Chapter 21

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(Vashishth House: IV vs KG Part 11)

"I want all of this done by evening. There shouldn't be any delay, understood?" Chandani eyed the head decorator.

"Yes bitiya. Everything will be done. You also go and attend to other things." The man nodded, shooing her away.

"Okay. Shikha!" Chandani called. "Can you ask Meeku to come by? I've some work for him."

She turned to the door to see NK and Dev standing shocked.

"Stop calling him that now." Shikha approached her sister. "Dev is supposed to be here any-"

"Care to explain?" NK asked, crossing the threshold.

"See what you've landed yourself in?" Shikha started to move away.

"Shikha." Dev whispered, suddenly beside her. "Where is Meeku?" His voice was slow and desperate. If Shikha didn't know any better, she would think that Dev would cry.

"It's Veer."

Dev's eyes widened.

"No he's not." Shikha shook her head. "Jiji calls him Meeku because... well, isn't it obvious! You both disappeared! It's her way of thinking you're both here." She looked at her sister who was looking at Dev with confusion in her eyes.

"Dev, where is Meeku?" Chandani asked.

"Like you care!"


"This was a bad idea, NK. I'm leaving. Tell K to come to the guesthouse."

Within minutes, Shikha heard K thundering down the mansion steps. "What did you say to him?"

"What's the matter?" NK asked.

"Where is Advay Bhai?"

"He went the guesthouse." NK replied.

"No he didn't." Khushi snapped. "Which one of you was it? What did you say to him?"

"There was a confusion." Chandani said slowly.

"I don't have time for this. Arnav is having seizures for God's sake! What did you say to him?"

"It's about Meeku."

"Who is Meeku?"


"NK, who is Meeku?"

"His younger brother. He... he lost him... when he left."

"He what?" Chandani was pale as a ghost.

"Rich coming from you." Khushi snapped. "NK, let's go. It's time for me to return some favours."

"Khushi, I don't even-" But Chandani was cut off.

"We will discuss this when I'm back. There's a lot going on and you two don't even know half of it." Khushi turned to the door to see the third Vashishth sibling. "Welcome back Meghna. How's our little one?"

"How do you-" But Chandani was cut off again.

"You may ask me after she's told you the good news. Right now, I've to be there for Arnav and Advay Bhai. Unlike you."

(Nutan Street: One and the same)

"I've never felt what he's going through, please help Khushi!" Payal said as Khushi landed beside her sister and Arnav.

Arnav was convulsing in between breaks.

"Arnav, can you hear me?" Khushi asked softly.

There was a positive murmur.

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