Chapter 15

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The next day
Y/n's POV
"Alright the quinjets' prepped and ready to go." Bucky said,from inside the jet, loud enough for me and Bruce to hear. I was currently standing outside the quinjet, by it's ramp, waiting for Bruce to get inside the jet. He was scattering through his little bag for something. I didn't know why he even needed a bag. We are only going for a couple of hours, we'll probably be back at around 8 pm.
"Can you get in now please?" I begged. "Yeah now I can. I was just checking if I kept my speech in the bag, I was practicing for it last light." Bruce replied.
"You prepared a speech?" I asked.
"Yeah, you didn't?"
"No." I shook my head.

I went ahead and sat on the cockpit to pilot the jet.
"Uh what do you think you're doing?" Bucky asked me. "I'm sitting in the cockpit so I can pilot the jet." I said.
"Wait you know how to pilot a jet. How come you never told me?" Bucky questioned.
"Must've forgotten." I answered.
"That's not something you forget." Bucky said.
"Well when I'm with you I forget everything." I said in a flirtatious tone, with a wide smirk. He smirked back at.
"Uhhmmm." Bruce cleared his throat. I turned my head around and started pushing some buttons on the control panel to start the jet.
"Buckle up boys." I reminded.

Bruce instantly put on all the belts and took out his speech to practice again. Bucky also buckled up on the seat closest to mine so he could stare at me the whole time.

Time skip 4 hours

After our long trip we were finally here. I was getting really bored because I had listened to Bruce's speech (that he had now fully memorised) 5 times before we got off. I safely landed the quinjet and speeded outside. Bucky and Bruce followed along. I stepped inside the academy and took a good look. Both Bruce and Bucky came and stood on each side of mine.
"So this is the SSR ACADEMY, for kids?" Bucky questioned.
"Yeah this is it."
"It looks good." Bruce added.

Shortly after that we were greeted by Agent Weaver.
"It's so good to see you Agent Y/l/n." Agent Weaver said with a cheerful smile.
"It's good see you too." I greeted back.
"So how do feel, you know coming here after such a long time?" She asked.
"It hasn't been that long but it's good to be back home. I think I should visit more often." I said.
"You definitely should." She answered.
"Home? What do you mean by 'back home'." Bucky queried.
"That's a story for another time." I brushed off. Bucky looked at me with an intrigued look but tried to ignore it.
"Oh and Dr. Banner how are you?"
"I- I am good. Thanks for having me here." Bruce said.
"Pleasures all mine."
"And this gentleman over here. How could anyone forget the famous James Buchanan Barnes. One of the howling commandos from back in the forties." Agent Weaver happily said.
"You know me?" Bucky said furrowing his brows.
"Of course we know you. You are a very well known person in this place." Agent Weaver told.
"Never knew that." Bucky replied.
"Well now you do." I said.
"But I wasn't aware you were coming." Agent Weaver said.
"Oh after your call with me yesterday. I told Bucky about it and then asked home to tag along because there is something I wanna show him.
After that we proceeded to go the hall so me and Bruce could give the lecture.

Bruce and I gave the lecture for an hour or so and Bucky sat in top corner seat and watched me the whole time. The lecture was almost ending and I thought 'Why not have the students ask me some questions that they have about me or something related to science'.

"Okay so this lecture has been great and sadly it has come to end now but if anyone has any questions for me or Dr. Banner you may ask." I said out loud. About 10 students raised their hands. Woah I wasn't expecting that many questions. I picked one student and allowed him to speak.
"So uh Dr. Y/l/n I uh read an article about you. It was actually about one of your experiments that you did and it said that it went sort of wrong and right but it didn't explain much. But the article also said something about you discovering some kind of inhuman energy. In easy words you discovered powers. So my question is that is it true that you have powers or have discovered them?" Explained one of the students.
"Yes it is true that I have powers. I have enhanced abilities relating to inhuman activity. But you don't need to fear me I have my powers in control." I disclosed.

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