Chapter 28

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Tenerife sea- Ed Sheeran

"Don't cry." He uses his thumb to wipe one away that runs down my cheek.

"I don't know whats wrong with me right now, I have been so emotional." I chuckle.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with you." He leans closer to me and his lips are attached to mine once again. I would love to feel his lips on mine every single day of my life.

I feel a rain drop from the sky fall onto my skin, and then a couple more until it starts to pour rain.

The two of us both back away from the kiss. I look up into the sky that has rain drops spilling from it. My hair now soaked but I don't care, I am enjoying this moment while it lasts. I look at Zayn whose hair is now sticking to the side of his face with water dripping from the side of his face.

"I love you." The two of us say simultaneously, yet unknowingly.


Zayn's POV

I lay down in the bed with Brooklyn while silent breaths leave her lips. My eyes trace over all of her facial features starting from her closed eyes to her, opened, pursed lips. Last night when Brooklyn's lips had touched my mine, I had felt so in love. I had always wanted her, I just never knew how bad I did. I loved the way that rain drops would trickle down the side of her face while glistening from the moonlight. Her brown hair had darkened do to the rain that wetted it and curls had formed in her hair.

The best part is that she had enjoyed it too. She never regretted kissing me.

The feeling of Brooklyn's hand brushes past me as she stretches. I reach over and move a piece of hair away from her face. Her eyes slowly open, when she realizes that I am beside her a small smile forms on her plump lips.

"Well look who is finally awake," I smile.

"Yuh... finally." She mumbles and closes her eyes.

"Aw, don't go back to sleep," I pout. She grabs hold of the blankets and covers her face. I lift the blanket up and peek underneath.

"Don't make me tickle you." I smirk. Her eyes pop open and look at me.

"You wouldn't." she narrows her eyes.

"Oh yea?" I forcefully pull the blankets off of her and then tickle in her sides. She tries to slap me off but I don't budge. She squeals in pure laughter which causes me to laugh. Words tumble out if her mouth but I am unable to make them out. She squeals just as she is falling off the side of the bed, I reach over and grab her just before she completely falls off.

"I'm not going to let you fall." I whisper in her ear and she smiles.

"You better not," she uses her hand and playfully pushes me away. She's smiling but it disappears when a frown covers her face.

"Is everything ok?" I look at her confused.

She looks up at me and her green eyes burn into mine, "are we safe now," her facial expressions remain the same. "from him."

I know who she is talking about, Demian. I listened to what she was thinking last night when she came into my room. She still remembered everything from like it had just happened right then. The viewings in her head were so clear. I wish that I could erase the painful memories from her head but I just can't. Liam can. But he isn't here anymore.

"For now we are," I look at her. "don't worry about any of this, please."

"I will try, but it's not that easy." She sighs.

Brooklyn's POV

The thought has been swimming in my head since the day everything had happened. Will I ever be safe again, will any of us be safe again?

I shake away my thoughts and push them to the side.

I stand up from the messy bed and Zayn looks up at me, "where are you going?"

"I'm going to take a shower." I say, stretching.


"Why are you wondering?" I raise my eyebrows.

"You just took one last night." He grins, showing his white teeth.

"that's it?" I chuckle.

"Mmm," he hums, my heart quickens "nah, that's it." I feel my blood pressure lower again.

He comes to me in a quick blur and I feel his warm breath in my ear, "I heard the way your heart quickened, kinda like this," He gently nips at the side of my neck, my heart quickens just like he had said. "I can feel the soothing beats one after another." he whispers, my breathing hitches.

I look away, away from the certain type of feeling that grows inside of my body. I'm unable to make out the words he his saying do to the sound of blood rushing through my ears from my heart beating so fast.

"I-I'm going to take a shower now." I breathe, stepping away. I don't look into his eyes, every time I do they catch me off guard. His chocolate eyes blind me from other viewings that surround me.

I step out of the room taking in a deep breath that I had been meaning to take but haven't. Its a jerk move leaving him, but I need to gather my thoughts. Am I actually growing feelings for this man?

Zayns POV

I felt the way her pulse quickened when I touched her, when I whispered gently into her ear. I felt her as she breathed, the way it hitched, the way silent shivers ran down her body. I tried to get her to stay with me instead of leaving outside of my room, but she didn't.

I want her. I need her. I love her.

OK SHORT CHAPTER TO BEGIN WITH BUT, its just the first chapter to this! I'm so excited to start writing something that bites 2!!!!! I love this book though! Ok for my birthday I had asked my mums BF for a journal and he said ok, well I got it 3 weeks after I had asked for it and o.m.g. I love it. it has my name engraved on it

Well enough of my talking!

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Word count- 1065

(And yes chapters will be getting longer again!)

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