This place is fucking weird.

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"Romani!" The voice travels down the hallway and causes me to jerk backwards in surprise, spinning on my heels at the man's voice interrupting the silence and echoing off the walls.

"Fuck, Stark. You scared the shit out of me," I placed a hand against my heart and watched as he strolled up, like he owned the place. Which he does but- does he have to be so- oh I don't even know the word. Full of himself?

"I meant to meet you when you got here but I got distracted," he began as soon as he got close enough to me that he wasn't having to shout, a smirk played on his lips as his arms crossed. "Still can't believe we got you here, enjoying it so far?"

"Everyone seems nice," I pause, eyes wandering to a few S.H.I.E.L.D agents that happen to walk by. "The room is mind blowing. I can't figure out the fridge but it's good so far."

"You'll get the hang of it," he smirked and his mouth opened to say more when he stopped and tapped on something in his ear. "Go for Stark."

"See ya," I threw up a hand, knowing he might be chatting with whoever was on the other end of the com for awhile. I turn and start walking back down the hallway, in search for the common area again.

Maybe they have a bookshelf? Or a game station? What do superheroes do with their down time? Fuck, I just go on the internet and drink my weight in coffee.

Turning another corner in the incredibly oddly shaped compound, I finally found the common room. I let out a sigh, noticing several Avengers hanging around in the large area.

"Hey Romani," Wanda called out from her spot on the couch, comfortably cuddled up in the corner with a blanket wrapped around her lap and a book nestled in her hand, at her feet was a giant red man in black slacks and a grey turtleneck.

Am I hallucinating? Did I forget my meds this morning?

"Hey," I called out hesitantly, eyeing the red man with piercing blue eyes staring a hole straight through me.

"Oh, this is Vision-" Wanda chuckles at her lack of manners as she sits up slightly. "Vision, this is the newest recruit, an old friend of Natasha's."

"Pleased to meet you."

Oh, okay. He's just a red guy with a British accent. Cool. This place is fucking weird.

"Likewise," I nod in his direction before turning my eyes to gaze around the room, taking in the multiple couches, extremely large flat screen tv hanging above a fireplace, several bookshelves with rows of books and board games and a small kitchen area off to the side that had tables and chairs, and shelves of what looked like goodies. "Ohhh, are there snacks over there?"

"Plenty," Wanda's eyes twinkled with laughter as I hurriedly made my way over to the kitchen, completely avoiding the guy named Sam who was sitting at a table with a bag of chips and his eyes glued down at his phone.

"Hey," hunky Steve happened to be hunched over looking in the completely ordinary fridge, he noticed me before I noticed him, my eyes were on the single serve cookies in a basket on the shelf.

"Oh, hi," I smiled as I opened up the wrapping and slid an oreo out. I shoved half of it in my mouth before he began talking.

"Nat show you around?" He stood up with a bottle of apple juice in one hand and the other still held the door to the fridge. His blue eyes studying me as I, unladylike, scarfed down the cookies without care.

"Mhm," I murmured before swallowing the mouthful. "I'm sorry, I haven't eaten anything all day and chocolate is my weakness."

Steve smiled and nodded his head in agreement. He leaned down a little closer and put his hand to the side of his mouth like he was telling a secret. "It's mine, too. Shh. Don't tell anyone."

"Your secret is safe with me," I told him back in a whisper before giggling like a little school-girl. That man is so beautiful...

What I wouldn't do to make me his weakness. The things I could do to that man.

"Cool," Steve said with a soft chuckle. "I was about to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Would you like one?"

I didn't want to answer too quickly but I also wouldn't mind him making me a sandwich, either.

"Um," I started before nodding. "Yeah, I'd love one."

"Coming right up." Steve opened the fridge again and grabbed the necessary ingredients before turning his gaze back on me, who was shoveling more cookies into my face. "What flavor jelly would you like?" he asked before burying his face back into the fridge. "We have... let me see... Oh, okay. We've got..." Some more shuffling. "Grape, Peach, Blueberry... that sounds good... Strawberry, and Apple." He stood up straight again and looked at me, eyebrows raised.

I smiled up at him, trying my hardest to stifle my laugh. Big Time Captain America... making me a PB&J. Who'd'a thunk that would ever happen?

Least of all, to me?

"Surprise me," I told him before shoving another cookie in my mouth and walked out into the other room where Wanda and Red-Man sat. I looked over at them and saw him massaging Wanda's feet while she read, occasionally sipping on a glass of wine. How I admired it, so.

"Hey," I called out, gesturing towards Clint, who was walking past me. "Are Wanda and Vision together?"

"Unoffically," he used air quotes and rolled his eyes, he cast me a grin before sliding out into the hallway, halfheartedly waving before disappearing from sight.

"Here ya go," Steve popped up right over my left shoulder, causing me to flinch a bit. His smile dropped at the sight. "I didn't mean to frighten you."

"I'm just a jumpy person," I shrug as I reach out for the plate that my sandwich was on, crust cut off and cut diagonally.

Could he be any cuter? He cut my crust.

"Hey, thought we were training," I glanced over seeing Bucky, the metal armed model walk in, throwing his jacket onto an empty table as he reached out and grabbed a small bag of chex mix before sliding up beside Steve. "Ah, your making the new gal a sandwich. I see where your priorities lie, Punk."

"Want some?" I glance up, trying to maintain an innocence like a puppy facial expression as I hold out the plate, one half of the sandwich already in my other hand and a mouth full already chewed and swallowed. "Sharing is caring, I hear."

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