I approve of this method.

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"The nurse said small portions," his cheeks heated up under my gaze, he leaned forward and picked up a fork he had laid on top and scooped up some apple pie. "She said your stomach might be weak, nothing real greasy- I figured this would be good," he lifted the fork to my mouth and I grumbled as I opened up. My eyes shut instantly and a moan creeps up my throat. "Good, huh?"

"Fuck yes," I moan again as he holds another fork full up and I devour it.

Be jealous, bitches of the world and snooty nurses giving me side eye from the hall- Captain America is hand feeding me.

"She might cum if you keep feeding her apple pie," Bucky spoke, a bemused look on his face as his arms cross his chest. I wink his way and watch as a chuckle escapes his pursed lips.

"I love you," I mutter to Steve as he holds another fork full up, only to halt halfway up to my mouth. I glance over at him for a second before dipping my head to snatch the apple pie off the fork, content with the shocked look on his face. "Yeah I know, I said don't fall for me and my dumbass face plants."

"She loves us both," Bucky ignores my comment, turning his attention to his best friend as he spoke. "I love her, I say nothing changes- we don't need titles. We share, like we have. We know she's ours."

"Like I'm real estate," I roll my eyes and ignore the fork still suspended in front of me and reach for the sandwich, I bite down and settle the glee in my face by watching Steve's facial expressions.

Shock, confusion- ah that was panic, oh he's confused again. Bless him.

He turns to Bucky, mouth slightly parted and then back to me. "You love me," he points the fork at his chest, making me giggle with a mouth full.

"Yes, you giant golden retriever," I smirked after I swallowed the mouth full, making Bucky laugh loudly at the comment. "Oh you hush, you're a chihuahua."

"What?" Bucky asked, offended. His eyes were wide and his hand instinctively covered his chest, as if wounded.

"Exactly what I said," I chuckled, shaking my head slightly at the two.

Boy when did I get so lucky.

                                                                ****Two Month Later****

"Up and at'em, Love bug," I called out, climbing on the bed and over Bucky's sleeping figure. He had spent the night last night, unfortunately only holding me until I passed out. Ever since I came out of the helicarrier infirmary and then into the compounds infirmary, basically everyone treated me like I was fragile. I mean, sure I was extremely uncomfortable and in pain the first couple weeks but when it turned to a soreness and then ache, Steve and Bucky still wouldn't touch me like I wanted them too.

Fucking gentlemen.

"What time is it?" Bucky grumbled, pulling his metal arm from beneath the covers to sleepily wrap around my waist, while I placed sweet kisses all over his face.

"It's ten, I let you sleep in," I answered between kisses, trailing them from his face down his neck.

"Romani," his voice warned as both of his hands gripped at my hips, pulling me back slowly. "Don't start something you know we can't finish."

"It's been two months, James," I say with narrowed eyes, leaning over him with my hands placed on either side of his head. "I'm fine. "

"You are still sore, I can see it," he challenged, his eyes narrowing just as much as mine. "As much as I'd love to throw your back out, doll. I don't want to hurt you."

"If you don't blow my back out, I'll get Steve too," I threaten with menace.

Someone is gonna fuck me today.

"He won't," he answered, a smirk growing on his face. "He's more worried about hurting you than me. I at least agreed to sleep in the bed with you."

Admittedly, he's right. Steve won't even share the bed with me because he's afraid he'll throw an arm over me in his sleep and bust internal stitches or some shit. It's a crock.

"I am damn near begging you, Bucky," I relaxed my face and heaved an exhausted groan at him. "I miss your touch, I need to feel you in me, I miss Steve's touch and no body will fucking touch me."

He thought about it, once again I could see his wheels spinning as his gaze seemed to go straight through me. "How about a compromise?" he offered after a moment, an almost excited look took over his features.

"Ohh," I coo, head tilting to the side as I wiggled my eyebrows. "What's on your mind, stud?"

It wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but damn if it wasn't a great idea.

"Buck, I don't feel comfortable with this," Steve murmured, sitting beside me on the bed, I laid back against a shit ton of pillows Bucky had piled up and watched as my two super soldiers bickered like old men. Bucky had jumped up after my question, ran out of the room and came back with Steve and then this started.

"That's all I could think of," Bucky argued, at the foot of the bed. He was pulling his hair back with one of my hair ties around his fingers. I absolutely loved when he gave himself a man bun. "She's craving our touch, Steve. We can't keep denying her. She's sore but she's not made of glass."

"She had internal bleeding, Bucky," Steve retorted, running a hand through his hair nervously. "I broke back!"

"I am present," I remind them as I place my hands behind my head, amusement showing on my face. "And I approve of this method."

"Romani," Steve sighed, closing his eyes for a minute before turning his head to look down at me. "Are you absolutely sure?"

"If I feel any discomfort I will let you know," I roll my eyes as my reply comes out dully, Bucky had already drilled it in my head.

"She won't," Bucky rebuked, a smirk on his face as he leaned on the bed on outstretched arms. "But that's why we're taking it easy, right Rome?"

"Yes," again, I roll my eyes.

"If you don't stop that, they'll get stuck," Steve chuckled as he touched between my eyes with his pointer finger. I giggled a little, seeing him cross his eyes back at me. 

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