Chapter 2

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Third persons POV
You were in your lab working with Gary on a your new prototype and scattering through blue prints, when suddenly you got a call from Fury saying that he wants you to come into his office for a talk. You were on your way to his office and started to worry about what he wanted to talk to you about. You came in and sat down on a chair.
"So, what do you want to talk to me about?", you questioned.
"Did I do something wrong on my last mission or is the report, that I gave you, not right? I mean what is it, just tell me already". You said slowly pacing back and forth.
"Calm down y/n". Fury said in a slow voice.
"You haven't done anything wrong on your last mission and the report that you gave me is right".
"So what is it then?", you questioned again.
"So, I'm pretty sure that you have heard about the avengers, right?"
"Yes I have". You responded.
"So I just thought that maybe you'd wanna be part of the avengers initiative and fight alongside with them."

Your eyes go wide, and you sat there in shock. Trying to process what he had just said.

"You know I just thought that you're smart, powerful, strong and highly trained, which means you fit perfectly in the criteria of becoming an avenger". "So what do you think, do you wanna be part of it?" "There's no pressure, it all comes down to your decision."
"I—— I would love to be apart of the avengers initiative. Is that even a question." You sigh with excitement.
"Not gonna lie, I have always admired them and their work. It's just that I never thought I'd be a part of them." "Omg, I can't believe this." You said smiling happily.
"Well you're gonna have to believe it y/n." Fury said giving a small laugh.
"I'll talk to the avengers and tell them that they'll be having a new member joining them."
"Wait a minute. You didn't ask them if they wanted a new member! What if they say no?"
"Trust me y/n, they won't say no." Fury said with confidence.
"Okay, I trust you I guess. But when will I be joining them?" You asked.
"As soon you complete your mission, that I'm about to give you." He replied.
"What's my mission?"
He moves a light brown file in front of you that contains everything you need to know for the mission. You start going through the file.
"I will notify the avengers about you while you're gone, but I won't tell them too much about you because I want you to interact with all of them yourself."
"Oh and by the way, you leave tomorrow for this mission." Fury added.
"Understood." You answered.
"But what about Gary and my lab and my work that I have done over there?" You ask curiously.
"Don't worry I'll take care of all that.", he said calmly.
And with that being said you walked out of his office with the file in your hand. You tried to act as normal as you could in front of anyone. You didn't want to drag attention to yourself and have people asking what happened. Although you were a good liar, but you couldn't lie about this.

You finished your work in the lab quickly and left early to prepare for your mission for tomorrow. You were filled with excitement by the news you were given today. When you got into your car you squealed with joy. You then played some party music for fun and drove home.

When you entered your house you threw your keys, phone, and bag on the coffee table and sat down on the couch with a thud. You started to think about the avengers and how lucky you are to be joining them. You didn't really have to worry about how you were gonna act and behave around them, because you already had an amazing personality and new how to blend in. You made your way to your room to pack for your mission.

For your mission you were going to Bulgaria. To retrieve information from the owner of one of the biggest tech companies in the world, Arnold Watts, about nuclear codes and bombs that they had stolen. And then you had to get the codes and bombs back to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, safely. You had done missions like this before so it wasn't gonna be a very big problem. After all you are a level 10 agent.

After packing your stuff you had some dinner. While you were having dinner you started going through the file again, but this time in more detail. You wanted to memorise as much information as possible. Your flight leaves at 7:30 am in the morning from New York, which means you had to be at the airport by 5:30 am at least.

On your mission......

You were going into Arnold Watts house undercover as a prostitute. Your plan was, to spike his drink by giving him a dr*g that would put him to sleep for about 2 hours. If he wasn't gonna drink anything which was pretty unlikely, you were gonna inject him with sedative which would keep him down for a bit. And then you were gonna sneak into his office, where his computers were, and download into a USB drive which was hidden inside of your hair clip. If any guards came your way to kill you, you were planning on blasting their heads off.

The mission went as planned. You were able to spike Arnold's drink. When you had gotten everything you needed, you went back to where Arnold was and shot him with a gun before he could even wake up.

You got into your car and pinned in the USB drive into your laptop to figure out the location of where the bombs were kept. You had already gotten hold of the nuclear codes so the bombs were the only thing you needed now. You found the location of the bombs. They were kept in an old warehouse near the countryside. You wanted to go to the warehouse to see for yourself if the location was right. Turns out it was. You called Fury to inform him about this and also so that he could send his men and a couple other agents to help move the nuclear bombs to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. In the meantime, you prepared a file of the mission report that you could handover to Fury. You always had to give him a mission report so that there is always a record of all the missions.

Back in New York at the main S.H.I.E.L.D agency...

"Here's the mission report and the USB drive that contains all the nuclear codes." You stated putting both things on Fury's desk.
"Thank you y/n."
"Just like always you have accomplished another mission." He complemented.
"See this is one of the reasons I want you to become an avenger, because you never fail." He said with a smile on his face.
"Well, I'm always just trying to do my best work." You responded.
"I know. But you better start packing all your stuff and get ready to move because you'll be living with the avengers now. You are to be with them in the next three days.", said Fury.
"Right. Then I'll be on my way home to start boxing up my stuff. And I suppose that you have taken care of my lab?
"Oh yes, about that I had everything moved to a spare lab in the avengers compound." He stated.
"I guess I'll be on my way then." You say as you leave.

You didn't have a lot of stuff it was mainly your clothes and a couple other things. You packed up everything in about 3 or so suitcases and were ready to start your new life as an avenger. It wasn't really gonna be a new life since you were going to be doing the exact same work. The only difference is that you would be with the cool kids now and maybe finally have some friends in your boring life.

I hope this chapter was a bit better than the last one.

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