Chapter 23: The Crying Game (Nishinoya)

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Song: You're Not The One by Sky Ferreira

I stormed home after embarrassing myself. Breaking down, shouting at Natalie for ruining what could have been a relationship that I really want with Y/N. I was fucked up and my eyes were sore and I felt light bangs on the front of my head. I began to rub my temples to calm the banging after losing control. I left school of embarrassment and I wanted to walk home alone. Might need a few days off until everyone decides to forget about the drama that only just went down.

I then began to trudge towards my home calming from the storming action from slow walking. My eyes stung and felt moist from the tears. Fuck. This really hurts. I need to think of a way to get Y/N back considering I only have nearly 2 weeks until Oikwa can get his hands on Y/N and I'll have no chance.

I went to my front door and slowly pushed it open. Before slamming it behind me and dropping to my knees in tears. What am I going to do now that Y/N hates me? I'm an idiot considering I had the chance to tell him that it was a misunderstanding, but I was too shocked and angry to react. I looked at my phone to try and contact Y/N, and he blocked me. The messages wouldn't load plus I couldn't reply to the conversation. I then got a text for Tanaka, saying he was coming over after school. I left my phone on the mini table in the corner whilst I went upstairs to change.

I felt so overwhelmed by the fact Y/N hates me. It feels like my fault in way, it kind of is. I grabbed my phone to respond to a Tanaka text.

It read: "Hey bro it seemed a bit rough out there. U good?"
You dont ask someone of they're good when they've been deliberately slapped in the face and have to swallow the fact that their crush hates them.

I decides not to reply and only throw my lifeless body into the bed, breathing in the thick duvet. It still smelt like Y/N from the time me and him were home alone. Together. The butterflies. I began to cry into my pillow.

I heard banging on the there and lifted my face of the box of snotty tissues soaked on tears and headaches. I opened the front door to see a concerned Tanaka.

"Hey dude... I've never seen you cry before Nishinoya..." I felt so low and my head fell into my torso. I felt the breeze refresh my face including the dry streams of tears.
"Is it ok if I come in...?"
I let him in and we talked. About what happened. Tanaka tightened his grip on the dining table as i talked about how much of a bitch Natalie is.

"Shall I talk to him..?" I wasn't bothered. I was pierced in the heart. I let no response to Tanaka.

"You good ther-" I'm annoyed.
"I wanna be alone now Tanaka. No offense."
" Sure I completely respect that. " I waved him goodbye before walking back into the dining room to flip the table over in anger.

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