Game Set 7

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Hoshi: This chapter is dedicated to @Nyx2029 as a token of my appreciation.

Satsuki: You mean "another" dedicated chapter?

Hoshi: S-shut up! This time is a different person and she/he added my story into her/his reading list after all!

Satsuki: I still don't get what you mean. (She stammered)

Hoshi: Hey! I can know what are you thinking about, you know.

Ryoma: *smirks* Hmph, mada mada dane.

Hoshi/Satsuki: RYOMA/RYO-CHAN?!



He looked up at Ryuzaki and gave a sincere and determine answer, "Miraino's staying."


"Nya, that sure was one heck of a practice yesterday, right Oishi?" Kikumaru asked Oishi.

"Yeah, you're right Eiji. It was quite surprising that Tezuka agreed to allow Miraino to stay." Oishi replied.

"But doesn't having a girl in the team sounds fun. We've even got two at the same time." Fuji chuckled.

The three bumped into each other and decided to walk to school together.

"Well, it doesn't sound bad but I just hope nothing bad will happen." Oishi said being the mother hen of the team.

Then Momoshiro and Ryoma caught up to them with Momoshiro on his bike.

"Mornin', senpai-tachi." Momoshiro greeted followed up by Ryoma's.

"Good morning, Momo, Echizen." chorused Fuji, Oishi and Kikumaru.

"Senpai, have you seen Satsuki yet?" Ryoma asked them.

"Satsuki-chan? I don't think so. Why?" Fuji replied.

"Well-" Ryoma was cut off by Kikumaru who was pointing at a certain silver head ahead of them. "Isn't that her?"

They looked up in front of them and certainly, there was a silver haired girl with a tied up side ponytail ahead of them. Only it was tied up to the left side of her head.

Without a further a do, Kikumaru dashed towards to said girl leaving Oishi, Fuji, Momoshiro and Ryoma to catch up to their cat like teammate.

"Don't you need to catch up with her, Echizen?" Fuji asked Ryoma questioning about his calm demeanor when the person he was looking for was just before him.

"Nah, it's okay. She's not the one I'm looking for anyway." Ryoma answered him and managed to confuse his prodigy teammate slash senpai.

"Satsuki-chaaan! Good morning-nya!" Kikumaru greeted as he clung on to the said silver head.

But instead of receiving a greeting from her, she gave him a blank stare with a pair of ruby red eyes before adding, "I can't move. Please get off of me."

Shocked of the difference of attitude from the day before, Kikumaru clung onto Oishi who just arrived with Fuji, Momoshiro and Ryoma.

"Oishi! Satsuki-chan's acting weird! She gave me a blank stare and told me off!" Kikumaru wailed.

"C-calm down, Eiji. Sorry, Satsuki-chan. Eiji can be a little handful sometimes. Good morning though." Oishi greeted her with a smile.

"Good morning, Oishi-senpai, Fuji-senpai." she greeted them bowing a little, but here tone still stayed monotonous.

"Eh?! Only them? What about me?" she ignored Momoshiro and Kikumaru's complaints and kept staring at Fuji and vice versa.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Fuji Syuusuke, third year." started Fuji.

All of them was startled by Fuji's sudden self intro but didn't have the chance to ask when she replied to him, "Miraino Natsuki, as of today will be a first year at Seigaku. Nice to meet you."

Miraino Natsuki?







"Ehh?! You're Miraino?" Oishi, Kikumaru and Momo yelled while Fuji just chuckled.

Ryoma who looked unfazed and continued walking while asking her, "Have you seen Satsuki?"

"Ah, Ryoma. Apparently you just missed her, she went ahead of me earlier to deal with some paper work." she replied walking along with him. "Do you need anything from her?"

"No, it's just that she forgotten her lunch so I've been told to bring it to her." he replied with a bored face.

"No need to worry then, we'll meet again soon." Natsuki said with a blank face.

"Hey! Stop ignoring us! Are you really Miraino? Why does Miraino looks like Satsuki-chan?" Momoshiro asked pointing at her.

"She didn't tell you? We're twins." Natsuki replied without looking at him but was making the same face as Ryoma. It looked more like they're the ones that are twins. "I am a girl with girly, features after all." she added with a hint of sarcasm.

Before Momoshiro could say anything, Natsuki ran in the school building as soon as they reached the school gate.

"Nya, do you think she's still mad about yesterday about what Momo said?" Kikumaru asked making Momoshiro flinch.

"Momo, you still owe her an apology for yesterday." Fuji reminded him before going ahead.

"That was sooo uncool, Momo-senpai." Ryoma told him with a monotone voice then quickly followed up by Oishi and Kikumaru patting him on the shoulder before catching up to Fuji.

"Wha-, so it's my fault now?" Momoshiro asked no one in particular.

"Fsssssssh. Out of my way, dumbass." Kaidoh said appearing from behind.

"What did you just said, Mamushi?!"

With that Momoshiro and Kaidoh started fighting in front of the school gate when students was just passing by them since the sight of the two second year regulars of the tennis team was a daily occurrence.

However, from the up on top of the roof there was another silver head looking at the commotion with her sapphire blue orbs.

With a smirk on her face, Satsuki spoke softly with a hint of playful tone, "It's seems like things are going to be interesting, Nacchan."


A shiver ran down Natsuki's spine as she sat on the couch in the teachers lounge as she waited for her homeroom teacher to arrive.

Natsuki just shrugged it off when her newly assigned teacher arrive to bring her to her new class.


Hoshi: *whistle* Quite the schemer, aren't you?

Satsuki: You're the one who set my character, right?

Hoshi: Huh? When is Natsuki going to forgive Momoshiro? Well, I don't know. Having him feel guilty like that is quite amusing after all.

Satsuki: Are you dodging the question?

Hoshi: Well, would you look at the time. I've gotta go now. I- I mean, we'll be back with more chapters coz I'm gonna be busy since school starts again. Bye~

Satsuki: *sighs* You heard the lady, bye.

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