Are you happy?

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"Holy shit," Tony stated, pulling his glasses off as he looked at us bewildered.

"So, no more missions for you – little mama," Natasha added firmly as she stood from her comfortable spot on the couch and approached me, placing a hand on my stomach. She looked up at me with a smile on her face and then it faded instantly. "I'm going to be the godmother, right?"

"Duh," I told her with a soft chuckle. "You're my best friend."

"I'm just checking," she grinned as she slid out of the way for Tony to walk up, his face still holding the look of absolute shock as he looked between Steve, Bucky and I. He glanced over at Natasha who shrugged her shoulders with a grin.

"I'm going to look this up," he says pointing at me, I grin as he saunters off to the archway, turning to point again and say. "Congrats, sister wives."

"Tony," Steve sighs but it's lost on Tony as he walks away.

"This is a blessing," Wanda walks up, a smile on her face as Vision follows carefully behind. Her face is full of enthusiasm as she gingerly holds her hands out towards my stomach. "May I?"

"Sure but you won't feel anything yet," I answered softly as her hands slid over my stomach and her smile reached higher to her eyes. Vision lays his hand on her shoulder and grins.

"Twins," she smiles, reminiscing about her past with her twin I'm sure. But she's not done. "A boy and a girl," Wanda said, glancing up at my face, within a moment her smile dropped as I felt my body stiffen and my eyes bulge. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said-"

"No," I quickly grab her wrist as it pulls back fast, as if burning. "Please, tell me more."

"I just," she paused to glance up at Steve and Bucky who held the same shocked expressions on their faces. "I can hear their murmurs, not words or thoughts, I can just feel their tiny brains wiring," she glanced back at me with a shy smile. "I can tell the one that is older is a boy. His mind is busy and the smaller one, is a girl- she is sweet and not as- she is calm."

"Wow," I breathe out, I feel Steve grasp my hand again that I had dropped and he squeezes it. "That's amazing, Wanda."

"They are amazing," she responds as she gently places her hand back onto my stomach, a smile gracing her lips once more before she moves back against Vision. They walk off, her arm around his waist and his arm around her shoulders.

It wasn't long before it was bedtime, exhaustion covering my body as I lay my head on Bucky's chest. "You know," he started, as his hand rubbed up and down my arm comfortingly, my eyes were drooping until his voice filled the silence. "If you hadn't come when you did, neither Steve nor I would be here."

"What do you mean?" I questioned, leaning my head up to make eye contact in the dimly lit room. The himalayan salt lamp casting a soothing glow around the room.

"Scott Lang, you met him months ago," he paused as I nodded my head, "he actually has a time machine. Steve was going to go back to Peggy and I was going to go back to Wakanda," he paused when my mouth dropped open. "If you had been a week late, you would have missed us completely. It's crazy how things work out, isn't it?"

"I can't imagine not meeting you boys," I swallow hard and glance down at his steady breathing chest, my hand slides up to rest over his chest. "Can I ask, who is Peggy?"

"Oh," his brows furrow, and he looks up at the ceiling. "Steve hasn't told you?"

"She must have been a big deal," I lean my head back down on his chest and try not to let my mind wander too far.

Yes, I'd heard the name mentioned, yes I had seen the picture in the compass and yes I had done some research on the woman- asking Nat a few times with only very vague answers.

"She was," he said hesitantly, reaching down to lift my chin up. "He didn't go back, Ro- he stayed for you, she's in his past."

"Would he have been happier?" I question out loud, looking into his deep blue eyes. "Not having to share a woman with another man? Being in a time he's clearly uncomfortable in? Am I holding him back from being genuinely happy?"

"I-" he seemed speechless, his mouth opened and closed a few times before he said. "Maybe you should ask him? I don't know Ro, I just know that he's in love with you."

"Wouldn't it be simpler if you boys just found a girl, separately," I laugh darkly as I watch his face turn from one expression to the next. "I'm literally a freak show, pregnant with two babies from two different men- doesn't that anger you guys? Am I really worth the hassle?"

"I feel like you are trying to talk your way out of a relationship with us," Bucky leaned up now on both elbows while pushing me up on my knees, I shrug my shoulders and bite my lip. "Why are you doing that? Aren't we all happy?"

"I don't know," I sigh, looking around for a moment. "Maybe its the hormones and the exhaustion, but it just- it just hit me that you boys deserve better than me. You deserve your one and only, not someone you have to share. Steve found someone, he should go be with her and you should find someone that you can completely trust-"

"I trust you," he enunciated as he sat up on his butt and reached forward to grab my hands in his. "Just sleep, Romani. We can talk about this tomorrow if you really feel this way, but maybe your just emotional."

"Maybe," I agree with a shrug, climbing over to my side of the bed. I held back tears as his flesh arm wraps around me and holds me close, kissing my shoulder as he molds to my back.

"I love you, and I don't want anyone else but you," Bucky whispers and then plants another kiss in my hair.

The talk never happened. I pretended it was all hormones and that I wasn't thinking right. I went on with my days, alternating between Bucky and Steve with a few fake smiles. I was genuinely happy to be with them both, but a guilt gnawed inside me. When Bucky said Steve would have gone back in time to be with Peggy, it did something to me. I wasn't angry, surprisingly but I wasn't sure what it was that I felt. Guilt for holding him back, sure but something else tugged at the edges of my mind and each day it became stronger, until finally it clicked. I felt regret. It wasn't that I regretted anything that we had done, I regretted making him decide. He had a choice, yes- but why would he pick me? Had he picked me? Was Peggy still in his head, thoughts of what if?

It's eating me alive.

It's been six months and I can't take it anymore.

I'm about to explode, I can't see my feet and I can barely wipe or shower myself. Steve has been helpful but he seems more distant and I wonder if it's because I have distanced myself.

Bucky says he's scared. Battle is one thing but childbirth and parenting books are another.

My hormonal mind just thinks he wishes it was a different woman carrying his child.

And it's making me bitter.

So I did something I didn't think I would do. I got up from the bedrest I had been forced into, walked my wobbly ass down two doors to Steve's room and made my way inside where he was sitting on his bed, flipping through the channels on his tv with remote in hand.

"Sweetie, you aren't supposed to be up-" he started to sit up and I held a hand out, tears already welling up in my eyes.

"Are you happy?" I ask.

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