Day 7

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Day 7: Write a scene with no dialogue at all.

I found myself wandering in the park for the third time this week, not looking for anything in particular, but just admiring the auburn and burnt orange leaves that brushed the ground. My Sharpie-stained Converse made a crunching sound against the leaves as I walked, and I mindlessly sipped my coffee and fiddled with the hem of my knit grey sweater before deciding to situate myself on the park bench.

Looking around at the my rather picturesque surroundings, I wish that I had brought a good book (preferably something by John Green) or a pen and paper. Or, at the very least, my Nikon so I could capture my orange-tinted surroundings.

But alas, all I had was a lukewarm coffee and a far too beautiful park to admire. After convincing myself that no one else was going to come, I propped my legs up onto the bench and absentmindedly began braiding my short brown hair.

My brading was interrupted by a small, crumbled ball of paper landing in my lap. My eyebrows knitted together and I cluelessly looked around in search of the messanger, but didn't find anyone around me that looked like they were paying the slightest bit of attention to me.

I flipped my braid over my shoulder and cautiously unravelled the wad of paper to reveal a message scribbled in a blotchy ink pen.

It was undoubteddly a boy's handwritting, judging by the barely readable, but vaguely familiar scrawl. My eyes ran over the words,

To that beautiful girl with the good book,

Or Charlie. Whichever you prefer :)

Might I say that you have impecible taste in books? The Perks is amazing, really. I've been told I look like Logan Lerman.. do you agree?

Or I don't and that's the reason you haven't called.. but hey, here it is again;

And at that point, I couldn't help but have a smile spread across my face at the seven digits that I was seeing again. Truth be told, I had already saved the number in my phone, but I was just too scared to call, or text for that matter.

But when I looked up from the crumpled paper in my lap, I was greeted with a pair of striking blue eyes and a charming smile, coupled with a set of dimples.

And I smiled back before spotting a pen among the heaps of leaves on the floor. Sometimes, the world can be pretty miraculous.. and for the first time ever, I felt completely sure of my myself as I scribbled a note on the back of Oliver's paper reading;

To the boy with the guitar and the blue eyes,

Or Oliver. I see the resemblence. :) I've been told I look like Emma Watson.. coincidence?

And I scrawled a simple seven numbers on the paper before balling it up and throwing it across the park, to the boy with the blue eyes and his hands in his pockets.

And with that, I trotted away with my head a little higher, and my smile a little bigger.

Hello! c:

I'm late [again] :P Sorry! But it's here now, and I'm actually quite happy with how this dare is turning out. :) Hehe, well, I dunno if this is considered cheating because I wasn't supposed to use dialogue but I used notes..? I dunno x)

I hope you enjoyed! Vote, comment, and all that lovely stuff<3

-Zoya<3 xx

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