Chapter 5

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Bucky's POV
I was laying in bed staring at ceiling, thinking about y/n. It was 7:00 am. I had been thinking about y/n all night. I barely had any sleep all night. It felt like I was getting obsessed with her. I mean who wouldn't obsess over her, she's literally perfect. And after yesterday night I'm mad for her. She was looking soo hot and soo fine. She was even able to lift Thor's hammer. I can only imagine how much more of an amazing woman she is. And her attitude, a bit harsh but it suits her. I might just slowly be falling in love with her.
I think I've fantasised enough about her for now. I better get going, I promised Sam that I would spar with him today.
I got up and put on skin tight shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. I freshened up and headed straight to the gym. As I got their I saw Sam lying down on the huge sparring mat. It looked like someone kicked his ass real bad. Then I saw Y/n on the side of the room having a drink of water.

"Oh, Bucky thank god you're here." Sam groaned.
"Y/n has been kicking my ass for the last half an hour. We were sparring together and I realised that it was the worst decision I made in my whole god damn life." Sam exclaimed.
"Oh come on Sam, I already told you. This will make you stronger. Cuz if you do this often you will get used to it and when you get hurt on missions, it won't hurt as much." Y/n clarified.
"You know Sam, I actually agree with y/n. She's right".  I admitted.
"Whatever. I'm sorry Bucky I know that I said we would spar today but I can't take it anymore punches today. I'm gonna go get some breakfast but you can spar with Y/n if you want. Let's see if you win", said Sam as he left the gym. Now it was just me and Y/n.

"So you wanna spar with me cuz I'm not in a rush to get breakfast or anything right now?" Y/n asked politely.
I accepted the offer and got on the mat to spar with her.
"But don't use your powers, otherwise that would be cheating." I warned.
"You think I used my powers while sparring with Sam. Don't worry I don't need to use my powers, I'm hard to beat as it is." She bragged.
"Let's see if you can beat a super soldier." I challenged.
"It won't be the first time." She said as she threw a punch at me. I flung back as I wasn't ready but now I was. I went ahead quickly to grab her from the waist and flip her upside down. But she dodged me by doing a cartwheel so she was behind. She grabbed my neck from the back with both her arms and locked it tight. She hit he back of my knee with her foot so I would fall. And I did. I tried to grab her with both my hands by twisting them but I ended up tapping out. I gotta admit she is hard to beat.
"What, is the super soldier already giving up?" Y/n teased.
"I was just being easy on you." I lied.
"Yeah right. Let's have another round or two." She demanded.
We sparred together for an hour or so and somehow she won every round. Damn she's strong. She went to the bench to clean of all the sweat and drink water. I swear to god she was looking so freaking hot, it literally turned me on. I wanted to fuck with her so bad. It had only been two days since she had come here and something was already happening. I was changing. Okay this was a prominent sign that I was madly in love with her.

Y/n's POV
I went over to the bench after me and Bucky finished sparring. I already knew I would win as always. As I grabbed my towel to clean the swear of my neck, I caught Bucky staring at me. He was thinking about something while looking at me. At first I thought about saying something but then held back from having an embarrassing and awkward moment. I made eye contact with him for a split second and then he looked away. I grabbed my duffel bag and walked out of the gym and made my way to my room. I went in my bathroom to take shower. After I was done I threw on a pair of black sweatpants and a soft black hoodie.

I walked to the kitchen to get myself some breakfast, just to see that Bucky had already taken care of that.
"I see you've already taken care of breakfast." I observed.
"Yeah, I uh hope you like it." He said with hopeful eyes.
He made pancakes that had maple syrup drizzled on top and chopped up some fruits to go with it. I didn't know he could cook. But the pancakes smelled really good. I was starving so I literally devoured it in couple minutes. Bucky sat beside me eating quietly. I could see that his hair was still a bit wet so I assumed that he had a shower too. For some reason Bucky was sweating a little bit and looked like he was uncomfortable sitting next to me. It was as if he was nervous about something. So I decided to ask him.
"Hey Bucky are you okay?", I asked as I tried to comfort him by putting my hand on top of his.
"Yeah I'm fine, why what happened?" He said looking at my hand that was on top of his. I pulled my hand away because I thought he wasn't comfortable. Just as I moved it away he looked a bit disappointed. But it would be weird to place it back.
"Oh I just asked because, you are sweating."
"Really I am." He pretended.
"Yeah you're sweating and you look uncomfortable, so is everything okay?" I repeated.
"Everything's fine. I'm probably just really tired of sparring and training." He lied.
"Oh, I'm sorry did I hurt you? I can get you an ice pack if you'd like me to." I assured him.
"No, no don't be sorry you didn't hurt me and thank you for asking but I don't need an ice pack." He confirmed.
"If you say so. Hey I was thinking, maybe I could make dinner tonight. You know since you made breakfast for us today I could make some dinner for everyone tonight." I suggested.
"You know how to cook?" He questioned with a curious look.
"Hey. Just because I'm an avenger and go on missions and fight people, doesn't mean I don't have any domestic skills." I explained.
"Sorry just asking."
"Anyways, I'll tell everyone to come to our floor for dinner tonight." I vocalised.
"But the problem is that I don't know what to make. I mean I don't really know what everyone's favourite food is."
"Well you could make something like pasta or lasagna if want. I mean who doesn't like pasta or lasagna." Bucky suggested.
"Yeah, you know what I'll make pasta and also paella as a second dish. And for desert I'll make a chocolate cake." I stated.
"I just had breakfast but the sound of food is already making me hungry." Bucky said while chuckling. "And also what is a paella?" Bucky asked confused.
"Paella is a Spanish dish. And also I think I'm gonna have to run to the store because I don't think we have all the ingredients I need, in this kitchen." I replied.

