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4 months mark

Katherine p.o.v

I was asleep still healing from that stupid kill arrow.  Suddenly I felt Elijah touch me in a second he gave me the vision us on the bench all those years ago . I remember this moment like it was yesterday. Get out of my head Elijah. If I get out of your head will have to both wake up to the real world and I not ready to do that yet . I whipped around facing his eyes. Do I scare you he questioned. I shook my head . He pulled me into his chest . I excepted his embrace. Katerina what did you mean by what you said in that letter. I meant that look you can say you love me but what you want  is the peasant girl you fell in love with on this bench I'm not her that girl died on that noose the real me I take what I want I do what I want and I survive. Yes your right but I'm okay with that you've seen me at my darkest maybe I have yet to see you at yours but if and when I do I will still love you Katerina. Katherine he said for the first time the way he said it made my heart stop . He kissed me . I don't wanna leave this. Why because when you wake up we have to talk about what you did . I sniffled. He vanished and I awoke. I'm surprised I can move why didn't you paralyze me like the last time. I didn't wanna do that to you . I should just let you desiccate after what you did. Please don't. He sat beside me and caressed my cheek. Why . I didn't wanna die . I tried not to cry . Please don't cry I hate seeing you cry . What happens now  . Well no more outside time no more food or those being off you'll only get blood. No please no please. You've given me no choice. Isn't this enough I said slightly lifting my wrist showing the bracelet

 Isn't this enough I said slightly lifting my wrist showing the bracelet

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I know what this is it's like a stun cuff I try to leave it zaps me . I didnt wanna have to put on you I'm sorry you gave me no choice. What are going to do . He bit his wrist drink first you'll feel better. I licked my lips he pressed his hand against my mouth I drank deep . You let me have a little extra. Your gonna need your strength. Elijah are you gonna torture me . In a way yes . I whimpered slightly. Shh It'll only be for a day your lucky it's not to . I gulped what are you going do . Trap you inside your mind with your greatest fear . Like you know what that is . I know you better then you think . He touched my face I love you where the last words I heard before waking up in a black abyss . I looked around I was all alone I called out for both Elijah and Freya but no answer . I smirked if he thought my greatest fear was being alone he was so wrong.

Elijah p.o.v

I was out on the balcony getting some fresh air . How is she . How do you think I trapped her in her head all alone . How do you know that will even effect her . You know in the past 5 hundred years Katerina has been running she has never actually been alone maybe emotional but physically never she always had a witch or vampire minions but Isolate her all the way she'll lose it . How long you gonna keep her like that . For a day . Elijah it's okay to be hurt by what she did . Ohh I am hurt but more by myself I'm mean I can say that it's her fault. It is she's the one that ran . Yeah but I'm the one letting her think she's gonna die in 4 months. Elijah you don't have a choice it will be worth it in the long run . I hope so .

Katherine p.o.v

It had been to hours at this point and I was scared of this I hated being alone because deep down I thought I didn't deserve to be loved and that I deserved to be alone.

It had been to hours at this point and I was scared of this I hated being alone because deep down I thought I didn't deserve to be loved and that I deserved to be alone

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At this point I was banging on the fake walls and crying . I could feel the small presence of Elijah's touch then it would be gone if this wasn't hell I didn't know what was .

Elijah p.o.v

I went into her room just to watch her shiver and jerk in the bed . Tears and sweat plummeted down her face . I hated this . I went over and slightly touched her face . 4 down 20 more hours to go I whispered she shifted slightly I removed my hand I couldn't let her feel me for long . Elijah please I heard her say over and over again. Elijah stop torturing yourself by watching this . I can't leave her then fine I'll stay here with you . All this reminded me of the first time I lied to her .

Flash 1492

It had been a long day I retreated to my room to find Katerina on my balcony. It's impolite to sneak into a lords bedroom. I needed to ask you something. Ask away . Why did Klaus ask me for a moonlight walk tomorrow night well there's a full moon . I don't know perhaps he wants to surprise you . No it's not that I just have a bad feeling you said you would protect me . Yes and I will you have nothing to fear I said taking her hand . It's late I think I should turn in she said walking off . Katerina. Yes . Whatever happens tomorrow know this I do care for you I can only hope that we can continue to spend our time together. I wish the same she said before turning away .

Present day

. Had I known that exactly 2 minutes later she was off running away with Trevor i would have turned her right then and there or just told her about the elixir . Elijah there was no way you could have known you couldn't save her then but can save her now you already are . I know.

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