Chapter 5: Past and Present

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» [Flowers] «

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Facing the past is hard. You always had fear of it and trembled every time you thought of it. But the thing is, you always think the present will always be like the past... but it won't. I won't let you feel what you felt back then. I won't let you experience what you experienced back then.

Because in the past, you didn't have me. But now you do.


Horror grew on your face as you had realised what you had done. Tanjiro was now looking a bit sick, having his palm to his forehead.

You had just cursed him.

You backed away from him, avoiding his gaze, if he was even looking at you. You muttered the word 'no' over and over again, feeling pushed to the edged, sounding and looking insane. Your back hit the wall as you were still on your bed, curling up into a little ball of anxiety and regret. Tanjiro tried to calm you down, but it ended up you pointed the kunai that you always kept with you at him so he kept his distance. "Please (y/n), calm down. I'm fine! Put the weapon down-"

"Don't get close! I'm not risking making your curse worse!" Tears were building up in your eyes as you made sure to hide your eyes with your arm, since you didn't have your blindfold. But even with this happening, something caught both your attentions.


You moved your arm from your eyes just a bit and peeked to see what had happened.

A flower had grown out of Tanjiro's head. One of the many flowers that you were familiar with was now sitting there, mixed with the boys burgundy hair. Slowly, more flowers grew as you just stared... shocked.

Never have you ever had a curse like this happen to someone. It didn't even feel like a curse because of how beautiful it was. All these types of flowers that were placed in Tanjiro's hair. He looked into a mirror and was shocked, but also amazed. He chuckled a bit, seeing how he looked a little ridiculous. Smiling, he met your gaze until you avoided it. "See (y/n). I told you to trust me."

"I... I didn't think my curse could do that..."

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Tanjiro's curse had turned out to be only a bit difficult. Aside from the beautiful flowers in his hair, it seemed that the plants drained his energy, so he wasn't able to do much training everyday. But for some reason, he was perfectly fine with that. He wasn't mentally affected by that, and it was strange.

You were getting better at least. It would've been quicker for you to recover if you didn't push yourself, but really who could blame you? You needed to push yourself to successfully get better with your breathing technique. Even if you were able to stand up and walk around with only getting a tiny bit dizzy, Tanjiro forced you to stay in bed... but you guess it wasn't a bad thing. Since he couldn't train a lot, he spent most of his time chatting to you and taking care of you. He talked about his childhood and his life more than you did, but that didn't bother you. You must admit that after being sick and seeing him more, you could feel yourself fall deeper for him. You were definitely aware that you had a crush on him now, but never planned on telling him. You risked a lot and he's somehow still your friend. You really didn't want to risk anything more with telling him that, you were fine with staying friends...

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