The Legend of the Gobblewonker

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The episode opens with Y/n, Dipper and Mabel at a table during breakfast. Mabel Pines holds Sir Syrup, "Are you ready for the ultimate challenge?"

Dipper Pines holds Mountie Man, "I'm always ready!"

Y/n holds Aunt Jemima, "You're picking a battle you can't win."

Mabel looks at them. "Then you know what this means!"

Camera zooms out to show Y/n, Mabel, and Dipper holding their respective syrup bottles. "Syrup race!"

They tilt syrup bottles back and start to drip syrup into their mouths, "Ahhh!"

Mabel shouts, "Go, Sir Syrup!"

Dipper shouts, "Go, Mountie Man!"

Y/n shouts, "go Aunt Jemima!"

Dipper, Mabel, and Y/n all shout. "Go! Go!"

"Almost... almost..." Mabel taps the bottom of her bottle and the syrup drips onto her tongue. "Yes! (Coughs) I won! (Coughs)"

"Another day, aunty, another day." Y/n said as the picture on the syrup shed a tear.

Dipper picks up and reads newspaper, "Ho ho, no way! Hey Mabel, Y/n, check this out."

Mabel and Y/n look at ad in newspaper, "Human-sized hamster balls? (Gasps) I'm human-sized!"

"I think he was talking about this." Y/n points to a monster photo contest ad.

"We see weirder stuff than that every day! We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we?" Dipper asked them.

"Not that I'm aware. I couldn't really take a picture when I'm fighting for my life." Y/n says sarcastically.

"Nope, just memories. And this beard hair." Mabel holds up beard hair, as Y/n looks away disgusted.

Dipper looks at her, "Why did you save that?"

Mabel  shrugs and makes an 'I dunno' sound. Stan Pines walks down and looks at them. "Good morning, knuckleheads. You three know what day it is?"

Dipper  was confused. "Um... Happy anniversary?"

Mabel confidently shouted the wrong answer, "Mazel tov!"

"Your funeral?" Y/n asked with no hesitation.

Stan hits Dipper's head with a newspaper before slamming it over Y/n's head. "It's Family Fun Day, geniuses!"

He walks over to fridge and gets out milk. "We're cuttin' off work and having one of those, you know, (sniffs milk in the refrigerator) bonding-type deals."

Y/n looks at him, "I'm not really part of the family, though."

"By the end of this summer, you might be." Stan says looking at Y/n and Mabel, who look at each other and then are confused.

Dipper looks at Stan, "Grunkle Stan, is this gonna be anything like our last family bonding day?"

Flashback to Y/n, Dipper, and Mabel helping Grunkle Stan make counterfeit money. Stan looks at Dipper, "You call that Ben Franklin? He looks like a woman! (Hears police sirens) Uh-oh."

Cut to present as Mabel shudders. "The county jail was so cold."

Y/n got a chill up his back, "it was so weird to be in a room by myself."

"You fought the guards and they put you in solitary confinement." Stan looked at him unamused. "All right, maybe I haven't been the best summer caretaker. But I swear, today we're gonna have some real family fun. Now who wants to put on some blindfolds and get into my car?"

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