Chapter VIII

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Thursday, November 25th
3rd Person P.O.V

Kiana woke up Thursday morning to a good ass smell. It was Thanksgiving break and she had went over Kash house to hang out. Recently she's been trying to be a better friend learning that it takes 2 to keep it going. She loves having Kash as a friend and she wouldn't want to lose her.

Anyway she got up once again finding herself alone in the bed but noticed that the shower was running in Kash's bathroom. She checked her phone waiting for Kash to get out the shower.

Once she got out and came in the room wit a towel wrapped around her she greeted Kiana.

"Hey. Your up." Kash went in her closet to change and left the door cracked so she could talk.

"Yea. It smells good as hell in this house." Ki said and Kash laughed.

"My moms cooking."

"What time is it?" Ki totally forgot it was thanksgiving today.

"12 something." Kash said and came out the closet. Literally this time.

"I should prolly get going." Ki said and got up out the bed.

"You spending thanksgiving wit your dad?"

"No." She said and Kash looked confused. "I mean I know I prolly should but I'm still not totally use to this and I don't really want to be around Nicole's family."

It was not that she had a issue wit them it just was still all so new and she knew that she wouldn't feel comfortable around all of them yet. She wanted to go home for thanksgiving but didn't feel like going then coming right back two days later. It would only make her miss home even more.

"You can stay here. I mean some of my family is coming over but I'll stay by your side the whole time and I promise if you feel uncomfortable we can go somewhere else. You don't need to be alone on this day and I know you miss your family back home." Kiana thought about it for a sec and nodded smiling.

"Yea ok. Thanks Kash."

They went downstairs and found Kash's parents in the kitchen. They were working around each other and didn't notice the two girls enter the kitchen. Kash clears her throat to get their attention.

"Kashy." Her mom said happily. "The family will be here around 6. I need you to go to the store and get a couple more things tho. Also Kiana are you staying we would love to have you."

"I actually am thank you."

"Oh that's great. You can accompany Kash to the store."

"Yea ok what do you need from there?" Kash asked.

"Here's a list." Kash took the list and they made their way to Kiana's car.

They made there way to the store and spent about 2 hours gathering everything they needed. They had to stop at 2 different stores to get everything.

When they got back to the house they took the groceries into the kitchen and Kash's parents continued cooking. Kash and Kiana went to make sure the house and outside were clean and put together before everyone came.

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