218 4 7

I can't get up.

'ugh theres a massive weight on me what the hell?'

I squint open my eyes, I realise that Xiao is sleeping on top of me, his head in the crook of my neck.
"Of course" I sigh quietly, trying not to wake him.
I go back to sleep, I don't have anything to do all day until like 9, when I have to go work.

I wake up and hour later. It's 9:30 am.
Xiao is still asleep, I go on my phone scrolling through social media.
While scrolling though Instagram I feel a wave of sickness. Like I was going to throw up.
I pushed Xiao off me and ran to the bathroom, I aimed for the toilet.
I could hear Xiao's foot steps walk over to the bathroom
"Jesus Y/n you didn't need to be so viol- oh my god Y/n!" Xiao runs up to me holding my hair back. He rubs my back.

'Why am I sick I'm not pregnant I can't be I took the pill'

I wipe my mouth with my wrist.
"Y/n are you okay?!" Xiao is sitting next to me on the bathroom floor.
I look into his eyes, trying to process everything.


I instantly run to the bedroom get my keys and run out the door.
"Y/n what's wrong?!" Xiao shouts.

I rummaged thought my bathroom cabinets
'Pill. No. Pill. No. No. No. YES.' I find the pills, the date

expiration date: 2/07/21

"no no no" I mutter to myself I drop the packet on the floor.
Xiao runs into my apartment.
"Y/n tell me what the fuck is going on" Xiao is looking at all the pill packages on floor. He looks back at me.
"Y/n you didn't just take all those pills." Xiao looks stern.
My hand in covering my mouth I'm in shock.
I shake my head.
"I'm fine okay I'm fine" I walk past him.
"Well generally if people are fine they don't throw up in toilets and go though a bathroom cabinet" Xiao is following me back to his apartment.
"Y/n please talk to me about this I need to know. I want to help." Xiao pulls me aside and looks me in my eyes. I only just realised he still shirtless.
"I don't know why I was sick." I lie to him. I don't want to alarm him not until I get the test.

"maybe you shouldn't go to work today." Xiao shuts the door behind us.
"No I have to go. I was just sick a little" I persuade him.
"Fine but if you feel sick during work I'm taking you home" Xiao walks into his bedroom,shutting the door behind him.
I sit on his sofa.

'how am I gonna get a test. what if it's positive. no I can't be positive. That won't help. I don't want a kid. How am I gonna go school if I'm pregnant. your not pregnant Y/n calm down.'

I sit quietly with j m y thoughts a dangerous game in the first place but now I'm thinking about pregnancy and if it's positive will I get an abortion? All the possibilities spin through my mind.
Xiao comes out of his bedroom, in his uniform.
It's only 11:12.
"Why are you in uniform?" I quirk an eyebrow.
"I'm not gonna do anything today really and I'm not gonna let you go out in case your sick. I want to take care of you." Xiao stands in his doorway crossing his arms.
"Fine." I don't bother arguing.

Xiao carry's me in his room and places me on the bed, Putting me under the covers. Xiao walks out again and grabs his laptop before slipping under the covers and putting on Netflix.
He puts on attack on titan. The show I put on when we went on the road trip.
"You didn't" I look at Xiao I felt like I was going to cry.
"I did" he smiles, it's such a angelic smile.
"You remembered" I lean into his chest hugging him.
He plays season 3 part 1, shuffle down a bit and lean on his chest.
"Your adorable you know that" Xiao kisses the top of my head, I feel my cheeks turn a red.

It's half way through the episode and I'm feeling tired. I move the laptop and climb on top of Xiao, before making myself comfortable I give him a quick little kiss then rest on top of him.
"I love you darling" I sigh before falling asleep again, Xiao holding my hand as I went to sleep.

"Y/n... wake up sleepyhead" Xiao gently shakes me, I groan sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
"What time is it...?" I groan my eyes trying to focus on the clock.
It read 8:35
"Get ready it's almost time to leave" Xiao smiles getting up and leaving the room.
I quickly get off the bed and get changed before running into the bathroom too fix my hair.

