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I dont get how some people that's old enough to know the meaning behind my shirt don't get it. 

all throughout work today since things are back to normal and not lockdown. people's looked at me and gave me a confused look.

I know a grand majority if not all of them has heard the meaning so the confused weird looks aren't needed.

"Yo, V.i.p Lets kick it," Gemma says

I grinned and waddled up to her and wrapped my arms around Her.

"Finally someone gets the shirt," I says

"no one caught that?" she asked

"nope been getting weird looks and confused" I replied

 She shook her head.

"go figure," she says

I dropped my arms and walked off with Gemma where we were going.

Turns out she was getting a head start on buying Sebby some gifts and things.

"Gemma you don't need to do this I swear I can buy these for mine and Alex's son" I tell her

"you hush, that's my nephews so I'm buying him some things" she says

"Ok sister" I replied

 she looked at me and shook her head while smiling before continuing her shoping.

By the time we had left the store and unloaded the sites,put them away and put the things together we was clunked out on the nursery floor.

where Tig and Jax found us.

"Yea, they are fine," I heard

"both are crashed out on Sebastian's nursery floor."

I groaned and started waking up as did Gemma.

"damn this is gonna be a bitch to get up" I commented

Gemma stood up while Tig reached for my hands and pulled me up and into his arms.

I smiled and pecked his lips.

"thank you Tigzy" I say

 "welcome baby" he says

"when are you two gonna marry already?" Bobby asked as he walked in the room

"He's not even put a ring on it and your by passing to maraige." I tell Bobby

"what if we just don't get engaged and just marry?" Tig asked

I looked at him

"really?" I asked

"yea. I wanna marry you. I've been in love with you for a long ass time as you've been with me. we've been seeing each other since you've been home." he says

"do you have time to just elope?" I asked

"no...bu..." he trails off

"see so that's not possible," I tell him

"you get a dress on, the guys will handle Tig, while I deal with the rest," Gem says

I looked at her and nodded before she ushered them all out. 

Once I had a simple maternity dress on with some wedges I headed out the door with Gemma and off to the courthouse we went. I made sure to grab the ring that I had wanted to give Tig when we married later on down the road. but things had changed which I'm fine with.

We stood before our friends saying our vows from the heart. he did his Harley part of the vows with his brothers before we exchanged rings and was pronounced husband and wife.

Once we kissed the others stood up cheering and whistling as Tig and I walked ofo got on his Dyna and drove off to have some pregnancy fun.

We laid in the aftermath of our marriage consuming sex that lasted the rest of the night and halfway through morning before crashing out.

Wild free soul ( completed & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now