Chapter 7: Issues and Mistakes

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» [Home Sweet Home] «

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... I cared for you...

I gave you my all...

I kept you safe...

spent all my love on you...

And I get a dead family in return?

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Slowly you lifted the window, only just enough room for you to squeeze through. Your nose was greeted with an old smell that you hadn't smelt for who knows how long. Bedding, books and your frames were still exactly how you left them. It was all a bit dusty though since you guess it hasn't ever been touched.

You scanned through your book shelf, looking and grabbing all your medical ones and others that might come in use. Slowly and gently, you put them all in a bag that you took with you. You smiled at the little memories you got from these treasures. After packing it all, you couldn't help but look around.

The frames were in good shape, the photo's were still as bright as ever in this dull room. You opened your desk draws and took a long look at the pencils and other things that were in them. Then in the corner of your eye, you saw something you could never forget... a bunny plushy...

The exact one your Father had given you before the day he died...

You felt like crying on how ridiculous it was for him to die in that way. To die because he made his daughter happy. Yes it is true that your curse activates when you show strong emotion, so that would also apply to someone making you so happy. You hated it.

You had wished he didn't give you it... but at the same time, you were glad he did. Bringing the bunny into your arms, you cuddled it. This toy is the last remaining thing that your dad had given you. Tears rolled down a bit, but you wiped them away before they could travel down your whole face.


Horror stretched over your face as you saw the figure standing at the now fully opened door...


She had looked shocked when first seeing you, but soon it turned to rage. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE YOU FREAK?!" She successfully pulled your hair, gaining a yelp from your mouth. You knew you were stronger and you knew that you could stop her at any point...

But the one fact that she was your Mother made all that strength useless.

A loud slam echoed through the house and you hit the ground, coughing. "I TOLD YOU NEVER TO COME BACK! WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND YOU MONSTER!" She repeatedly kicked you as you kept trying to get some time to breath. Your body was shaking violently, like you were in a blizzard. Why did this have to happen? Why did you make another mistake? Why-

Another door had opened, but it wasn't any of the doors near you. Fast footsteps could be heard coming your way. Your Mother yelled at them. "What are you doing in my property?! I demand you to get out!"

"(y/n)!" Your eyes widened at the boy who had you in an embrace, your back resting on him.

"Tanjiro?! What are you doing here?! You shouldn't-"

"I'm not leaving." His breath tickled your neck a bit, and your face heated up. "No matter what you say, I won't leave."

"Hah! You sure about that boy?" Your Mother had finally spoken. Your body trembled at what she would do next, knowing that it would risk your friendship with Tanjiro-

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