L! Quackity CG! Sam

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Relationship: L literally anyone + CG sam
Age range: 1-4
Prompt: I don't actually mind

I just want more CG sam honestly it's great

it wasn't much to go off of but I saw this tweet where it said Sam was Quackity's canonical father(?) I don't know if that's true or not but ayo? Sounds like a good fic to me, so in this story he is canonically Quackity's father

Hello also this is very sad compared to what I normally do so Happy Thanksgiving or regular Thursday I give you the gift of sadness

CW: crying, swearing


It was hard for Quackity when he found out his closest friends formed a country without him. He still remembers how he felt the day he found out, abandoned, betrayed, those feelings never went away. He lost several people that day, his friends, his fiancé's, and caregivers.

For months after, day after day he struggled to get out of bed, all motivation to grow his country ceased. He had worked so hard to grow it for his fiancé's and George just for them to forget him.

Eventually, though he grew numb to the emotional pain, refusing to regress, distancing himself from others, he refused to take that risk again.

As much as Quackity told himself he was alone, people did take notice, the strong charismatic leader now turned into a shell of himself.

People were bound to take notice, Sam especially. It had been three days since anyone had seen or heard from Quackity and Sam was starting to get worried. Sam knew that Quackity would have bad days but it was unlike Quackity for people to not hear from him, so Sam went to check on him. He already knew where to find him, going into the hotel headed to the top floor. 

Once he reached the penthouse suite, soft crying could be heard from inside the bedroom. He opened the door seeing the broken boy curled into a ball in the center of the royal-sized bed. "Hey Q," Sam spoke, announcing his presence as he took a seat on the edge of the bed.

It was days like this that were particularly hard for Quackity, he could barely bring himself to move when Sam entered the room. "S- Sam?" Quackity choked out, voice gone hoarse from crying.

"Yeah bud it's me" Sam replied gently as he sat on the edge of the bed, letting Quackity come to him and lay his head in Sam's lap "What's got you so down kid?" he asked wiping away the tear streaks from the brunettes face.

"I miss them, they treated me like shit an- and I still miss them" Q sniffled "I wish I could just forget them" he continued "it hurts, Sam"

Soft hands carded through Quackity's hair, "I know sweet boy, it's not easy" Sam acknowledged, thinking quickly Sam continued "it's hard to feel such big emotions for such a little boy" he said trying to coerce Quackity into regressing.

Quackity knew what Sam was doing, trying to feed into a long-forgotten headspace but for the first time in months, Quackity didn't push it away. "Papa" Quackity whined softly, leaning into his touch.

"You're okay papa's gonna take care of you" Sam assured. The little left his head in Sam's lap as his stomach let out a loud growl. "Why don't we go get some food?" Sam suggested.

As much as Quackity wanted to get up and get  food, he couldn't bring himself to even want to move and as if Sam could sense his thought process he spoke, "Don't worry about it sweet prince, I can carry you." Soon enough Quackity was scooped up into Sam's arms, heading towards the kitchen.

"How old is my sweet boy feeling?" Sam asked, setting Quackity down on the countertop. Quackity thought about the question pretty hard, he was old enough to talk and walk but he didn't want to. Eventually he opted to put up three fingers before dropping it down to two.  "Is that old enough for some mac and cheese?" He questioned earning an eager nod.

Sam quickly got started on some plain mac and cheese knowing eventually Quackity would need some food if substance but that could wait, he'd already gotten him to agree to eat something and that was better than nothing.

The little watched from the counter, letting his mind wander away from the bad thoughts he'd been struggling with and trusting Sam to take care of him. "Papa 'm t'irsty" Quackity mumbled voice hardly ever above a whisper when regressed, if he felt like talking, Schlatt made sure of that.

"What was that sweet pea?" Sam asked as he pulled down a bowl from the cabinet.

Nervously Quackity repeated himself just as quiet "'m  t'irsty" he whispered, bringing his hand up to sign for water, something Karl had taught him.

"Do you have any sippy cups?" Sam questioned, looking through the cabinets for said item as Quackity shook his head with a frown. Quackity didn't plan on regressing anymore and threw everything out on a whim. "Hmm that's okay I'm sure I can get you one but for today I'll just have to help you" the hybrid explained. Turning to fill the glass with water before helping Quackity lift it up to his mouth, taking small sips.

Soon after Quackity was moved off the counter and into a kitchen chair, food set in front of him as Sam grabbed a glass of water for himself before joining Quackity. "Can papa feed his sweet boy or are you too big?" Sam offered, Quackity pointed towards the older.

The younger alternated between bites of food and sips of water but slowly but surely he finished all of his food earning soft praises from Sam.

It was heartbreaking for Sam to see Quackity in such a state, but thankfully he knew exactly what to do to pull him out of it even if it was just for a little while. Slowly Quackity would regress regularly again, Sam making sure of it, even growing comfortable in his headspace to be as loud and bubbly as he wanted with no fear of repercussions due to the help of Sam's other littles like Purpled and Boomer.

It took a certain weight off of Quackity's chest to feel better again even if it was only temporary before falling back down in a spiral, Sam was always there to help him climb back up.


A/N : I debated on posting this one until I had a happier one finished but I decided I wanted to see some feedback from it.  It's very different compared to what I normally do so so lmk if you guys liked this one!

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