reading my story okay!

Satsuki: Wow... Being a saint now are we? Anyway, here's the new chapter foe you readers out there.

Hoshi: And it seems some already caught an idea of my pairings here. But it won't be so easy for them to land themselves together. Especially Natsuki *winks winks* Moving on.


"Oh, you two are here early." said Oishi to the two silver heads in front of him. Although one of them is covering that glimmering silver hair of hers under her usual cap as a disguise. He and Tezuka took the bus to get to their meeting point.

"Well, there are some teams I want to check out before our game. And Nacchan wouldn't let me go by myself. Or it's the opposite." said the last part in a hushed tone which didn't escape the extreme hearing of Natsuki's ears. Satsuki's in her manager clothes which consists of a sky blue polo collared shirt and white denim shorts with a notebook in hand while Natsuki wore an almost over sized blue and white jersey jacket of Seigaku with a black sport shorts. "And... I'm sure today's match will be quite interesting." Satsuki said recalling the match line ups she and Ryuzaki came up with.

"Eh? What do you mean?" Oishi asked her. He looked at Natsuki who shrugged in response. The match line ups are decided by Ryuzaki, Tezuka and Satsuki so not even Oishi, the fukubuchou or Natsuki, Satsuki's most beloved twin know about the line up until the match.

"She's been like this ever since the day before yesterday." Natsuki told him. She nods at him and Tezuka as a sign of greeting. She was to wear her disguise even if she's not playing to prevent the leaking of information to the opponent teams. With that drilled in her mind by her teammates and twin, she wore tight grey shorts that reaches her mid thighs and a black loose jersey shirt underneath her Seigaku jersey uniform.

Soon, the other members of the team gathered and they went in. The chattering of the people around them buzzed around as they head for the registeration reception.

"There are 9 of us regulars and one manager here for Seishun Gakuen Middle school section." Tezuka told the receptionist as he hands over the registration form.

The chatterings and murmurs got louder when they noticed two shorties, a.k.a. Ryoma and Natsuki, and their silver head manager who stood out like a thumb, Satsuki. There were some who was giving Satsuki flirty looks and some even whistled as they check her out but groaned when Fuji 'accidentally' blocked their sight of the manager. While there are also some who are giving Ryoma and Natsuki who's in her disguise so that no one notices that she's a girl judging looks. Enough that made Natsuki want to smash their heads together but restrained herself from doing so.

Satsuki, on the other hand was already letting out an almost visible dark aura around herself and mumbling some words that even Natsuki didn't understand but was enough to give her chills from her tone.


"Well, this is quite unexpected," Natsuki remarked at the two players on the court, "especially the 'Ah Un' part." At that, a few others nod their heads in agreement.

The first doubles match was over with it ended up with Ryoma and Momoshiro's victory. Though they're receiving their punishment by kneeling besides the bench causing a few to laugh.

The rest of the matches ended smoothly with more wins. By now Natsuki was bored so she excused herself to get some fresh air knowing she won't participate in any matches any time soon. Of course, she took off her disguise to avoid attention from the jersey she wore.

"Where are you going, Miraino?" Natsuki flinched at the sudden call of her's and Satsuki's surname. She knew immediately whose voice it belonged to and is reluctant to face him but she turned around anyway.

"Nothing... Just I thought I'd take a walk around since I'm not playing after all." she told the stoic man in front of her. "What about you, Tezuka-buchou?" Even though she turned around, it doesn't mean she's looking at him. She just stared at the floor without knowing his expression when he spoke but she knew there was nothing to expect from her stoic captain.


Natsuki was unsatisfied about his answer and ignored question. She doesn't understand why herself but she really couldn't stand him not because he's the only one who's stubborn and won't call her and Satsuki by her name which would bound to lead confusion whenever being called.

To Natsuki, his presence himself is a mystery. Sometimes she even wonder how could someone like him not be a manmade android since he doesn't really show much emotions. Not that Natsuki could say anything herself since she wasn't any much different from him. But it's not like she hate him, to be honest, she respects him but only as her captain. Nothing else. Still, his mere presence gives her a strange gut feeling that this person is going to be a bothersome person.

But, that was just the beginning of her thoughts of him.

"If there's nothing else then I'll be going now..." she told Tezuka and made motions to leave.

Before he could say anything more, Natsuki disappeared out of his sight. Leaving him to wonder if she had issues with him which she certainly do.


Along her way she passed by their might-be-opponents, Kakinoki's match before theirs. She had heard from her twin that their team, Seigaku was labeled as the first on the list of the seeded teams in their district and Kakinoki is lined up next to them. Curious about their next opponents' strength, she looked at their score board only to find Kakinoki's complete loss.

Natsuki looked around in search of their next opponents and spotted a group of seven boys passing by her. She noticed the words printed behind their black jersey that matches the name on the score board that beaten Kakinoki. Meaning their next opponents are the ones in the jet black jersey, Fudomine.

But of all the seven boys in the team, what really caught her eye is the only third year player slash captain of the team, Tachibana Kippei. He gave out an aura that she could see it's comparable to her captain's.

She stared at his back as he walked away with his teammates. Then, as if he noticed her stare, he turned around which cause Natsuki to avert her gaze immediately. But only for a moment, she met his gaze but only shrugged it off as it was just a glance and she hurried back to the courts where Seigaku is. Not knowing that pair of eyes are trailing on her disappearing figure.


Hoshi: What do you think?

Satsuki: I think I lack of screen time.

Hoshi: Shut up. I'm not asking you but the readers out there reading this chapter, okay? Next chapter will be the match against Fudomine.

Satsuki: So what do you want to ask them about?

Hoshi: Ahem, I meant do anyone feel any chemistry between Natsuki or Satsuki with any of the Fudomine members.

Satsuki: What?! Hold on, no way. Not me. Not Nacchan. Not anyone. I'd rather stick the original plan for us to be paired up with-

Hoshi: Woah! To much spoilers there. Let's leave them to figure the rest themselves while I go work on the next chapter, okay? I'll be back with more chapters with fluffiness and humor with a little mix of drama so look out!

Satsuki: That being said, we'll see you next time. Bye~

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