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Katherine p.o.v

I woke up to Elijah gazeing at me . Do you always watch me sleep. I like to make sure you don't go anywhere. I won't . He smiled unlocking my chains . I rubbed my wrists . Let me he said taking my hand and placing soft sweet kissing on the bruised wrists. That feels good. I'm glad he layed next to me I was curious how much do you really know  about my family. Well I know that Freya was born  first taken by your aunt Dahlia when she was 5 then came Finn who from what I know has been daggered forever . Pretty much he never acted like a brother. I laughed sounds like my father he never acted like a father and from what I hear neither did mikeal did he ever hurt you . Sometimes he hurt as all . And after you is Klaus then Kol Rebekah and henrik. I know that you guys lived with werewolves henrik was killed by one your mother sot to protect you so she used her magic to turn you into vampires using Tatias blood your first love  I look exactly like her  is that why you love me because I look like her . No I love you for you tatia was just a prize that I wanted to win you make me feel loved . I blushed he kissed me . Elijah I know the sun and moon curse is fake . He looked shocked. How. Werewolf's existed long before vampires did and the moon always controlled them so if the moon part of the curse is fake then the rest can't be true my guess is whatever the curse really is is on Klaus.

Elijah p.o.v

I was shocked I knew she was smart but for her to know this much was mind blowing. I tell you what the real curse is Klaus is the product of an affair my mother had with the werewolf chief  Klaus is part werewolf when he turned he made his first kill and became a hybrid my mother cast a spell to keep his werewolf side dormant but if he breaks it he'll be a true hybrid. That means . What . The first thing he'll do to me after he breaks the curse is give me a werewolf bite she said looking both sad and scared. There supposed to be torturing can you promise me something. Anything. That you won't let him do it he trusts you can make him just kill me please. You have my word if I can I'll make it so he lets me stake you it's the least painful way to die . She nodded in my arms  . Can I ask you something did you kill my family. No I didn't that was Klaus but I should have stopped him instead I let them die . It's okay I don't blame you I blame Klaus. How about lunch you look hungry. Very . You have to stop after I put my hand on your knee or  I'll have to use my nails again okay. She nodded. I put her head on my shoulder and she began to drink . It felt so good with her fangs biting me I want to let her continue but if she had to much she could escape I softly put my hand on her knee . She reluctantly pulled her fangs out and licked the remaining drops. You know I have a confession to make I don't just have you drink my blood because that way I can control how much you drink . You did it because you like how it feels . Yeah you want pizza 🍕. Please. I called in on dominos and the pizza arrived. Mm smells good Freya said bringing in the drinks . What are we watching . A quiet place please Katerina said. That's a horror movie Freya might get nightmares I teased. I was raised by a harpy I think I can handle it . We laughed. Pizza. Yes Hold me . I held her tight . As we watched the movie and in that moment everything was perfect.

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