Normal fridges don't have buttons.

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Did it have to rain today?

The large puddles that made up for the entire front part of the Avengers Compound entrance did not help the sticky wheel on my suitcase. It just splashed and sputtered more grimy water onto the back of my feet, making me grimace as I made my way to the automatic doors. Someone was supposed to meet me at the airport, that someone was supposed to be Tony. Of course, he was probably lodged under an Iron Man suit somewhere in the building, so he sent Happy instead.


My head swiveled to peer down a hallway past the front desk, only then did a redhead come into vision with a giant smile on her face.

Assassins aren't so bad if they are your best friend.

"Hey Pookie," I call out, letting go of my suitcase and sitting my purse down to catch her as she came flying into my arms.

Ow, she's skinny but she's built like a brick shithouse.

"I'm so glad you finally caved," Natasha let go of her constricting hug to reach up and embrace my face between her two hands. "Moving into the compound, joining the team. I've been waiting for years. There is way too much toxic masculinity around here."

"I caved because of Stark's million dollar incentive," I snicker, making my face scrunch up in her hands before she lets go and steps back, her hands on her waist.

"Well, let's show you to your room and introduce you," she smirks as she reached down and grabs the handle to the suitcase, rolling it behind her a few steps before glancing back at it with a grimace. "Really? He gives you a million dollars and you can't afford to get decent luggage?"

"Bitch, I'm frugal," I called out, mocking hurt as my hand raised to my chest. "Do you not know me at all?"

"Sometimes I wish I didn't," she sighed, her slight upturn of her lip giving away the fact she wants to smile.

"You a ho," I shake my head as I follow her down a hallway to a set of elevators. As we get onto the sleek silver, way to digitally enhanced elevator, I turn to her. "Does everyone know I'm coming?"

"Some do," she shrugged as she clicked the number two button, it lit up a bright red around the edges. "The people that aren't here often don't know, but everyone that's stationed here does."

"I wonder how they will react," I pause, shifting my purse strings further up my shoulder. "Knowing an ex assassin is joining the team?"

"An ex assassin that saved my life," she reiterated, her eyes growing darker and her face becoming unreadable. "You aren't the only ex assassin here, this is a family Romani, and you're now a part of it. They won't question you on your past. It's behind you now. I'm glad you're here"

"It's just because you're so pretty," I tease, reaching out to flick a piece of unruly red hair from her face, causing her to grin.

"You must be Romani," a tall, slender man with a thin goatee greeted me first. He seemed kind of prickly. "I'm Dr. Stephen Strange."

"Pleased to meet ya." It kind of came out in a grunt as I took his hand to shake. Strange, however, didn't stay long – he hardly does for long periods of time, as Natasha explained to me as we walked through the compound. Strange only visits if and/or when there are new recruits, just so he knows who's the enemy and who's an ally.

As Natasha and I walked around, I tried my damnedest to memorize the huge building. On the way, I'd met Clint Barton – Hawkeye. Natasha and Clint served together in the past and have become longtime friends and even convinced Clint to show me a little something.

I totally get why they call him Hawkeye, now.

After I met Clint, I met Peter Parker – Spiderman; Wanda Maximoff – Scarlett Witch; Thor – it's in the name; Sam Wilson – Falcon...

And then I met, who I believed was the most patriotic man I'd ever seen in person.

Captain American – Steve Rogers.

He was beautiful, tall. He had a head full of nice, thick, brown hair, blue eyes and really nice teeth.

The man who walked beside him was dangerously delicious, as well.

James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes – Winter Soldier.

He wasn't as tall as Cap but was still beautiful, nonetheless. His hair was shoulder length; his eyes, blue. And he had one metal arm.

That's so hot...

It didn't take long for Natasha to free us long enough to show me the apartment size area that was supposed to be my room. My God, why didn't I do this sooner. Floor to ceiling windows, white couches which at some point, will be exchanged for a darker color because of my wine spilling habits. The kitchen itself, though smaller than a standard one was- mindblowing. Everything in this building is top of the line, it'll probably take me years to figure out each gadget or button to push correctly the first time.

"Well that concludes today's tour, any questions please see the front desk," Natasha teased as she whirled around on the grey tile kitchen flooring, one hand perched on her hip and the other out, palm facing up. 

"Are you leaving me?" I questioned quickly, throwing my purse down on the matching tile island. "I don't even know how to open the fridge, Nat!"

"Its pretty easy," she said dumbly, her face dropping. "Its a button on the side."

"Normal fridges don't have buttons," I exclaimed, sounding exhausted. "Anyway, do I have to cook for myself cause- I expected better, honestly."

"My God, you spoiled brat," she laughed heartily as she reached out to swat my arm. "You're in luck though, the main dining area downstairs is where we have dinner. We rotate cooking, so you'll have to put an apron on at some point, Princess."

"Yay," I groaned playfully, curling up my upper lip. "Well, I hope whoever is cooking tonight can really cook because... I'm starving."

"Dinner is at six," Natasha stated, a grin still spread across her lips. "Is there anything else you need before I head now? I promised Steve I'd help with a project."

"Nah," I shake my head and lean against the island, she gives me one last smirk before she slides out of view, leaving the door wide open. "Born in a barn or something..." I grumble under my breath as I reach the door, standing there for a moment to decide if I want to stay in the empty apartment or go explore. "Ah hell."

I shake the black peacoat off my shoulders, throwing it over on the white couch before walking out and into the hallway. I glance both ways for a moment before taking the hallway to the right.

I think the common area is down this way? Or was it to the left? This place is a fucking maze.

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