After Bucky and I finished talking I went down to each avenger and told them about the dinner tonight. Then I made a quick run to the store and bought all my ingredients. As I was shopping for the ingredients at the store, I started thinking about my conversation with Bucky. It was a normal friendly conversation, but there was just something about it. When everyone would sit together at the compound he didn't talk much, but with me he was the total opposite. I'd like to wonder why. Maybe he felt comfortable with me. Maybe he was being nice to me considering I was new here. Or maybe he liked me. Wait a minute scratch the last bit. I think I went too far. I mean it's been a few days since I came here. And plus even if I'd been here for a couple years, why would anyone like me. Well if they liked me as a friend then that's obviously okay. But what if Bucky liked me more than just a friend? Okay, I seriously need to get my shit together because I have now crossed the boundaries by saying that Bucky likes me more than just a friend. I can literally see our friendship being ruined, in my head, by this silly judgment.

Anyhow, I made it back into the compound with all the grocery bags. I put everything in the kitchen and sat down on the couch beside Bucky. He was watching tv.
"So did you get everything?" He asked.
"Yeah I did." I responded calmly.
"What have you been up to, while I was gone?"
"Nothing much. Steve came here and we talked for a while and he told me that we'll be going on a mission in about 2 days. He wanted me to tell you because you were out." He disclosed.
"Thanks for letting me know." I answered.
"Hey by the way when we were sparring, do you remember when I said 'Let's see if you can beat a super soldier'?" He asked.
"Yeah I do." I said knowingly.
"And then you said 'It wouldn't be the first time'. Yeah, what did you mean by that?" He asked curiously.
"Well you see, as I told you previously. Before I came here and became an avenger I was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. And while I was an agent Fury sent me on a mission. He gave me intel about super soldiers. He said that the winter soldier, meaning you weren't the only super soldier Hydra created. I'm guessing you're aware of that." I vocalised.
"Yes, I do know that hydra did created more super soldiers like me. In fact they were even more stronger than me." He stated.
"So basically when Steve was trying to save you from Hydra and was having a fight with Tony about the Sokovia accords, I was instructed by Fury to go on a mission and kill all those super soldiers. So when Hydra fell, all those super soldiers were on the lose and were scattered around the world. One by one I hunted them down and killed them. Tbh it took me some time to figure out their locations but I eventually did it. Boy it was hard to take them down. But I guess taking them down made me stronger, so it's all good." I elucidated.
"Wow, that's amazing." He fascinated.
"I know. I think I should probably get started on making dinner because it's almost time."

With that being said, I headed to the kitchen and started cooking. I made the cake first as it takes longer to cool and settle down. Then I started on the pasta and paella. It smelt so good in the kitchen. I had to make the food in huge quantities since there were so many of us. Bucky joined me and helped a little bit. But besides helping me, Bucky also cracked many jokes and made me laugh. It was fun cooking with him. It felt like we'd been friends for years.

Before we knew it the food was ready and everyone was sitting at the table and eating. As we all ate many complements were passed on to me. Especially by Tony.
"Y/n I have to say it, this food is amazing. I haven't had such good food in a long time. You know from now on you're gonna make us these delicious foods and we're gonna sit here and devour them." Tony remarked happily. Everyone laughed and agreed with his comment.
"Well I'm glad that you all like it." I replied.

After finishing the main course I brought out the chocolate cake. Everyone's face lit up with smiles. I guess they didn't always sit together and have dinner like this. Seeing them happy made me smile.
"Well usually lady Y/n I would eat pop tarts after dinner as desert but I would hate to leave this cake." Thor joked.

Everyone ate the cake and along with that we drank beers.
Wanda helped me clear up the table, while everyone else got comfortable on the couches and started deciding what movie to watch. We ended up watching Conjuring. Thor and Sam were scared as hell. Tony and Rhodey were somewhat interested. Bucky, Cap, Clint and Bruce fell asleep halfway. Wanda clung to Vision because she was a bit scared too. And then there was me and Nat who were watching the movie like normal human beings. By the end of the movie everyone, including me had fallen asleep on the couches. Friday, most likely turned the tv off after we fell asleep.

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