Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV
I woke up and checked the time. It was 7:38 am. I sat up in bed and my mind immediately raced to last nights events. Bucky and I kissed each other. I couldn't help but blush at the thought of it. I couldn't believe that it actually happened. I love him soo much and it was the best feeling. I never wanted to let go of it because I hadn't felt like this in an extremely long time.

But before I went to talk to Bucky about last night, I knew I needed to have a little chat with Ms. Wanda fucking Maximoff. She literally embarrassed both me and Bucky. I felt even worse for Bucky.

I went to the bathroom and freshened up. I threw on a black hoodie with some black jeans. I asked F.R.I.D.A.Y if Wanda was awake and she told that she was still asleep, so I told F.R.I.D.A.Y to alert me when she was awake. I went ahead to make myself some breakfast. I was making some eggs and I felt a melt arm creep up my waist. I knew it was Bucky. He pressed a soft kiss on my neck. I turned around and saw his delightful and smiling face. He grabbed my waist properly with both of his hands and pulled me closer to him. He leaned down and kissed me, and I returned it. He pulled away quickly and stared into my eyes.

"So, doll you wanna talk about last night?" He questioned.
"What about last night?" I asked innocently.
"You know, how we kissed each other last night and then just went to our rooms after that? Ring a bell?" He asked.
"Hmm, let me see my memory is a bit hazy." I responded, sarcastically.
We both let out a chuckle. And then I sensed something burning. OH SHIT, THE EGGS! I was so mellowed in mine and Bucky's little moment, I had completely forgotten about the eggs. I hurried and turned off the stove and threw away the burned eggs.

Bucky stood there laughing. At first I was a little mad but when I saw him laugh I couldn't help but smile at him. I made new eggs for me and Bucky, and put them on toast.

"Um so where were we?" I asked, trying to get back to our conversation.
"We were talking about last night." He answered.
"Oh yeah." I said as I took a bite of my toast.
"What I really wanted to ask you about was that, would you like to go on a date with me?" Bucky asked nervously. I blushed a little at his question.
"I would love to go on a date with you." I said happily.
"Great, be ready by 6." He exclaimed happily. With that being said, he put his plate in the sink and quickly kissed me on my cheek and left.

A couple minutes later F.R.I.D.A.Y notified me that Wanda was up. I rushed to the elevator and went to Wanda's floor. I banged on her door as hard as possible. She opened her door and looked at me angrily.
"Gosh, y/n what is it? Why are you banging on my door soo loudly?" She asked, frustrated.
"What is it? Seriously, you're asking me that question?" I said stepping into her room.
"Yeah, I'm asking you that question, now would you mind telling me what this is about?" She asked again.
"Let's take a trip to memory lane shall we? Now, do you remember what you did last night?"
"Uh, I— — I ate a lot drank a lot. Oh and you made me eat a whole spoon of hot sauce with a green chilli on it." She exclaimed.
"Haha, it was fun to watch you suffer." I laughed.
"I burned my tongue because of you." She yelled.
"Anyways, you remember all that, but can you tell me what you did after that? How you got revenge on me? How you blabbered about Bucky's feelings? How you embarrassed both me and Bucky in front of everyone?" I asked, extremely furious.
"As a matter of fact I do remember. You have no idea how much I loved doing that." She blurted with a huge smirk.

I was soo angry at her, my hand started glowing, aqua blue (the colour of your powers). Wanda noticed and took a few steps back.
"Y/n I need you to calm down. Now." Wanda said.
"Calm down? You want me to calm down?" I asked as my eyes started glowing a little bit. Wanda's powers gushed through her hands as well. Just as I was about to attack Wanda, Nat came from behind pulled me back.
"Y/n what is wrong with you? You could've hurt Wanda?" Nat shouted.
"As if she wouldn't have protected herself from it." I snapped back.
"Can someone explain to me what's going on here? And why you were gonna kill each other?" Nat asked cluelessly.
"You know what happened last night, right. How she exposed Bucky." I started.
"Well why did she have to do that? If Bucky liked me he would've told me himself. Why did she interfere?" I questioned.
"I was only trying to help." Wanda said softly.
"Wanda's right y/n. We found out yesterday that Bucky liked you, and he's liked you since the day you first came here, I guess. But he wasn't making a move, so Wanda just tried to ease the situation." Nat explained.
"Wait, you knew about this? Why didn't you tell me? I would've talked to him myself, it probably would've been better than saying it in front of everyone." I let out.
"Y/n I'm sorry I did that. I wasn't thinking and it was the only thing that came to mind after I did that horrible dare of yours." Wanda apologised.
"Fine. I forgive you but you will also go and apologise to Bucky. And I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have gotten my powers out of control like that." I apologised. Wanda smiled and pulled me into a hug, Nat joined too.

"But, I still wanna know what happened after you and Bucky got up and left." Wanda asked me.
"He confessed his feelings for me and so did I." I told.
"And, what happened next?" Nat gave me an eager look.
"Uh, we- - we kissed." I blurted. Nat and Wanda stared at me in shock.
"OMG. IT FINALLY HAPPENED." They both said in unison as they squealed.
"Aaannnddd, he asked me out on a date this morning. He told me to be ready at 6." I said. Their jaws dropped to the floor.
"Okay we need to find you the perfect outfit." Wanda said with excitement.
"And I'll do your makeup." Nat ordered.
"Guys it's like 9 am right now. We have a lot of time." I said trying to chill them out.
"No we don't, we can never have enough time to get ready for a date, you understand me?" Wanda stated. I sighed knowing that I couldn't convince them.

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