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"alllriiiight, we're here!" ranboo says as he pulls into the driveway to wilbur's flat.

you can't wait to be back at the home you haven't seen in over eight months. you glance over at wilbur and smile, then pull yourself up off of him.

"excited to be home izz?" wilbur leans forward and tilts his head at you.

"yess! very very much" you laugh and look around. when tommy opens the car door you follow him out, while wilbur gets out through the other door. it's relatively late, about 10pm or so, but you aren't as tired as you thought you'd be.

you go over to the trunk and grab your luggage, but wilbur swiftly takes it from you. "not on my watch, darlin' " he adds. you blush and look at tommy, who is nodding his head and giving you a thumbs up.

you all walk over to the house and wilbur fumbles for his keys. for a moment you're worried he lost them, but luckily tubbo noticed they had slipped out of will's pocket.

"thanks, tubs." wilbur crouches down to grab the keys, and then looks up at tubbo and nods.

when the door is unlocked and you all step inside, ranboo gets the lights and you take this chance to look around the flat. it's mostly the same, with some new plants here or a new rug there, but the familiarity of it all hits you like a wave. the living room on your left, kitchen on your right, and a hallway down the middle where the bed and bathrooms are.

"oouuhh, i'm so glad to be back!" you turn around and grab wilbur's flannel, looking up and smiling at him.

"i can tell" he says between chuckles.  ranboo rolls the suitcases and lines them up along a wall.

"do you guys want something to eat, or will you be on your way?" wilbur turns to look at everyone else, but you quickly pipe up before the guys get a chance to answer.

"noo, you guys should stay! tommy, we can continue karaoke, i bet you'll get all the words right this time." you laugh and click your tongue, which makes tommy groan.

"i can stay." tubbo tells will and looks over at tommy. "what about you?"

"i'm free. ranboo?"

"i'm pretty sure i can stay, but i do have some work i need to get done tomorrow, so not for too long. i need an early start."

"ooh great! it'll be fun, i promise." you smile and look around. "what about some food? i can make pasta for you guys?"

"no no no, izzy, you've been through enough trouble today. i've got the food. we can eat in the living room then play some music or watch a movie," wilbur says. he goes over to the kitchen while the rest of you go to the couch.

author's note:
sup, how is everyone? i definitely have some cute ideas for future chapters, so make sure to stay tuned! the banner on this looks exactly like wilbur, i love it so much. i'm aware this isn't the best, but i want to write more during the week. i'd gladly take suggestions, so leave a comment if you have any.

peace out,
ur fav luca

total words: 548

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