Chapter 8

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So this is probably the longest chapter I've written up till now. So it may take a while to read.

Bucky's POV
I was on my way to training room to workout with Steve. He said he wanted to talk to me about something. He thought training together would be the perfect time to talk me. I agreed to it. I knew exactly what he wanted to talk to me about.

I didn't mind so I just went with it. I got to the training room and saw Steve beating the crap out of a punching bag.
"Hey Buck, wanna join." Steve asked.
"Yeah sure." I accepted.

I started punching the shared bag slowly, I wanted to take it easy since I hadn't warmed up.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about." I asked pretending not to know anything.
"Well I just wanted to ask about... uh how you've been feeling lately. You know, with Y/n helping you out with your nightmares." Steve started punching the bag towards me so I could punch it back.
"Uh yeah it's been great. So far so good, I haven't gotten any nightmares lately. I feel a lot more relaxed and its kinda like my minds' at peace." I sighed.

Honestly, for some weird reason it felt like I was talking to a stranger. I wasn't feeling the bond that me and Steve had back in the day. I know that times are different now, but still, it just doesn't feel the way it use to.

We continued to punch in silence for another minute until I broke the silence.
"Look Steve just get to the point, I know what you want to talk about." I said trying to get him to talk what he really wanted to talk about.
"God, you know me too well Buck. I wanted to ask you about your uh little crush on Y/n. But I guess I wouldn't say little because it's pretty big actually. But.. but I'm not making fun of you. I just wanted to ask you, when are you going to confess your love to her." Steve vocalised.
"Listen Steve I—." I started but Steve cut me off.
"Buck I know it's hard to confess your love for someone, especially to the person you love, but you have try at least." He said.
"Steve I get what you are trying to say. Trust me I know and I love y/n too. I love her more than you can imagine. But what if she doesn't like me back? I don't even know how she feels about me. And I don't wanna ruin my friendship with y/n." I declared knowing what Steve said was right, but also wanting him to understand my situation. I loved Y/n with all my heart. I would do anything for her, but I'm just really sceptical.

"Bucky I know what you are trying to say, but you have to make a move. And besides you shouldn't jump to conclusions so fast. Plus y/n is the kind of person who would understand you, mainly because you're her best friend. I know Y/n's personality is a bit different from most of us here, but that's what makes her unique and perfect for you." He said sweetly.
"Steve, she may be perfect for me but the real question is, am I perfect for her?" I said, punching the bag even faster and harder.

We carried on with this conversation for another 2-3 minutes or so. What we didn't realise while talking was that Natasha and Wanda were there the whole time and heard the whole story.

"OH. MY. GOD." Wanda and Natasha said in unison whilst being shocked by what they just heard.
"You have a crush on Y/n and you didn't think to tell us?" Natasha said loudly in surprise.
"Shhhh. Why, would I tell you two about this?" I questioned, curious to know their answer.
"The reason you would tell us about this, is because we are y/n's besties and because we would help you two get together. Duh." Wanda smirked.
"You will do no such thing. Not without my permission. And now that you two know about this, I want you to keep mouth's shut." I spoke sternly.
"Bucks right. You need to respect his decisions. If he doesn't want you two to interfere with this matter then you shouldn't." Steve said respectfully.
"Ugh. Whatever." Natasha groaned.
"We were just trying to help you alright. No need to be so rude about it." Wanda sassed back.

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