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Anonymous ask:
Have you ever tried a scaring prank? Like on Dice or Devil?? >:)


"Um no. even if I wanted to I would have the confident like cups to do so or the 'smart' like mugs to pull a prank on my parents.. so no" y/n said while rubbing they're neck as they're tail went down to the ground.

"Nah, but I've been wantin' to do one. as payback for the ones they have done."Cups said as he was thinking of anyway to prank them.

"Heh, yeah, the Devil likes to do his... shape-shifting tricks somtimes"Mugman said.

"Oh yeah, I hate it when he does that."Cuphead groaned while [y/n] kinda agrees but really didn't mind.


Somewhere in the hallway, Mugman passed by a creepy looking picture of him.

'What the... why is there a picture of me here?'

The picture of Mugman suddenly opened its eyes and scared the living daylights out of him.

Turns out it was just the Devil.

"Pfftthah!! How was that for a prank?"Devil grins.

"Terrible. I hate you."Mugman says holding his heart looking terrified.


"Wait, did King Dice also do something?" Mugman ask as Cuphead rolls his eyes.

"Well...it wasn't JUST him..." Cuphead said glaring at y/n who wasn't paying attention as they looked at Cuphead confused.


"Hey, Cuphead! Wanna see somethin' ya like..."y/n spoke in a sweet voice getting Cuphead's attention.

y/n was holding a dollar bill while king dice was holding a lighter as her was smiling at him as y/n just smiled a bit.

"...burning?" Dice finished y/n sentence.

Cuphead's eye have a slight crack in them while looking at them.


"Relax, its fake."Dice said as he chuckled while Y/n was try so hard not to laugh at him.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LOT." Cuphead said with confused and frustration on his face.


"Oh yeah, I remember now." Y/n said smiling innocently while looking at the cups as mugs shook his head with a smile.

"I still don't forgive you for doing that."Cuphead crossed his arms.

"Come on, it was just a little joke." y/n said sassily with a deadpanned look

"Yeah, but with money of all things."Cuphead shot back

"So what, people get greedy when it comes to that and besides you'll get more if you work." y/n said with not hesitation.

"Well its valuable, of course people will get greedy."Cuphead said ignoring the last part.

"People like you." y/n mumble back as she gave him the side glare but cuphead heard that and gave them a glare back. You saw this as a smirk creeps in to your face.

"What's that suppose to mean."Cuphead said now facing you as you did the same but then was stop by Mugman.

"You guys fight like an old married couple."Mugman pointed out while both of them got caught off guard by that statement and blushed uncontrollably as the turned to Mugman.

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