L! Punz CG! Purpled, Sapnap

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can you do little punz and cg purpled? with punz being 5+ years old and purpled having to take care of a silly childish version of his older brother.
I'm so sorry if you don't understand, I have never even seen this idea before but thought it was really cute.


Punz and Purpled had been planning this day for a while where Punz could regress and Purpled would watch him by himself. Sapnap had reluctantly agreed when Purpled said he could handle Punz. "Be good for Grayson, alright?" Sapnap said letting go of Punz hand as he ran off to Purpled.

"I'll be good Papa, promise" Punz said holding out a pinky to Sapnap. Sapnap interlocked his pinky with his own solidifying the promise. Sapnap turned to leave reiterating to Purpled the rules he's heard time and time again before being shooed out the door. Punz took off his backpack setting it and himself on the ground, "play cars with me?" Punz asked looking up at Purpled. Purpled sat down next to Punz as he rummaged through his bag pulling out some of the toys he brought with him. "Me n' papa got this car for you" the little said handing Grayson a purple car to match his Minecraft character.

The teens heart melted at the gesture taking the car from the blonde, "thank you buddy I love it!" Purpled said ruffling the littles hair. Punz scrunched his nose while running his hand through his hair to fix what was "messed up" before he began to race his cars.

Punz was entertained for about ten minutes before he started to get distracted by other things around Purpled's room "whats dis?" He would ask holding up various objects just to put them back down after he realized they wouldn't do anything fun. "Puppy I'm boreddd" Punz drug out dramatically, dropping himself to the ground.

As Purpled held back a laugh, he asked "what do you want to do then?" Punz shrugged looking up at the blonde.

The littles face lit up once he thought of something "hide 'n seek!" He suggested excitedly, hopping off of the floor. Purpled agreed as long as Punz followed Papa's rule of staying in the house. The mentally younger decided he wanted to hide first and ran off as Purpled began to count.

"28, 29, 30! Alright bug I'm coming!" Purpled yelled trying to make sure Punz could hear him. He looked in the bedroom's first looking under the beds and in the closets before he heard giggling coming from one of the bathrooms. "Hmmm, I wonder where Punz could be" Purpled joked as the giggles grew louder. "Guess I'll just leave...." He lied playfully as he saw Punz peek out from behind the curtain. "Gotcha!" The blonde yelled pulling back the curtain. Punz squealed as Purpled attacked him with tickles.

Giggles could be heard from through out the house as Punz breathlessly begged Purpled to let him go "ahhh 'top puppy" he giggled endlessly. Purpled stopped, letting Punz catch his breath before it was Purpled's turn to hide.

As Punz started counting, Purpled looks for a place to hide, going for an easy spot behind a curtain. The teen could hear the loud footsteps as Punz finished counting. Punz walked into the room giggling as he found the mentally older, "Gotcha!" Punz cheered copying Purpled from earlier. Purpled went on playfully about how he "couldn't believe how fast he was found". Punz giggled "you're so silly puppy" he said.

They went back and forth with hiding and counting as Punz became closer and closer to needing a nap. "Why don't we take a break and watch a movie in my room?" Purpled offered, knowing that if he even mentioned a nap the boy would pout. Punz agreed taking Purpled's hand as they went back to the teens room.

Purpled sat on his bed, Punz curled onto his side, as Purpled put on Tangled as requested by the little. Barely 30 minutes into the movie Punz was asleep leaning against the blonde.

When Sapnap came to pickup his little only to find him asleep while Purpled scrolled on his phone he was impressed to say the least. "What'd you do to him?" Sapnap asked quietly shocked to see Punz asleep and Purpled's house completely intact.

"It's called being awesome. Not that you would know" Purpled joked as Sapnap rolled his eyes. "Good luck waking him up though, you're on your own for that one" Purpled said brushing the littles hair out of his face as Sapnap huffed.

Much to Punz's protest, Sapnap got him up on his feet as he tiredly said his goodbyes the Purpled "bye bye Puppy" Punz slurred tiredly as Sapnap wrapped an arm around him.

Purpled waved from his bedroom window as Sapnap helped Punz into the backseat before driving off.

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