L! Tommy CG! Wilbur

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(A/N) Hello, I thought we could all use some quick fluff right about now so enjoy this filler chapter. I should have another request chapter out soon.

No CW that I'm aware of.


Tommy was sat in the middle of Wilbur's guest bed, a lilac colored stuffed rabbit sat in his lap. He wasn't having the best day, the best week really, stress from everything overwhelming him. So he did what he always did when he felt that way, regress.

Today when he regressed it was different, that overwhelming feeling didn't entirely go away, even his favorite stuffie wasn't helping. Thankfully this week he'd been somewhat forced to stay with his caregiver who was right across the hall.

He made his way to Wilbur's bedroom, Tommy knocked softly before receiving a quick "come in"

Without a word, he opened the door and stood in front of Wilbur, silently staring in hopes he wouldn't have to explain. "You alright?" Wilbur asked, earning a small pout from Tommy. "Are you small?" He questioned, putting together context clues, he received a small nod in response as Tommy climbed into his lap.

The blonde rested his head on Wil's shoulder, "is today a quiet day?" The older asked, Tommy didn't respond, pushing himself closer into Wilbur. "That's alright, you can have a quiet day." He spoke softly.

Quiet days were Tommy's favorite, Wilbur always understood what he needed when he couldn't say himself. With how boisterous the boy was any other time whenever he had 'quiet days' he got to listen to his Wilby talk to him in a voice so gentle, Wilbur thought Tommy might break if he spoke any louder.

Before Tommy knew it, Wilbur was talking again in that same honey laced tone, "do you want to go watch Daniel Tiger? We can go get your paci and then turn it on low like you like," he offered. Tommy hummed faintly as Wilbur picked the both up and made their way out of the bedroom.

Soon enough Wilbur had pressed a pacifier to his lips before sitting down on his couch. It wasn't long before the show started playing, so slow at some points it was barely audible but that's how Tommy liked it, watching intently. Wilbur would occasionally, hum to the show as he ran his hands through Tommy's hair.

Even though this was one of few times they were in person for it, both of them loved quiet days, they weren't fast paced or hectic but calm and quiet which is something everyone needs from time to time.

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