#7: rumors rumors rumors

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I wanted to kill myself. Like actual suicide. This long ass speech about Jung Sang students must be this, must be that. Like who the fuck cares? I felt like banging my head against the wall until it cracked open. Why was this freaking thing manditory? Why? Are they trying to kill us?

The doors swung open and my worst nightmare walked through. My brother and his idiotic friends had decided to come to school. I don't know if I should be happy or even more wanting to kill myself. I slid more down my seat. Maybe they won't see me.....I really hope they don't see me. Oh my god...please don't make them see me....

Immeditaely people started talking.

"What's going on?"

"Who are they?"

I slid further down in my seat.

A guy with his posse met them in the middle. My brother and his friends were in the aisle now. Oh no... "This is my school. Get lost before the door shuts." What? That didn't make any sense but okay.

"What's wrong with a student going to school?" Byung Hee shot back lazily.

The guy narrowed his eyes. "What'd you say?"

"Starting today, we're students at Jung Sang High too," Ji Hyuk told him.

The dude next to the first guy spoke up, spatting, "Get lost."

Hyun Soo went up to him...oh dear lord. "Is this your minion?" My brother taunted.

The first spoke, looking at Hyun Soo. "What is this punk saying?"

Byung Hee put on one of his famous signature smiles. "We meet again," he grabbed the guy's neck, "friend." The guy grabbed Byung Hee's hand.

Finally, the principal said something. "What kind of monkey business is this!"

Byung Hee ignored the principal and looked towards me and Su Ah and Su Ah's friend, who I didn't bother to learn her name because she really irritated me. He waved at Su Ah. "Muse!" She snapped her head forward. Gosh I felt bad for her. She was called out by Byung Hee of all. I quickly glanced behind me at the fight again. I made eye contact with Hyun Soo. Oh shit! No no no no no no! I turned back around. Oh shit.


Rumors were everywhere. No one could stop talking about them. Everyone stood in the hall watching them get out of the office. Everyone was curious. I was the only one who actually knew them. I stood with Su Ah and her friend to the side, watching them. I clenched to my binder, keeping it close to my body. I seriously hope they don't call me out. I was doing so well so far at this school socially.

Su Ah's friend was going on and on about them. I was pretending I didn't know anything. "Hey those guys are no joke. Their group name is Eye Candy. Isn't it a badass name?"

"Sure, if you want to become a boy band with a bunch of 12 year old fans," I said. Oh they would personally kill me if they heard me say this.

Su Ah's friend just went on. "Remember that weirdo who waved at you earlier? Joo Byung Hee. The low-down about him is he's a crazy leader, a legend on stage and a fighting king! Once he's got his eye on you, you're dead meat. Isn't that scary?" Well I mean that was kinda accurate. He is kinda psychotic and he was amazing on stage and he's a really good fighter. But that last part...eh.

She continued, "Then there's Kwon Ji Hyuk. He's got laser eyes onstage that can pierce your heart. Look at that. He's got a horde of girls waiting in line." I looked to the side and sure enough there was girls swooning over him. Wow, desperate much? "If wacko Byung Hee is the leader, Ji Hyuk's the right hand man." That was true. He was the second-in-charge. "Eye Candy. Aren't they cool?"

"The skinny playboy is Kim Ha Jin-"

I snorted. Oh my god, seriously? Playboy? As if! Su Ah's friend looked at me weird. My face dropped. "Oh-oh...I've got a cold." I started fake coughing, trying to cover it up.

Su Ah's continued from she left off. "-All girls should avoid him. He's an animal who can ruin your life!" I bit my lip to keep from laughing. Yeah okay sure, then the Ha Jin I know is a complete fake because he's not those things.

"Then there's the cutie Seo Kyu Jong. But when he gets angry, he turns into a man. A man!" I've barely seen him get mad. He's always this squishable cutie, who wants to be rich.

"AH! He's Lee Hyun Soo, chic and multi-talented-playing the guitar, singing." That was true. Hyun Soo was very multi talented. "But he's got an icy stare that once practically froze a guy to death!" I snorted again. He's not cold! Oh my god!

They looked at me again. I coughed more. "Gosh...I-I really need to get this cold checked out."

Su Ah's friend finished the group up with Do Il. "Flower boy Jang Do Il. Prince-like, beautiful, and even charismatic! But! No one knows a thing about him." That was actually also true. He didn't talk much in general, let alone about himself. Her friend sighed. "So they're on a different level than us." Different level?! How?! They were just like us. And I would know. "In other words, they're totally amazing! They're scary, dirty, and it's best to avoid them."

Su Ah narrowed her eyes and turned to her friend. "Didn't you just say how they're so cool?"

Her friend shook her head at Su Ah. "So naive. There's a difference being cool from afar and having the reality right in front of you."

I glared at her. I wanted to scream at her. I wanted to punch her just like my older brother taught me how. What the hell was that supposed to mean?!

"Of course they're cool!" Su Ah's friend said excitedly with a smile. "VIsuals, action, charisma-the full badboy package!" She frowned. "But...would you like it the legends were true? Totally scary, badass and cute...!"

"They're only rumors," Su Ah told her. "How would you know unless you had first-hand experience?"

Her friend narrowed her eyes at her. "And you? You've experienced it?"

She hesiated but shook her head. "Well no." The two existed the halls and back into their classroom. MIne was down the hall. No one was in the hall anymore except for my brother and his friends. I was about to venture down towards my classroom when I remembered...I had to get passed them to get to it. Oh shit....

I knew they already saw me but it was worth a shot. I covered the left side of my face with my binder and pressed my body to the right side of the hallway wall and tried getting passed them. I could hear my brother chuckle as he grabbed my left arm, spinning me around to face them. My brother and his friends had stopped and faced me. He tilted his head towards me with an amused smile.

"O-Oh...hey guys," I greeted awkwardly. "Didn't see you there."

"I saw you this morning in that assembly," Hyun Soo said to me, amused still.

"Yep..it was manditiory...for all students..." I trailed off. "If you excuse me, I have to get to my class before I get in trouble." I went to turn but Hyun Soo grabbed my arm again, pulling me back.

"What are the rumors so far?" He asked curiously.

I rolled my eyes and took a deep sigh. I pointed to Byung Hee, "You're a psycotic leader who's a legend on stage." I pointed to Ji Hyuk, "You're a second in charge who has all girls swooning over him." I pointed to Do Il, "You're a flower boy who no one knows anything about." I pointed to Kyung Jong, "You're a cutie who turns into a man when he gets angry." I pointed to Ha Jin, "You're a playboy who breaks girl's hearts." Then finally, I pointed to my brother, "And you're a cold guy that's chic and multi-talented and almost froze a guy with your stare. Anything else?"

They seemed amused. "The rumors make us sound cool," Kyung Jong said, satisfactory.

"Anything else?' I asked impaciently. Hyun Soo shook his head and let my arm go. "Thanks, good luck getting through the day," I told them and turned to walk away. I could hear them walking the other way.

Dear lord. I can already feel the drama that's gonna happen thanks to the things they're gonna do. Great...well count me out please.

OKay so this is a pretty okay chapter. So I'm sorry for the long wait. I promise I'll try to update more :-)))


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