Chapter 7

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"Xiao we got work. Come on now, wake up" there's Aether gently waking up his boyfriend before heading to the kitchen letting Xiao have his time waking up. Omelette is the easiest he could prepare for breakfast since they had a rough night and woke up late today but that's okau, worth it.

A while later Aether hearr Xiao's footstep entering the bathroom slamming the door behind him. That surprised Aether a bit but the doorbell rang right after.

Rushing to open the door and a figure of a man with blonde hair and blue (green-ish?) eye was waiting for him. "Good morning Aether, I hope you haven't forgotten me"

Took Aether a few seconds to respond Albedo. He was questioning how he knew his name but maybe Klee is the one who told him "Greetings, I'm in a bit of rush right now but help yourself!" warm smile he welcomed Albedo.

Meanwhile Xiao has been staring at himself in the bathroom staring at his own reflection in the mirror. Something feels off and his neck has been feeling real itchy, he noticed a small bulge on his neck.

From his view it looks like a small chip or pin..Maybe he could just ask Aether to spectate it later after his bath.

"Here's some morning tea. Please wait until I'm done preparing dinner and let's talk about your business here yeah" Albedo replied with a smile making sure he's out of Aether sight after. Little do he knew the spider and the chip was the reason he's here.

Aether himseld has been feeling a little bit off. How did Albedo knew his address and that's enough reason for him to worry. Busy with his thoughts the spider-robot climb up his back under his shirt attaching himself.

Without Aether realising he's now unconscious and his actions is controlled by the robot who's programmed by Albedo to do as his ask. "Aether.. You should drink this tea" Aether obediently do as he ask and take a few sips from the tea that has been mixed with a certain pills added by Albedo.

Slowly Aether's face turned red and his body feels hot making him sweat. Albedo grin waiting for the pills to take effects. He sit on the bed guiding Aether into his arm.

"This shit won't come off.." Xiao had just finished his bath still trying to figure out what's the chio about. Giving up he decided to leave the bathroom and ask for Aether. Plus it's been too quiet outside.

Stepping out as Xiao eyes slowly widened when he saw Aether's is sitting on an unknown person's lap sucking on their blood. A lot are on his mind right now, everything happen so fast before he recognize the person was the same guy he met yesterday.

Before Xiao could even do anything he was electrocuted paralysing his body. Fighting himself trying to stay conscious already on his knee frwoning from the pain.

Albedo stood up carrying Aether with him walking pass Xiao "I'll have to borrow your vampire for now"

Author's note

I'm trying to increase my grammarrr. Also english is not my main language but of course it's not an excuse. I lack motivationssss

I was trying to pull Kagura's Verity for Scaramouche but got Jade cutter instead idk if I should be happy or nah as a Kazu main. Trust me Kagura is not the only catalyst Ive been pulling to prepare for Scara :)


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