Chapter 3

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Avengers POV.....
"Alright everyone our newest avenger will be finally joining us today, so I want you all to be on your best behaviour." Tony said out loud to all the avengers.
"Duly noted." Nat responded. 
"Ok but how are we gonna know that it's her, because Fury only told us that her name is Y/n Y/l/n. "He didn't even show us photo of her or something, just so we know what she looks like", questioned Sam.
"Would this be a bad time to tell you guys that I know her and will be able to recognise her?" Nat suggested.
"Wait a minute, you already know who she is", asked Rhodey curiously.
"Yeah I do but not that well. I mean I went on a mission with her once years ago, when I was still working at S.H.I.E.L.D and that was it."
"Can you tell us more about her", questioned Steve.
"I'll give you a head start, but I won't tell you much. I want to give y/n the chance to explain herself to you guys and besides as I said I don't know her that well." Nat commented.
"So first things first, she is damn beautiful and smoking hot, so please hold on to your hearts when she arrives gentlemen. Secondly, she is highly trained, has extremely fast reflexes and is she also really smart, like Tony and Bruce or even better. She is very strong. I've seen her fighting with my own eyes. She's really good. In easy words, y/n is perfect at everything. But please mind her attitude. She is savage, but she doesn't mean to hurt anybody's feelings, unless she wants to. Nat explained to everyone.
"Sheesh. She sounds like some sort of superwoman." Sam exclaimed.
"She is. Just wait till you actually meet her in person." Nat said, smirking.
"But she really is smarter than me?", Tony said with a not so pleasant look on his face.
"God Tony, is it too hard for you to admit that someone could actually be smarter and better than you, or does your toxic masculinity not allow you to do that." Scoffed Clint.
"To be honest, it is hard for me to do that."
Everyone rolled their eyes at Tony.

About 2 hours later......
Everyone is gathered in the main living room and are talking and also waiting on you. A couple minutes later Friday announces something.
Friday: "Mr. Stark there is someone at the entrance of the compound. Shall I let them in."
"Yeah sure."
The gate opens and you walk in drinking an iced coffee from Starbucks in your hands. You make your way to where the avengers are. Everyone stood up to see you. And as you walked in, the face of every man in the room went bright red with shock because of how pretty you were.
"Why do y'all look like you got a sunburn or something?" You taunted.
"Anyways, hello everyone my name is Y/n Y/l/n and I am the new avenger." You greeted.
"Hey y/n how you doin?" Nat peaked from behind Thor.
"Ах, мой старый друг,Наташа Романофф. Я в порядке. А вы?" (meaning: Ah my old friend, Natasha Romanoff. I'm fine. What about you?),you stated in Russian.
"Как всегда потрясающе." (meaning: Amazing as always.), she responded back in Russian.
She came forward and hugged you and you hugged her back. It felt good to hug someone. You hadn't hugged someone in an extremely long time, since you had no one.
"Am I the only one who didn't understand what you two just said, because I'm pretty sure you guys were speaking another language or something?" Thor asked in a confused manner.

As Thor asked this question you saw a tall figure come out of a corner. It was Bucky. He explained to Thor what it meant. You presumed that he spoke Russian since he knew exactly what you had said.
"Anyways, Y/n let me introduce you to everyone." Tony said changing the topic.
"This is ———. You cut him off.
"Oh it's okay I already know all off you."
"You are, the man with the giant metal frisbee", you said to Steve.
"The crossbow dude", you said pointing at Clint.
"That's pigeon right their", you said to Sam while laughing a bit.
"You're the magic lady, oh and you're the android that Mr. Coca Cola can over here accidentally created, not to be rude or anything." You said that to Wanda, vision, and Tony. Letting Thor, Sam and everyone else burst into laughter, including yourself.
"What are you laughing at fighting machine?", you questioned Rhodey while laughing. That led to everyone laughing a bit more and Rhodey silencing himself.
And finally you came onto Bucky.
"And lastly we have the uh, ex-assassin right?"
The room went quiet immediately. Bucky nodded slowly as he looked down. "Oh come on I'm joking, I'm joking." You said trying to fix the awkward situation, even though you didn't give a shit about what you had just said. "Please if I ever say anything like this just ignore it, I'm can be like that sometimes." You exclaimed.
"Oh lady y/n, I already like you." Thor said smilingly.

After that whole moment, Nat showed you your room and also gave you a little tour around the compound. Your room was on the same floor as Bucky and rest of the team were scattered throughout the floors of the compound. To be honest the avengers compound was a big ass tower with god knows how many floors. You had gotten all your stuff in your room and had arranged it in your closet. You didn't have a lot of things. About an hour later Tony called everyone down for dinner. He ordered Chinese food for everyone. While you guys were having dinner he announced that there was going to be a party tomorrow to celebrate the addition to the team. To celebrate you. You were shocked, because no one had ever done such a thing for you. Tony also said that we had to wear the fanciest clothes we had like dresses and suits.

Dinner didn't take too long. You all sat down together and talked for a bit. They bombarded you with questions, but you didn't mind answering. You also told them about your powers and how you got them. That impressed them even more, because you became even more useful. Nat was shocked when she heard about the powers. Mainly because when she went on a mission with you, you didn't have them. It was actually kinda nice to have so many people talk to you. You couldn't believe it, you actually had some friends now.

A little while later everyone started heading to their rooms and so did you. As you made your way to the elevator you had a thought. From the moment you came here till now, you noticed that Bucky hadn't talked much. You stood next to him in the elevator quietly, thinking about what you had said earlier.
In your mind: Did he take that personally? Did I offend him? Oh my god I'm such an idiot. It was my first day today and I had already upset a person. I feel really bad now.
As you and Bucky walked out the elevator, he started making his way to his room. Just before he could enter, you stopped him.
"Hey, Bucky?" You said a bit loudly. He instantly looked towards you.
"Uh, yeah what's up?" He responded.
"Um I just wanted to apologise for what I said earlier. I know I'm such an idiot. I just say things without thinking at all. You see, I'm not really good at talking to people, or making good first impressions. I'm really sorry about that." You apologised.
"It's okay. I know you didn't mean it and I also know that you were just joking around with everyone."
You smiled at him as he said that.
"Oh and btw when you called Steve 'The guy with the giant metal frisbee', that was actually pretty funny." He chuckled.
"Well I do intend to amuse people with my humour." You both laughed and made your way to your rooms.

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