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It had been about three weeks since Ashton left and I had already made some progress, I didn't cry everyday anymore because of his absence (only every other day) and I tried to hang out with my friends as often as possible because they exactly knew what to do to get my mind off of things.

The other day me and Lauren went shopping again and after that we had some lunch, we were talking about the most ridiculous things that happened to us back in High School. Of course she had to remind me of what happened when Ashton asked me to be his prom date. Literally everyone knew about it and Ashton had been planning this big thing for me but let's skip all the details and come to the mainpart. I wasn't feeling good that day and ended up throwing up right after Ashton asked me out and of course he thought that I didn't want to go with him but Lauren made talk to him after and so we ended up going to the prom together. Thinking about High School made me realize that I should probably go back to college if I wanted to make it anywhere in life.


Luke and Michael had invited me over for a few drinks a few nights ago and we ended up on the rooftop, telling each other secrets that no one else knew. It turned out that Michael was bi and he had a small crush on Luke. Luke was so taken by surprise that he nearly fell of the rooftop and to this day, I'm not sure if Michael or Luke even remember the incident because we were all pretty wasted. I don't remember laughing that much ever before, though. The morning after wasn't that fun, I had a massive hangover and I had to take some advil but it was worth it. We decided that we should invite the others too the next time but I'm not sure if there will be a next time since we stayed in bed for two days after.

Back to Calum, I hadn't talked to him in a while, we were texting every now and then and he would compliment me but we hadn't met since we both went for a walk about a week ago.

Calum's sudden tries to flirt with me still made me kind of curious. We've known each other since primary school and he had never tried anything on me, especially not when I started to date Ashton but now that he was away, it seemed like her tried so hard to get my attention or to hang out with me. Even though I was curious it also weirded me a bit out because he knew that I was in love with Ashton but maybe he was just trying to make me feel less lonely and that kind of worked.


Currently I was sitting in front of my Laptop, hoping that Ashton would skype me again. I hadn't dared to turn it off since the last time Ashton called because I didn't want to miss it. I wanted to talk to him as soon as possible, I wanted to know if he was safe and healthy and I hoped that he ate enough and got enough sleep.

Sometimes I would wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare, I kept having dreams about Ashton dying in war. Those dreams always felt so real and I would start to cry. Just thinking about Ashton being hurt hurt me so much that I could barely take it. I just wanted him to come home. I wanted to hold him in my arms again because that's where he belonged.


My phone started to vibrate, signaling an incoming call. I quickly grabbed it and answered the call without even looking at the caller ID.


"Hey M, what's up?" A raspy voice asked that I recognized as Calum's.

"Uh, nothing much. Just sitting around, what about you?" I said, spinning my chair around.

"I just wanted to ask if you're free today and wanted to go to the beach today, the water is still a bit cold but it's warm enough to get a tan." He quickly mumbled.

I started to grin, as if Calum wasn't already tan enough. That boy looked like he was on vacation all the time.

"Uh, yeah sure I think I have time."

"Okay cool, I'll pick you up in an hour."

"Alright." And with that the line went dead. I quickly walked upstairs and packed a towel and some sunscreen in my bag, then I went to the bathroom and made myself look presentable. I put on some light make up and put my hair in a ponytail.

As soon as I was done, I turned on the TV to watch some series before Calum arrived.

After a few more minutes the doorbell rang, I grabbed my bag and my keys and opened the door, revealing Calum. He was wearint black jeanshorts and a black tanktop, on the top of his nose he was wearing some sunglasses.

"Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded. He put his hand at the small of my back and leaded me to his car. He opened the door for me and as soon as I fastened my seatbelt he started the engine and made his way through the afternoon traffic to the beach. The weather was really good, so everyone was taking advantage of it.

When we arrived at the beach it wasn't as busy as I thought it would be. There were a few parents with their kids and some couples but it wasn't crowded. Me and Calum searched for a not too occupied spot and spreaded our towels on the sand. I sat down and pulled out my sunscreen and started to apply it on my light skin.

"Do you need any help?" Calum asked, a cheeky grin resting on his plump lips.

"Yeah, can you put some sunscreen on my back? I really don't want to end up looking like a lobster."

He nodded and took the sunscreen from my hand.

"Turn around." He mumbled. I nodded and quickly laid on my stomach, closing my eyes.

Calum applied the cold sunscreen on my shoulders and on the small of my back, then he started to massage me. I let out a small moan, it had been definitely way too long since the last time I got a proper massage.

"Are you enjoying the magic I can do with my hands?" Calum asked and even though I couldn't see his face I knew that he was still grinning like an idiot.

After he was done we both got up and walked closer to the ocean, the breeze was a bit chilly but not too cold. As soon as the water touched my feet, I squeaked from the coldness.

"Don't be such a whimp." Calum groaned and walked into the water until it reached his thigh. His facial expressions showed that he wasn't enjoying the cold water but I knew that he wouldn't admit that. His ego was too big.

"Come here, it's not that cold." He shouted and opened his arms for me. I nodded my head and took a step back.

"No, I'll just stay here and watch you. That's entertaining enough." I grinned and crossed my hands in front of my chest.

He just rolled his eyes and walked back to me. I quickly took a step back, realizing what he was going to do.

"M, what are you doing? Are you running away from me?" He asked, a fake hurt expression resting on his face.

"No, I would never." I giggled, taking a few more steps back but that made him only walk faster and before I knew it he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and dragged me into the cold water.

"No, Calum! Stop!" I squeaked but it was too late. We both were already in too deep.


wow sorry for taking so long to update i was really busy with school and i still am

this chapter was filler bc i seriously have no idea what should happen next so pls give me some ideas on what you want to happen ok

pls vote & comment ily all


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