L! Tubbo CG! Syndicate

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the first one- tubbo is rlly little (like 0-1) n there's a syndicate meeting n ranboo can't leave him at home and so he brings him n phils like 'it's okay m8 I'll hold him' then niki is like 'I wanna hold him too' and techno is s o f t and holds him too n they end up not doing anything they wanted to do because little tubbo n everyone just kinda hangs out for a bit

CW: crying, bottles


Ranboo was already running behind that morning when he heard loud crying from his bedroom, "dada" a voice cried out.

He shot up the stairs at the call of his name, entering his bedroom to see Tubbo reaching out for him desperately. "What's wrong Bo'?" Ranboo asked pulling the boy into his lap, "did you have a bad dream?" He questioned. The little whined as he hiccuped into the hybrids chest, far too young for words.

With no hope of Tubbo resurfacing from his headspace anytime soon and only running later to this meeting, Ranboo pulled out his communicator letting the others know he'd be late.

Getting Tubbo ready to go was harder than he expected, the brunette refusing to let go of his caregiver so Ranboo had to do almost everything one handed.

Soon enough Ranboo grabbed the younger's backpack filled with his items and headed out the door, Tubbo on his hip while his head rested in the crook of his neck.

They arrived at the meeting place, heading down the stairs all eyes on the enderman and the fussy little he was carrying. "I can explain" Ranboo stated, "he woke up super little, like little little and I couldn't just leave him an- and he didn't want anyone else-" he rambled.

"It's alright mate, we understand" Phil interrupted.

"Yeah it's alright Ranboo" Niki agreed as she sat down across from them.

Techno hummed in agreement, already at the table as he waved at Tubbo letting his softer side show, after all he was an anarchist not a monster.

Tubbo stuck his hand in his mouth "why don't you let me hold him while you get his stuff out" Phil offered. Ranboo gently handed over the teen, shuffling off the backpack.

"Bo' no hands" Ranboo scolded softly, removing Tubbo's hand from his mouth, tears threatening to fall. Ranboo quickly dug out the boys pacifier, placing it in his mouth before he finally took a seat. With a relieved sigh, successful in his attempt to keep Tubbo from crying, he was the first to speak. "Why were we called here in the first place?" Ranboo asked.

"Uhh- Right" Techno said trying to start the meeting, "First order of business, with the rising nations we-" Techno started only to be interrupted by Tubbo's loud babbling.

He looked over to see Niki cooing at him. "Hi handsome boy" she praised, letting Phil transfer Tubbo to her lap continuing to coo at him listening to his giggles.

Tubbo was much more awake than he was originally, growing shy at being the center of attention, tucking his face shyly into Niki's neck. "Awww such a shy baby" Techno cooed.

The little peeked out making grabby hands towards the hybrid, "you wanna sit with tech?" Ranboo asked watching the brunette pout in response.

Techno was glad to scoop up Tubbo and set him into his lap, letting the boy cuddle close "happy now?" Techno teased as Tubbo hid behind his hands.

"Uh-oh where did he go?" Phil joked, eliciting quiet giggles from the younger who took his hands away from his face. "Oh- there he is!" He gasped with mock excitement.

After a little while, Tubbo began to whine softly, "what's wrong little one?" Niki questioned.

"Shoot- he's probably hungry" Ranboo said starting to dig around in the backpack once again, "is there anywhere I could warm this up?" He asked, immediately following in said direction.

Ranboo quickly returned, warm bottle in hand as he stopped, "Techno do you care to feed him- or- or I can but it'd be easier if-" he started.

"I've got it under control, let's not keep him waiting anymore" Techno reassured, taking the bottle and replacing it with the pacifier, which Tubbo began to drink eagerly.

The meeting was long forgotten, everyone favoring the break to take care of the little, the meeting could wait it wasn't vital anyways. Everyone needed this break thankful to have a distraction that they could focus on rather than anything else, and while big Tubbo was unaware of the syndicate to begin with little Tubbo was invited to every meeting.

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