I finish at 8:43,
"Done!" I smile grabbing Xiao's hand,
"Can we stop at a shop so I can get coffee?" I ask, hoping I can buy a pregnancy test without him knowing.
"Sure" Xiao grabs the keys and we walk out the door.

We arrive in at the shop, Xiao goes to un buckle his seatbelt.
"I'll be a second no need just wait" I run into the shop.

I run to the health aisle, grabbing a pregnancy test and then run to the milk aisle where the coffee is.

I run back to the car after paying, hiding the test in my pocket I already tossed out the box.
"Let's go" I smile drinking my coffee.

When we arrive I run to the bathroom.
I see Hutao and Zhongli come out of their office. I'm not worried about that much.

I take the test. It said wait 5-10 minutes I think. I wait. And wait. And wait.
I get the results about 10-20 minutes later.
two lines.
"no. no. no. no. no. This can't happen. Fuck." I run out the bathroom the test in my hand.
Xiao is in their office. I get waved in. I hide the test behind me, they looked stern.

"What happened?" I ask confused, Hutao turns the laptop around, I immediately feel my face burn up.

'Not gonna lie I look pretty hot'

"Love the tape." Hu tao says.
"Look dad I'm sorry I really am but we are fine not like you two haven't done it here. Maybe not on tape but still. And that was an accident how was we meant to know there was a camera Y/n must have forgotten which one." Xiao apologies.
"It's fine Xiao we are more concerned about Y/n." Zhongli says looking at me I gulp.

'Oh Fuck.'

"Y/n Xiao said you've been sick today. and you guys didn't use protection so are you by some chance pregnant?" Hutao looks at me, Xiao is looking at me, zhongli is looking at me.
I place the test on the table.
"Two lines.." Hutao whispers looking up. The boys looked at me confused not knowing if two lines means pregnant or not.
"Yes fuck I am! I'm pregnant." I say stressed, tears run down my face.
"Y/n- but you said your on the pill? Did you lie to me?" Xiao pulls me to look at him.
"No I am it was just expired and I didn't know, and I'm scared. I'm 19 I can't be pregnant I'm starting school. I'm getting my life together" I sob Xiao pulls me into a hug.
"Y/n it's okay. You decided. If you want to keep the baby or if you don't it's your body. Not mine" Xiao hugs me tightly.
"I'll keep the baby." I wipe my tears, Hutao gets up and pulls me into a hug.
"I know you Y/n. Do you want this." She looks me in the eyes.
"Yes I do" I try to sound reassuring but it doesn't work.
"Y/n,xiao. Your suspend" Zhongli stands there his arms crossed, my heart drops.
Xiao's face and Hutaos instantly change
"No. Sir please" I panic, I can't lose my job. I'm starting school this is the only thing paying me.
"Dad! What the fuck. She's got no money, what the fuck are you doing. Children aren't cheap you know" Xiao shouts at his father.
"Babe?! What are you doing?" Hutao voice is scared she is holding me while I hug my stomach.
"Xiao you are responsible for Y/n and her baby now. you two are suspended for 10 months with pay" Zhongli says smiling. It takes me a while to realise what he is doing.
"Thank you sir. I'm sorry for panicking" I apologise.
"Sorry dad" Xiao steps back but Zhongli just smiles.
"Keep her well Xiao please" Zhongli let's us go.
we walk out and go to Xiao's car
"What are we going to do now?" I ask sitting in the car.
"I'll pay for your school, and when you give birth I'll look after the baby while you work. It's the least I can do." Xiao says, my heart flutters. I've never met a man so kind before.

A new chapter has started of me and Xiao's relationship but this time the chapter isn't finished.
Shes pregnant 😀

Anyways I love you and I'm proud of you
Have a good night/ evening/ morning/ afternoon
Stay hydrated and safe and healthy <333

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