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my little family is one that us girls are outnumbered which is fine, cause we girls will drive the boys crazy.

Tigzy and I had our son Caiden Filip Trager. then a year later had our baby girl Mila "Mia" Antheia Trager.

We are a cute little family and Tigzy and I are wanting to have more. 

Apart from my little family and what has occurred.

I had come close to beating the shit literally out of Tara. but I just stomped a mudhole in her ass and her chicken shit self did what she does best and that's tuck her tail and runaway.

which we didn't care nor did anyone miss here cause she and Jax were never serious despite him wanting to be, she was just playing him for a fool. which cost her an even bigger beat down.

yes, I waited till I wasn't pregnant with Caiden to beat the fuck out of her. 

Now he's with Trissy which I find cute he's engaged to the babysitter. but hey you love who you love and can't help who you fall in love with.

Life is great and I couldn't ask for a better one. 

I am happy that I came back and things between Tigzy and I turned out how they did.

He's an amazing father despite what his older girls claim thanks to his ex wife who ran her mouth dogging him and talking shit. but it's like I told him and the others that were listening he doesn't need them to love him when he has me and our kids that love him and respect him.

He and I are enjoying the parenting life and cant wait to experience more of it when the time comes for us to expand our family of five.

Till then we will have all the fun in pleasurable sex and see what happens.



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