Chapter 51 - Wet Dog

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Eric- What the?? What are you all doing here?! You should be training Initiates! Not doing some Erudite book work on your phones, computers and tablets! Get back into the training room you freaking Noses! You transfered to Dauntless, not Erudite!

Yours Truly- You know who also use to be a Nose, Eric??

Eric- You wouldn't...

Yours Truly- Oh, but I would.

Eric- You're too much of a Stiff to even care. Shouldn't you be busy tying someone else's shoe right about now?

Yours Truly- I may be Abnegation, but guess what Eric? Or shall I say former Nose...

Eric- *shoots death glare at Kat*

Yours Truly -*Laughs* I guess I'm more Erudite than you think Eric... You see, I could have the whole Faction know that you, Eric, who acts like he's 'tougher than all of us' is a former Nose.

Eric- [mumbling] What could I do to keep you quiet?

Yours Truly- Oh! It's simple! *hands him a note card* Just read this!

Eric- What are you? Amity? *takes card*

Yours Truly- No. *taps on head* Divergent.

Eric- Yeah, yeah.

Yours Truly- Now quit stalling and get on with it.

Eric- Ugh. Kat would like me to advise you of this disclaimer. All of the main original characters and the original plot behind this FanFiction belong to Veronica Roth. The pictures for the most part, also do not belong to Kat as they too belong to their rightful owners. Only this plot twist and some of the characters that aren't too important belong to her. There, *throws card behind him* happy? You better keep your mouth shut, Stiff.

Yours Truly- Yes, I will, but you forgot a spot.

Eric- I'm getting there, I'm getting there. [in a bored manner] Enjoy the chapter. *walks away*

Yours Truly- *shrugs* Good enough. Enjoy chapter fifty-one everyone!

Chapter 51 - Wet Dog


"Tobias." I hear her voice.

"Yeah?" I reply groggily from just waking up. I blink a few times to see her clearly.

"Why haven't you found me yet?" She asks non accusingly, her striking yet dull blue eyes looking almost sorrow filled right into mine.

She kinda looks like Indy when I am eating dinner and he wants some; questioning yet calm.

"What do you mean?"

"I might not make it. I can't take this much longer--"

"No." I cut her off. "You're strong. Tris. You are going to make it. You'll be okay and I am going to find you; if it is the last thing I do. Just be brave, okay? You'll be okay." I kiss the top of her blonde head and wrap her in an embrace. She snuggles in my shoulder.

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