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Sadly we had to go on lockdown which means I have to see dipshit.

its not been a damn week and she's already on my freaking nerves.

" yes you do. you blame me for him almost being kidnapped" Tara cried

"No I don't" Jax lied

"yes you do" she says

I groaned having walked into the room after laying Seb in his crib. still listening to her whinny ass.

"I don't blame you" Jax says

"then why hire a nanny?" she asked

"you work, and so do I. we cant watch him while working" he says

"thats not the real reason." she says

"oh my god stop fucking whining you crying ass fuck" I say having enough of her bitching.

"butt out this is between Jax and I" she says

"come on on here and make me or do you wanna wait for someone to do the job for you since you cant fucking do something simple your self?" I asked

"see. so you do blame me" she says

"no I don't" he says

"he doesn't but I do. I mean you cant fucking protect a baby from being taken and you expect to be considered a trust worthy adult. fuck that you need to be supervised both in every day activities,work, and around Abel. I wouldn't trust you with fucking much less watching a baby." I say

She glares at me.

"I can do my job and every day activity with no supervision" she says

"just cant protect a little innocent life. " I stated

"Kip was there," she says

"and he did all he could to save Abel which cost him his life, since your good for nothing ass didn't work with him to take Cameron out" I replied

"he had his gun pointing at me," she says

"Oh boo hoo... Tara had a gun pointed at her. whaaa...whaaa.. grow the fuck up everyone in this room has had guns pointed at them and we did freeze up like a coward we fucking kicked ass and took mother fucking names" I replied

"what's your probably with me?" she asked

"lets see. you cost one of my friends his life. you couldn't protect my great nephew worth a shit. you did my nephew shitty. and you're a fucking waste of time and space." I counted off

"you're not related to Gemma," she says

"don't need to be in order to consider Jax and Abel my great nephew and nephew" I replied

"butt out" she says

"come over here and make me butt out " I replied

she shakes her head.

the others are just sitting there knowing what I'm doing so they are just waiting.

"Anyone in here have baby they want a spinless fuck to watch and get kid napped get in contact with Tara "run away" Knowles she will allow harm to your kid and to be kidnapped while her ass just gets tied up and tossed in the shitter" I say 

She walks up getting in my face.

"what happened wasn't my fault" she says getting upset

"whatever helps you sleep at night" I replied

"you don't know anything" she says

"wrong. I save Abel's innocent self from being taken unlike you. I was the one who did that not your ungrateful ass." I say

"good for you want a cookie?" she asked

"no cause you probably would burn them since you cant do anything right" I replied

She shakes her head at me.

"your time is coming with me" she warns

I fake start shaking.

"Oh.. no my time with runaway is coming whatever shall I do... I'm so scared" I say 

Jax and the others shook their heads while she scuffed and walked off.

I laughed watching her disappear

"must you done that?" Jax asked

"why Jaxie I did nothing wrong," I state

He shakes his head

"Love you Jaxie" I tell him

He smiled and nodded

"love you too Linnie," he says

"I know it you cant help yourself" I replied

He chuckled while shaking his head before he went to check on either Abel or whiny.

"you're lovely Lynn" Opie says

"awe thank you Opie dopey" I replied

him and the others laughed while I wrap my arms around my hubby and give him kisses. as we all go on about our day.

Wild free soul ( completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now