Chapter 2: Signing up

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Song: Say You Would by LIZ

I walked to the stairs on the floor for first years. I walked past everyone who were caught in conversations and was surrounded by multiple words which had flew past my ears. The sound deepened and my sight started to blur as the higher part of my chest was tickling me inside. I was anxious.

"Hey!" I heard someone.

"Are you talking to me?" I asked them politely. I turned to face a table. On the table there was a pile of sheets, which looked like applications. And attached to the table was a paper reading "music club" which was held by tape at the end of the table. I'm a complete music slut so of course I'm going to be happy about this opportunity.

"So, are you new to Karasuno?" There was 3 people sitting at the table. To the left, was a girl, she has ginger hair and looked a few inches smaller than Hinata. Next to the girl on the right, was a boy claiming dark hair. And next to him was someone with purple hair. They held out their hand to greet me.

"Hi, I'm Nancy: I run the music club. Also, I'm nonbinary and use pronouns they/them."

"Oh, and I'm Marc." The dark-haired boy piped up. He also held his hand out to shake. And the girl introduced herself as a helper and her name was Maddie, she was going to a middle school nearby Karasuno as she said she was 11. 

"Here!" Maddie passed me an application for the music club. "You just have to mention your name and age etc. Then come back to us at 10:00am to hand in the application to join the club and become an official member!"

I smiled back and walked off with my application, accidently bumping into a grumpy Hinata. "Hey Shoyo what's up? Did you sign up for volleyball?"

"I tried". He replied. He looked sad. "But I ran into a rival, and we accidently threw the ball on the principle's toupee, and the club leaders kicked us out." When he mentioned about the principle I burst into laughter. He looked at me confused. "FOR REAL?? NAUUURRR!! YOU KNOCKED OFF HIS TOUPE!?" I continued to laugh.

"HUSHHH!!" People were looking at us. Especially when I mentioned about the toupee and the principal some random 2nd year asked me if it was true. He made me so nervous his face was directly a few inches from mine. I told him to ask Hinata. He then zoomed out and looked into Hinata. I immediately felt guilt as the little ball of sunshine suddenly had someone clouding over him. As the 2nd year was finished and walked off, Hinata had caught his breath and gave me a death glare.

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT??!!" The tangerine whelped. 

"Don't you think I was scared?? But you took that better than me and I'm sorry for putting too much pressure on you Shoyo. I'll buy you something after school."

"Yay!" He jumped into the air and walked off to class. I walked alongside him as we were in the same class together.


The bell rang and Hinata was sitting outside the gymnasium waiting for an application. I decided to apply as well so Hinata didn't feel alone. I was a proud member of 2 clubs. I had made a plan for my week. Tuesdays and Thursdays was music club and volleyball on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I was greeted by a white-haired 3rd year, he introduced himself as Suga. He gave me a backstory of the Karasuno high volleyball club before it's downfall. Whilst he was explaining I saw Hinata peak at the window. The guy standing next to Suga introduced himself as Tanaka, a 2nd year, he looked where Hinata had caught my eye and he winked at them for a weird reason. After signing up it was 5pm and I was ready to head home. I then heard a ping from my phone. It was Shoyo. The message read: "THEY ARE GOING TO LET ME IN THE CLUB IF I WIN A MATCH AGAINST SOME OF THE MEMBERS OF THE VOLLEYBALL CLUB!!"

I replied: "That means me and the 3 other members (forgot to add Daichi lol) are going against you and?"

He replied about this guy called Kageyama who he met last year. he sounded like his rival. After I opened my home door I went to my room and turned on my music. I asked my Alexa to Next Level Charli by Charli XCX. 

Sorry for a shit ending lol. Also hot people listen to Ethel Cain.

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