Chapter XX

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Friday, September 2nd
3rd Person P.O.V

"...and that'll be all. You guys have a good rest of your day." Kiana's professor said. She packed up her stuff and left the room after.

"Aye Donald." Kiana called out to one of her classmates.

"Wassup." He said walking towards her.

"Can you do me a favor and send me the notes. I took some but I wanna make sure I got everything and I know how you take yo notes."

"Yea for sure."

"Thanks kid." she said smiling.

"Older than you but ight." He said and started to walk away before he remembered something. "Ayo tell yo brother I said happy birthday."

"For sure."

She walked out the building she was in and towards some of her friends she saw talking.

"Wassup wit yall." She said, catching their attention.

"Hey Kiana." Her friend Dajanae said and the other two boys said their greetings too.

"Nun much finna go to my girl house and get ready for Dae dinner party."

"It is my nigga birthday today. We definitely gotta have a party for him." Greg said

"You know that man is not the party type. A lil get together would be better." Michael said.

"Yea that would be way better." Dajanae said.

"For sure, I'll text yall. I gotta go before I'm late." Ki said and left.

When she got to Kash place she unlocked the door and walked in. She went towards Kash's room and found the girl in her bathroom.

"Hey baby." Kiana greeted.

"Wassup, you should start getting ready so we ain't late." Kash said and kissed her on the cheek.

Kiana got in the shower while Kash picked her outfit out. When the girl got out she started to get dress.

"How was work?" Kiana asked while putting her shirt on.

"It was cool. I got to meet the new vice principal since the last one retired."

"How was that?"

"Umm he cool. I didn't really have no problems wit em."

"Good. So you liking it?"

"Yea. and it's like working wit my mother because Alisha sholl do act like her."

"They are best friends."

"Tru. You ready?"

"Yea let's go before my momma start calling my phone." Kash laughed and the two girls left out.

After the summer was over Kiana and Kash were officially a couple. Kash went back home after and her parents could tell she was lonely. Mya reached out to her friend Alisha who was also a principal for an elementary school in Louisiana to hook Kash up with a job. Alisha said she had one and Kash was on a plane back. Her parents got her an apartment to stay in while she was down there.

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