what little time we have left

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3 months mark

Katherine p.o.v
We lay in bed together just enjoying simple touches . Can I ask you a weird questioned . Sure . Had circumstances been diffant would you have wanted children . Honestly it saddens me to think about it . Because of your daughter . I nodded I didn't fight hard enough for her so I don't think I would be a good one . You would be a wonderful mother Katherine I watched  my own mother give birth to Henrik it looked painful and you needed time to breath there was nothing you could have done it wasn't your fault it was your father's.  I could have run away . And what good with that have done look the way I see it is  you gave your child a better home than you ever could and that is most motherly thing you could have done . I smiled at him . Well if we were to have children I'd want a boy and a girl . Names . Well I think Nathan has a nice ring to it . I wouldn't mind that and for the girl perhaps Patricia I've always liked that name . I like it . Close your eyes I wish to show you what our life could have looked like . I nodded doing so .

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I opened my eyes they would have been beautiful

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I opened my eyes they would have been beautiful.  I wish we could have had that . Your not the only one you know I love every part of being a vampire except for the no children part . He laughed.  What's so funny . Vampires can have children all they need is a spell there's some in my sister's spell book . I was shocked . To bad I'm dying. What are you saying . If I wasn't dying and freyas spell worked  would you still want a family with me . More then anything . I smiled then agin I doubt the world is ready for a minine me let alone a Minnie you they would be quiet a handful . We'd handle it . And I would look awful pregnant . You look beautiful no  matter what . Well I'd want our daught to be brave and strong but also  daring . And sweet . My daughter sweet your dreaming . Oh come on you can be sweet when you want be just like I can . Fine . I'd want our son to be loyal just and believe that you shouldn't give up on something you want . Well then he wouldn't be anything like you.  What . You've given up on us your killing me in 3 months . I haven't given up on us . Then . Do you think I like choosing  between you and my siblings . I think your a  fool who needs to  open his eyes . I turned away from him . He looked hurt he walked out . I layed there thinking about what our lives could have been . Then I heard a Nock . Freya. I heard you to fighting . Yea . You have every right to be angry . I don't need your permission.  My point  is he loves you there's more to this then you think . Like what . You know  he hates himself for this . What he never said that . I walked out after Elijah.  I found him drinking by the fire place . You didn't tell me you were hating  yourself for having to kill me . I didn't want bear you with the burden.  I'd  rather know you are regretting it then thinking you don't care . Of course I care he said touching my cheek . I forgive you I hate it but I do you need to forgive yourself I'll be okay . I kissed him . He held me close . I'm sorry about what I said . Don't be your right I am a fool . Well fool me twice shame on me I said going back to kissing him . 

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