Game Set 2

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Hoshi: Yay! I managed to publish chapter 2! Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!

Satsuki: It's actually in my character to agree but I think for our chats, I'll be bipolar.

Hoshi: Hey, don't go rewriting your own character when I'm the one that set your character!

Satsuki: That's why I said only for our chats before and after the chapter right?

Hoshi: ... Well, I guess so but-

Satsuki: Well, let's get on with the next chapter before your reader starts to get bored. Enjoy ~

Hoshi: Hey! (*。>Д<)o゜



"Alright then, let's go."

With that, Ryuzaki and the two mysterious students followed behind her heading to the courts of the boys tennis club.


The members of the boys tennis club including the regulars gathered up when their coach entered the courts followed by two students.

They set their curious gaze on the young companions their coach had brought, mostly the silver haired girl though.

The silver haired girl had her hair tied to a side ponytail on her right side of her head and owns a pair of sapphire blue eyes.

But what caught the attention of Tezuka is the other of the pair who's carrying a tennis bag. Tezuka assumed that he was the one recruited by Ryuzaki.

He wore a red long sleeved jersey jacket and a pair of black sports shorts which exposed the pair of thin legs he had. The cap he was wearing covered his eyes but a few strands of silver hair tucked out from the cap.

One thing that caught the eye of the regulars is the silver chained pendant around his neck that's identical to the one the silver haired girl is wearing. Nonetheless to say, different words of the same category ran through their minds which broke their fantasies of the smaller girl in front of them.

They're a couple?!

"Even though she's starting school tomorrow, it's decided she'll take on the role as a manager for the club." Ryuzaki said pointing at the silver head who smiled before bowing down at the boys which got a lot of cheers from the crowd, although dejected that she's already taken. "My name is Satsuki. Nice to meet you."

"And this here is Miraino will be joining the club as a member." she then points at the other cap wearing boy who was looking away from the boys. From their perspective, it was either he's ignoring their presence or not bothered to pay attention at all. And that certainly didn't leave a good impression to the club members.

"However, he'll be having a match with two regulars and three second years to join. Meaning if he wins, he'll earn a spot as a regular." she ended looking at the regulars. At this, it made Miraino who was in his own world snap back to earth.

As soon as they absorbed her words, gasps and chatters rose from the crowd of boys. Even the regulars looked surprised except for a few being Fuji with an amused smile on his face as usual, Tezuka with a stoic face as usual too and Ryoma who smirked when his eyes met the new manager of the club and the soon-to-be new member or regular of the team.


The first match was against Arai. He glance at Miraino before getting into stance to serve the ball. He huffed at the smaller boy.

"As if I'll lose to another brat! No matter how you look, he's just a first year brat." Arai muttered to himself. Unfortunately, Miraino has a pair of sensitive ears which allowed him to heard what he said, but chose to ignore it.

When he served, he could have sworn he saw a gleam in Miraino's ruby red eyes. As he was distracted by the thought, Miraino already returned the neon colored ball to the opposite side of the court without him noticing.

"Mr. Referee, I'm waiting for the call." Miraino spoke for the first time ever since he stepped inside the court.

"A-ah, sorry." he apologized. Even the referee was caught surprised by the sudden return.

"Love - fifteen"

This caused many shocked looks from the members save the regulars while Satsuki and Ryoma who smirked at the sight. It was like the ball vanished the second Miraino hit it then reappeared at the other side of the opponent's court.

The game continued with Miraino earning points by serving as he kept his service games. In the end, the game against Arai ended up with a score of 0-6. Needless to say, it's Miraino's win.

"You're kidding right? Arai-senpai's supposed to be the strongest of all of us non-regular members and that Miraino guy just beat him in less than 2 minutes?" Horio exclaimed as Kachiro and Katsuo agreed with him.

"He completely crushed Arai..." Momoshiro mumbled as Kaidoh just kept watching the match.

"Nya, that ball just now kept disappearing before he could return it. It hurts my eyes just by looking at it disappear." Kikumaru said rubbing his eye buds.

Kikumaru's comment caused a few to give a serious thought about the mysterious boy on the court. Considering how sharp his vision is.

"Ehh?! Then how are you going to return a ball like that?" Horio asked. "Don't tell me we're going to have a Echizen#2 in the team?"

Momoshiro and Kikumaru held back their laughers as Inui got a gleam in his glasses.

"Echizen/Ochibi#2?" they chorused before everyone turned to look at Ryoma who's just sipping on his juice not paying attention to their conversation. Not if you didn't notice the small angle on the side of his lips going up.

"What?" he asked, acting like it doesn't concerns him at all.

"True. Miraino's presence resembles Echizen when he first arrive at the club." Inui said with his data book in hand again.

Tezuka only pinched the bridge of his nose then continue to focus on Miraino's match. Tezuka won't say it out loud but deep inside he also agree that Miraino is similar to Ryoma when it comes to their skills in tennis. But the question is, is his whether or not his strength is the same or higher. Either way, Tezuka wanted to try playing with him at full power.


The other two games with tue non-regulars also ended up with the same scores as they couldn't even return or score a single point let alone see the ball. It was as if the ball traveled through a different time and space before reaching the ground of the court.

Finally, it was time for his match with the regulars. There was a discussion between regulars to decide the two players who's going to face Miraino.

Anf his first regular as an opponent is...


Hoshi: Woah, this time I made it a cliffhanger.

Satsuki: Yeah, but won't the readers get frustrated because of a cliffhanger?

Hoshi: Maybe but they'll be much more cliffhangers in the future so I guess they have to get use to it.

Satsuki: You're quite the sadistic huh?

Hoshi: He he. Thanks for the compliment.

Satsuki: ... I wasn't actually complimenting you but... Whatever.

Hoshi: Then let's conclude this chapter then.

Satsuki: Hoshi-sama doesn't owns PoT and its characters, only me and Miraino. Please be more aware of our future updates! And thanks again for the reads!

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