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The close I get to having Sebby is the more worried Tig gets.

He's been keeping me off my feet. he's been having Gemma keep an eye on me knowing if it was any prospect I'd throw a shoe at them then jump his ass for the damn shit. He's been watching over me and Sebby. and doing all he can with the time we have till he arrives to make sure we've got all the essentials and important items he'd need.

"Hey Tig come sit and talk with me or at least cuddle," I say

"don't have time have to make sure we've got Sebastian everything" he says

"Alex please come join me. we've been over it all for the past three days and today alone you've triple checked. please come here, baby.

He sighs before he leaves the nursery and comes to the bed room where I am sitting.

I tap the bed wanting him to come be with me.

"you've been so busy its time for you to reaxl and I know just what to give you in order to help" I tell him

"can't have sex your to far," he says

"remove your Kutte Alex and get in this bed," I tell him

he sighs before doing as ordered. placing in his Kutte and guns down nearby before coming to lay with me.

By the time he joined me I had already removed my breast from my shirt.

"Oh this is what you had in mind ok..." he says taking notice.

I smiled and gesture him to lay down.

He does and I hold him to me as he latches on and drinks.

"I need to yo calm down a bit baby. I know you're worried. but if you worry then I will cause I worry about you. so let's both not worry and take the rest of this pregnancy and just relax and enjoy it. cause when he comes into this world it will be a constant on your toes go... go... go" I tell him as I rubbed his back and brush some curls from his head.

I smiled as he drift off to sleep in my arms.

I eventually move him to lay by my side, fix my top before I get up, and straighten up around the room before I sit back in bed.

After about an hour or so he starts to stir.

"Hi, sleepy head. have a nice nap?" I asked

He smiled and sat up looking at me.

"yea, I did thank you," he says

"welcome" I replied

He cups my face and kisses me.

"Love you so much Lynn," he says

"I love you so much too baby" I tell him

He smiles before he up and grabs his Kutte and guns slipping it on and putting them in his pants.

"back to work you go huh?" I asked

"yea, so you be good till Gem gets here" he says

"What trouble could I possibly get into?" I asked

"knowing you it could be anything," he says

"harsh" I say 

He chuckles before walking over and kissing me bye.

"Be safe out there baby. we both want you home in one piece" I tell him

"I will try my best" he says

" bye love  we you" I called out

"Love you and Seb too" he replied back before leaving.

I got up and went to take a shower before slowly making my way downstairs where I propped my feet up laid back and just relaxed as I watched some tv.

Wild free soul ( completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now