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It's been a few days since the start of lockdown and in that time frame, I've come close to going to prison. The reason was I found out how shitty Wendy was while carrying Abel. 

And let me tell you when I got to the hospital I about commenced to beating her ass till her soul left her body had it not been for Tig and Chibs restraining me.

I warned her and them both what would happen which put fear in her ass.

Now here I sit distracting my mind from that whore as I think of baby names and make a long list.

"she bought drugs knowing she's pregnant. and then shot up multiple times while carrying my grandson. had I not found her he'd probably be dead." Gemma  told someone

"When I get a hold of her she'd wish she was" I commented not looking up from my list.

"I'm right there with you" Gemma says

"I don't know what fucking part of her pecan brain figured it'd be smart to do drugs while pregnant. but this pregnant bitch right here is gonna beat the damn drugs outta her" I say as I pointed to myself 

"and this grandma is gonna be with you darling" she says

I raised my hand and she gave me a high five before we went back to what we was doing.

"Jax still hasn't gone to see..." they didn't get to finish what the was saying cause I got up and went right over to Jax.

I grabbed him by his Kutte and yanked his ass up out his seat.

"what's your fucking issue man?" I asked

"nothing. what the fuck are you talking about?" he asked, 

"you have a beautiful baby boy in the hospital and you've yet to see him. are you stupid?" I asked

"he's not gonna live" he says

I shoved him upagainst the wall.

"Listen to me Jackson Nathaniel Teller and you better fucking listen good before you're on my fucking ass kicking list like your drugy ex. Abel isn't going to die, he's a damn Teller which means he's a fucking fighter. he will not surcome to this heart defect. he's gonna make it through and he needs you there by his side so he knows that he's not fighting alone. cause I will tell you this. you give up on that baby and so help all sons I'll go lucifer on your ass then I'll take rights to him." I tell him

 He just looked at me a little freaked out.

Iet him go but stood before him.

"I understand you believe that he'll have poor Tommy's fate. it's understandable. but what happened to Tommy was something no one could stop. okay. you cant go on thinking cause he's got the Teller flaw that he will not live long. dont let that fear overrule the fact that he's made it thus far. and he's still fighting. just so see him talk to him let him know his dad is by his side no matter what, that he isn't abandon by both parents that one actually gives a fuck about him. " I tell him

He nods his head

I went to walk off to go back to my list but I stopped and looked back at Jax.

"Oh and if you and that "baby" doctor & you get to fucking or dating or whatever and she acts like she's queen dick or runs her mouth on your mom or anyone I'm protective of. or shows disrespect I'm beating her skinny ass yet the fuck again" I warned before I walked back to where I was seated

I went back to writing like nothing didnt just happen.

He left to go see his son while others looked at me a bit and I smiled before finishing up.

"so whose hungry?" I asked

Gemma and the others busted out laughing.

"You just when all Hulk on Jax's ass and now you're hungry?" Juice says

"Hey, I'm eating for two. and it's not my fault he had to get the shit scared out of him practically for him to go see that beautiful baby boy." I replied

they all smiled while shaking their heads.

I put my list away before I came back and headed towards the kitchen to make something to eat.

"You ok?" Alex asked

"I'm fine baby just me and the little guy is hungry" I tell him

"I mean with the whole Jax ordeal," he says

I stopped what I was doing.

"I understand his fear of thinking Abel will be like poor  Tommy but he's letting fear of the past repeating itself get in the way of seeing his son. when I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Abel's not having Tommy's fate. that history isn't repeating itself. " I explained

"nothing wrong with miracles" Alex says

"Which Abel is one and he's a fighting one." I replied

He agreed with me then offered to help me cook some food before Gemma and the other ladies ushered him off and took over.

Wild free soul ( completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now