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That night after Sebastian went home with Gemma Tigzy had riled my ass. Of course, he was careful with our little bean. He had me in multiple positions for longer than seventy minutes and hot damn was it orgasmic.

now here I am at work doing invoices while he's working on a car.

"Hey baby, your friend Trissy is watching both boys," Gemma says

"that's fine" I assured her

"just letting you know that your other nanny that was watching Seb quit due to moving outta state so Trissy took over" she explained

"thank you so much for telling me." I say before finishing up the invoice I was working on and stepping out to call Trissy.

Once I talked with Trissy about our agreement I went back to work only to be stopped by Tigzy who took me right back to where I was standing.

"what's wrong baby?" I asked

"you know how Jax and I was talking about Seb at his birthday and him being mine?" he askes

"Yea baby I heard you both" I replied

" Is he gonna know his birth dad?" he asked

"well, he'll know of him cause I won't keep that from him. but it's like you said as far as we are concerned you're his father" I tell him

he sighs in relief.

I creased his face.

"Tig. I am not gonna make him think anything less of you. you've been in his life from day one. you're his dad. and you love him like he's your blood. he will know of his birth father but he's gonna know about you so much more. You're gonna be teaching him so much as he grows up. like how to be a mechanic, about bikes, how to shoot a gun. when he's in his teens. and other things that a dad generally teaches their sons." I tell him

He nodded his head and gave me a kiss before we went back to work.

After work when Tigzy left to handle club matter I headed to Jax's to check on the boys when Tara was there.

I paid Trissy and thanked her for watching them both before she left.

I sat there with both boys not trusting Tara with any of the two.

"You can go now, I'm here," she says

I scuffed as I sat Seb down beside Abel and let them play along with each other and have their own little conversation in their baby talk.

"what don't trust me?" she asked

"fuck no I don't" I replied

"that was a one time thing" she says

"it shouldn't have happened" I replied

"don't blame me for the guys fucking mess up" she say

I stood up and looked at her.

"I'm not blaming you for their situations I'm blaming you for being a fucking coward" I replied

"I was in fear of my life" she states

"oh and Kip wasn't?" I asked

"he was," she says

"then don't give me that fucking shit. he risked his life to protect Abel while you fucking froze like a weak ass that you are" I replied

"I'm not weak," she says

I laughed

"sure you're not" I replied

she steps in my face right as Jax and Tig show up

"Ok break it up you two" Jax says

"keep this weak ass away from me or this bitch will stomp a mudhole in her fucking ass" I tell him

"you're pregnant you have to be careful," Jax says

"yes I know. but she keeps stepping in my face and I'll fix hers" I  replied

That said I picked up Seb and kissed Abel's cheek.

"bye buddy see you next time, be good for your daddy" I tell Abel

TIg had grabbed all of Sebastian's things for me.

"Bye Jax Hunny. be good, you need me or Tigzy you know where to find us and how to reach us," I tell Jax after kissing his cheek.

After Tigzy and I took Seb home and got him down for a nap I got things situated with Tig cause I knew that the talk we had was still weighing in on his mind.

So once that was cleared up we went to clean up before I cooked some dinner and cuddled up with him talking about different things.

Wild free soul ( completed & not edited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin