Day 6

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Day 6: Write a scene where you absolutely love the outfit one of the character's are wearing.

The cool fall breeze swept over the leaf-dusted park floor, sending my brown hair flying at odd angles. I sighed, and adjusted the hem of my ivory sweater before treading on to the park bench.

I had one headphone popped into my ear, bobbing my head to the catchy beat of "Little Talks" and slightly swaying to the rhythm.

"Don't listen to a word I say, hey!"

I spotted a girl occupying the bench - no older than eighteen. My eyes scanned her rather stylish outfit before contemplating whether or not to sit beside her. I decided to go ahead and accompany her, which she didn't seem to mind as she was far too consumed with the book resting in her lap.

I took this time to fully admire her outfit, which I would die to have in my wardrobe; an oversized grey knit sweater, dusted with a light layer of sparkle, accompanied by a pair of medium-wash ripped jeans and tied together with a set of combat boots laced to her calves. On her dainty fingers, she wore an oversized bow ring on her fourth finger, and on her index finger was a small silver band with a simple infinity sign.

On her other hand, she wore a ring that wrapped around two of her fingers. It was a matted silver and spelled out "L-O-V-E". Her wispy, light brown hair was tied into a sloppy, but chic, bun atop her head with a single streak of auburn.

I watched as the fashion forward girl excitedly flipped to the next page of her book, almost tearing her page in the process. I tried to take a peek at what she was reading, but I couldn't decipher the words of the cover. My lips curved into a small frown as she quickly flipped to the next page and excitedly started running her eyes over the words.

Trying to get over my shyness, I cleared my throat and tapped her on the shoulder. Her head snapped up like a deer caught in headlights, and I could tell she was a little startled by my prescence. She raised an eyebrow at me before saying,

"Can I help you?" In her slightly high-pitched voice. I smiled at her and asked,

"What book is that?" A sudden grin swept across her face and she proudly held up the cover in front of me.

"The Fault In Our Stars"

"I'm reading that too," I stated gingerly. The girl's excited grin got even wider at those words.

"Really?" she gasped. "Isn't it flawless?" I nodded my head before pressing my lips into a line.

"It is," I agreed. I hesitated before complimenting, "I love your outfit, by the way." A smile plastered itself onto her face and she replied,

"Thanks, I um.. " her eyes scanned my outfit, which in comparison to her's wasn't nearly as chic. I was clad in a loose ivory sweater with oversized buttons and my favorite pair of faded skinny jeans, along with a pair of black Converse covered with an array of Sharpie song lyrics that I had written over the years. "I like your Converse. The Jonas Brothers are cool." she giggled, returning to her book - leaving my cheeks red. Really, Charlie? Of all the songs you could have written, you wrote a Jonas Brothers song.

I internally laughed at myself while peering down at my worn Converse and skimming my eyes over the old JoBro's lyrics.

"When you look me in the eyes, and tell me that you love me, everything's alright.."

hey hey hey! c:

i'm writing on time, yay me! *london tipton moment*

haha, anyways, i actually own the outfit that the girl was wearing in this, and it's probably one of my favorite outfit in my closet. :D minus the light brown hair with auburn streak - that's not me. :P

oh, and i just had to mention the jobros because, well, i just have no words. x) they cool. xD aha, i used to be totally obsessed and lately i've been on pandora and pandora keeps playing their songs and i have to admit, i'm falling in love with nick again. xD

haha, to the side is "when you look me in the eyes" by the jonas brothers, just 'cos. x)

toodles! :*

-Zoya<3 xx

Head In the Clouds [{Im}Perfect Dare]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora