Chapter 26

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(Delhi: Interpretations)

Sashi Gupta was dazed. He should have listened to his cousin two days ago. She had called him to warn him, but he had brushed it away, saying if his daughters were in Allahabad, he would know.

And yesterday, Payal had said she was indeed in Allahabad and he had just simply let it be. Why hadn't he made the connection?

Now, Mano sat before him and confirmed that his twins, specifically Khushi, had done magic.

"How do you know that it's her doing it? Maybe it's all from that talisman your friend created?" Sashi was in denial, he knew it.

"It's speculation. In any case, she can channel it as she wishes. That is proof, that Payal and Khushi, are indeed practicing. And outside our community. You know what happens when we do that." Devyani said softly.

There was silence until the doorbell rang.

Startled, Sashi looked up towards the door which opened to admit none other than Subhadra Malik.

Garima gripped her husband's arm.

A man followed her, holding her as if Subhadra Malik was a fragile little doll.

"Damadji, aap inhe... Sumi, why are you here? If Chhote knew..."

"Naniji, this is important. She had... She had a heart attack last night."

The atmosphere of the hall changed drastically. After nodding at everyone, Subhadra eyed Garima.

"Manorama, kya pichle 14 saal mein ek buri aadat nahi sudhar saki tum?" (You couldn't curb your one bad habit in the last 14 years?)

Sashi gulped, lest he disrespect the eldest member of Maliks.

"Sumi," Devyani warned. "Tell me what made you travel, after a cardiac arrest."

"Advay..." She whispered. "He's alive."

"We know, no thanks to you!" Manorama snapped at her.

"But he won't be after tonight."

"Sumi, what are you saying?"

"Two witches... they are after them, my heirs. Gupta witches." And Subhadra poured her interpretation of the prophecy in front of everyone.

"You idiot!" Manorama snapped. "You knew this would happen!"

"It's written in the stars. The twins die." Subhadra said slowly.

"No!" Sashi shouted, shocking Subhadra. "They can't... my daughters, they can't... they won't. Manorama, do something!"

"Your daughters?" the damad asked.

"Yes, my daughters!" Sashi roared. "Khushi Gupta and Payal Gupta! They are not after your twins, Subhadra Malik! They are with them. The same way Garima was with Arvind that night, not after him."

Subhara Malik deflated. "It's not a mistake. It's written..."

"Well your interpretation is wrong! And so will your prophecy be!"

"Mr Gupta. I know for a fact that Payal-"

The doorbell rang yet again and Shyam turned to have the color drained from his face.

(Shiv Temple: The Treasure)

"Wow, I could bloody roll in it, if it was real." Khushi said.

"Well, we need a jeweler to validate." Dev said.

Akash picked up a necklace. "Fake." Then another. "Fake." A ring. "Fake." An amulet. "Fake."

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