Warped Tour

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I was totally ready. My hair was teased, my eyeliner was on, and I had a killer outfit: black high waisted shorts, kitty tights, a black jacket, and my favorite black high tops. I grabbed my comic book style backpack filled with water bottles, cookies, headphones, my autograph book, a sharpie, and of course, my iPhone. No one could be more ready or more excited than I was for Warped Tour '15.
"Mom, I'm heading out! Wish me luck!!" I called.
"Bye, have fun! Take tons of pictures!! And be home by 11!"
"'Kay! Love you!" I ran down the stairs and opened the door. Warped Tour, here I come!

Batman (An Andy Biersack Love Story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