Game Set 6

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Hoshi: Pheeeew! Finally done with this chapter. I think by far, this is my favorite chapter.

Satsuki: If it's your favorite chapter, how come it took you so long to finish it?

Hoshi: I've been busy okay?

Satsuki: You mean busy watching animes and reading mangas?

Hoshi: Those are my life work! And I can't possibly ignore them when there's new updates, right?

Satsuki: Okay, enough with the nonsense and move on!



"Ryuzaki-sensei, don't tell me that Miraino..."


"... got hurt because of his girly features before he came here and have a serious injury?" Momoshiro asked earning a smack to the head from several people. "Owie... What's that for?"

"Fssshhh... Idiot." Kaidoh remarked. Then he started arguing with Momoshiro.

Ryuzaki just face palmed herself while Satsuki sweat dropped. Tezuka with his usual stoic face, Fuji with his amused face as usual, Inui writing down in his data book on the page of Momoshiro's data, Kikumaru cheering on Oishi as he tried calming Momoshiro and Kaidoh with Kawamura helping him. While Miraino...

"Well, I'm sorry for having such girlish features." Miraino said with a blank face and monotone voice gaining everyone's attention before grabbing his tennis bag and left the courts.

"Momo you idiot!"

"Momo you insensitive bastard!"

"You're the worst, Momo-senpai!"

Everyone started scolding Momoshiro because of his stupid insensitive comment to Miraino's figure.

"W-what did I do?" he asked and looked at Ryoma who's still sipping his juice. Ryoma looked at him when he felt his stare and added, "You lack of delicacy, Momo-senpai."

Coming from someone like Echizen...? Everyone thought before looking back at Momoshiro who's crouching on the ground.

"Just what did I do?" he mumbled to himself.

"You still don't get it, Momoshiro-senpai?" Momoshiro looked up to see Satsuki kneeling near him staring at him with her sapphire eyes. "Nacchan's a girl, you know."


"Her full name is Miraino Natsuki." Satsuki added.







It then dawned on him that he just said something rude to a girl?!


Even though everyone already realized it, to hear it directly was still a shock.

"You mean that Miraino really is a girl?!" Momoshiro asked and asked again every 5 seconds.

"Last I checked, Nacchan is 100% a girl. And I check every day." Satsuki said it like it's something natural which got her some strange looks. Well, at least to her it's natural.

"But now we know the reason why Miraino refuse to join the club." Tezuka said pushing his glasses up ignoring Momoshiro's constant questions.

"That's right, why did even you recruit her here, Ryuzaki-sensei?" Oishi asked also ignoring Momoshiro.

"He's right. What if Miraino-san got hurt during the match?" Kawamura asked, showing his soft spot for the opposite gender.

"Taka-san, here." Not sure who ist it that passed the tennis racquet to Kawamura, but he still accepted it gladly.


The rest decided to ignore him as he went on ranting in his 'Burning mode'.

"That's nothing to worry about." Their attention was now on Satsuki who spoke. "Despite being a girl, Nacchan's more capable than you think. Didn't you realize from the matches earlier?" she said making them think back. "Even though you didn't know that Nacchan's a girl and played with her without holding back, she still won right?" she said looking at Miraino's previous opponents who was speechless about Miraino's strength.

Satsuki look back at Ryuzaki and gave her nod which was also reply back with another nod before looking at Tezuka.

"Tezuka," she called him. He looks up at her with a stoic face. "You're the captain, you make the decision. Whether she gets to stay or not."

As soon as he was placed responsible for Miraino's acceptance to the team, he has been in deep thought. Something about Miraino bugged him, she said and acted like she didn't care but he understood her passion for the sport. It was demonstrated through her style of tennis.

Deep inside he already knew his answer but what prevented him to say it was most probably because he already thought of her as one of them. He had the desire to see more of her tennis, he wanted to see her evolve. Moreover, he wanted to try challenging her too. That enough is a reason for her to stay, he decided uncharacteristically.

He looked up at Ryuzaki and gave a sincere and determine answer, "Miraino's staying."


Hoshi: Yay! Miraino's staying! Miraino's staying!

Satsuki: Yay!

Hoshi: ... You're awfully excited too, aren't you?

Satsuki: S-shut up! *blush*

Hoshi: *smirks* Let's leave the our little Tsun-Tsun alone for now. I'll be back with more chapters. Bye!

Satsuki: You mean 'us'!

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